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Divorce Filings In China Surged Like Crazy This Week

this is a discussion within the Everything Else Community Forum; They always do this,” said Du Jinsong, a property analyst in Hong Kong for Credit Suisse. “When they implement new measures, people are always trying to circumvent the rules.” ... And in a bizarre twist, marriage registration centers in Shanghai, ...

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Old 03-10-2013, 10:45 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2007
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Divorce Filings In China Surged Like Crazy This Week

They always do this,” said Du Jinsong, a property analyst in Hong Kong for Credit Suisse. “When they implement new measures, people are always trying to circumvent the rules.”
And in a bizarre twist, marriage registration centers in Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuhan and other big cities were also inundated with couples who admitted they were filing for fake divorces in hopes of avoiding the property tax.
By filing for divorce, many reasoned, a couple with two homes could then claim that each had only one home. That way they could technically avoid having one of the homes classified as a second home, which under the new rules would be subject to the 20 percent capital gains tax if sold. After the divorce and the sale of one of the homes, the couple could file to be remarried.

Divorce Filings In China Surged Like Crazy This Week - Yahoo! Finance

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