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Jackie Chan slams US as the 'most corrupt' country in the world

this is a discussion within the Everything Else Community Forum; Saved me from buying any of his crappy movies from the $5 bin @ Wal-Mart!! FWIW, my comment is under screen name SaintsWillWin! ********************************************************* Jackie Chan's coffers might be lined with plenty of American fans' gold, but that’s not going ...

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Old 01-13-2013, 12:14 PM   #1
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Thumbs down Jackie Chan slams US as the 'most corrupt' country in the world

Saved me from buying any of his crappy movies from the $5 bin @ Wal-Mart!!

FWIW, my comment is under screen name SaintsWillWin!


Jackie Chan's coffers might be lined with plenty of American fans' gold, but that’s not going to buy his affection. During an interview on Chinese TV, the action hero called the U.S. the most corrupt country in the world, while defending China's government after they censored a reform-minded newspaper. Chan said, "Our country's president also admits they have the corruption problem, and some other stuff, but we are making progress. … If you talk about corruption, the entire world, the United States, has no corruption?" His interviewer then said "America," and Chan drove his point home: "The most corrupt in the world." To be fair, Chan presumably spent most of his time in the U.S. working in Hollywood, so his perspective may be a little skewed. [Source]

Jackie Chan calls US most corrupt country in the world

"A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America" for an amount of "up to and including my life."
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Old 01-13-2013, 01:00 PM   #2
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Re: Jackie Chan slams US as the 'most corrupt' country in the world

To be fair, Chan presumably spent most of his time in the U.S. working in Hollywood, so his perspective may be a little skewed.
That could certainly explain things.
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Old 01-13-2013, 02:04 PM   #3
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Re: Jackie Chan slams US as the 'most corrupt' country in the world

Well yeah, because I'm soooo concerned about what THIS guy has to say.

About anything...

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Old 01-13-2013, 04:53 PM   #4
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Re: Jackie Chan slams US as the 'most corrupt' country in the world

Tell US something we don't allready know.
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