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Wal-Mart Sucks.

this is a discussion within the Everything Else Community Forum; Wal-Mart SUCKS. I never been much of a Tracy Morgan fan. But really Wal-Mart. It was some how his fault. Really!

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Old 09-30-2014, 09:57 PM   #1
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Wal-Mart Sucks.

Wal-Mart SUCKS. I never been much of a Tracy Morgan fan. But really Wal-Mart. It was some how his fault. Really!
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Old 09-30-2014, 10:16 PM   #2
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Re: Wal-Mart Sucks.

Originally Posted by QBREES9 View Post
Wal-Mart SUCKS. I never been much of a Tracy Morgan fan. But really Wal-Mart. It was some how his fault. Really!
That's what lawyers do, it's their job. Walmart lawyers have the job of mitigating damages as much as possible. They'll throw out accusations, blame, drag a little name through the mud...... until the plaintiff's attorney's have a bite into their juicy burger of garbage.

A lawyers job is to throw as much reasonable crap at anything hoping something sticks, especially true for defense lawyers.

Everyone knows - judges, jurors etc. - that Walmart is greedy. Even Walmart knows it's greedy....

Walmart spokesperson Brooke Buchanan said in a statement that the company "continues to stand willing to work with Mr. Morgan and the other plaintiffs to resolve this matter."
The statement above screams of "drop the case and we'll settle! Just don't go all the way and we'll be reasonable!!!"

Sounds to me like Tracy Morgan is trying to retire on income he gets from this accident. He was a victim, but he may be asking for something outrageous, maybe more than the family of the passenger who died with him in the vehicle. (I have no clue, I never read the court documents and filings, but I've read thousands of them, and Morgan's lawyers' job is to GET AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE OUT OF WALLY WORLD!)

Trust me, they have dirt on Morgan - like they probably have a toxicology reports, they have something that could hurt his reputation. Majority of these things settle out of court.

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Last edited by Halo; 09-30-2014 at 10:19 PM..
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Old 09-30-2014, 10:28 PM   #3
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Re: Wal-Mart Sucks.

Here's a comment on the Yahoo article from username "Captain Greybeard"--
At any time during the process, it can be determined that the Walmart driver is responsible only for the injuries involved in his actions. This can be mitigated by negligence in the use (or lack of use) of safety gear (required by law) should it be found the inhabitants of Morgan's vehicle were not belted in.
Although I disagree with Captain Greybeard's premise because most states (if any) do not require passengers in a limo or bus to wear a seat-belt in the backseat, Captain Greybeard is exactly the kind of scum you'd want to hire if you were tasked with finding lawyers to defend a multitrillion dollar company against a multibillion dollar negligence lawsuit.

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