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College grads score YouTube hit with 'Obama That I Used to Know' parody

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Old 08-10-2012, 04:17 PM   #1
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College grads score YouTube hit with 'Obama That I Used to Know' parody

Political parody 'Obama That I Used to Know' goes viral

College grads playing the role of lovers scorned by President Obama have scored a smash YouTube hit with a parody of Gotye's "Somebody That I Used to Know."
The video, which was tracking toward 400,000 hits Friday morning, faithfully covers the original, only under the title, "Obama That I Used to Know."
The clever parody intersperses some of the president's more soaring lines from the 2008 campaign with laments about the current state of the economy for America's 20-somethings.
"Now and then I think of that Election Day November," the song begins. "When you won, I felt so happy I could die."
Hum along if you know the tune, but it continues:
"You can get addicted to a certain kind of message -- like this is change we can believe in, yes we can.
"But college ended had to pay my rent. At least you're the first gay president. But the change I got is that I moved in with my mother."
And the chorus: "Because you won and then you cut me off. Now your speeches never soar as high as unemployment. You took ObamaCare so far, but you left me like a dog strapped on Romney's car."
Co-creators Justin Monticello and Ryan Newbrough told Fox News they supported the president in 2008, but were reflecting the disillusionment some in their generation are experiencing.
"As the makers of a parody video on YouTube, it's a little tough to speak to everybody, but I think ... it wasn't unnatural to be kind of attracted to the message that he had," Monticello said.
"And I just think that there are some things he hadn't delivered on that he promised to do, and that's why some people are feeling disillusioned."

Read more: College grads score YouTube hit with 'Obama That I Used to Know' parody | Fox News
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Old 08-10-2012, 11:58 PM   #2
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Re: College grads score YouTube hit with 'Obama That I Used to Know' parody

That was good.
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