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Danno 10-29-2014 06:29 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 5!!! SPOILERS

Originally Posted by dizzle88 (Post 621870)
Definitely, He became my favourite character since season 2.
He was still a bit of an outcast then, but he searched for Carols missing daughter night and day whilst the others stood around arguing with each other.

One person was right from the start and that was shane, in season 2 he said "the officer friendly role won't keep you alive in this world, people like me survive because we do what we have to"

Now obviously shane didn't survive but Rick has turned into the character that Shane was talking about.

I think that Priest is still hiding something, the car that abducted Beth had the holy cross on the back of it.

Wow, I totally missed that connection. Thats probably why he's been so cryptic. I'll bet he's working with (or for) someone else and hes hiding it from the group.

Good catch.

SloMotion 10-30-2014 05:21 AM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 5!!! SPOILERS

Originally Posted by dizzle88 (Post 621856)
Hope everyone has been watching!!

Wow the episodes just get better and better, really enjoying season 5 so far

Rick is absolutely brutal!!! Not going to lie though, that terminus jerk deserved the machete to the face after everything he's done!!

The series has taken a very dark turn and so has rick Grimes, try and remember what he tried to be like in seasons 1 and 2 and its nearly impossible to believe its the same guy

Yeah, I got that impression as well when they went all banzai on the the Terminus group in the church, :shock: ... no more "Mr. Nice Guy" for Rick, I'm afraid, :cool:. I'm gonna' have to go back and separate which characters did the banzaing and which characters seemed to display a shock/possible slight disapproval at the group's new m.o. as it may cause a split later in the script.

Was glad they eliminated the Terminus bad guys & didn't drag them out after seeing a season or two of the Governor. Wasn't real happy with the whole "Glenn/Maggie getting on the bus to DC" thing, but was glad to see Michonne reunited with her sword, :) ... and how 'bout when Bob revealed to the cannibals he'd been bitten and they were eating 'tainted meat', :lol: ... oh man, what a scene & just in time for Halloween.

It is getting better with each episode.

SloMotion 11-11-2014 09:25 AM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 5!!! SPOILERS
Could it be just a matter of time before people lose all interest in the NFL?


Originally Posted by YahooTV
‘The Walking Dead’ Ratings Beat ‘Sunday Night Football’ For Third Time This Season

The record-breaking The Walking Dead has tackled the once unassailable Sunday Night Football for a loss — again. For a second time in two weeks and a third time in the five weeks, the AMC series has left the NBC and the NFL in the demo dust. Facing a blowout on SNF last night as the Green Bay Packers pummeled the Chicago Bears 55-14, Walking Dead drew a 7.0 rating among its adults 18-49 fans. That 11% better than the 6.2 that SNF received in fast nationals ... read more:

Danno 11-11-2014 10:35 AM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 5!!! SPOILERS
The problem is that I can practically watch the Walking Dead between NFL commercials, penalties and plays under review.

And College ball is just as bad.

Its starting to make baseball look action-packed.

BTW: the last 2 episodes of TWD have been pretty weak. I'm hoping it picks up some steam.

Halo 11-11-2014 11:18 AM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 5!!! SPOILERS
The SNF, MNF, and TNF games this season, with the exception of a few, have been total blowouts so bad they're embarrassing.

Ever WE got wiped at the cowgirls in PrimeTime and turned around a few weeks later and RAPED the Packers and Panthers. So many lopsided games. The Scam Newton Carolina game was so embarrassing last night I could hardly watch. Remember the Bears getting destroyed in primetime earlier this year?

Who keeps scheduling the GIANTS? I wouldn't schedule them until last 1/3rd of the season when their Vicodin and Hydrocodone injections start kicking in.

SapperSaint 11-14-2014 05:11 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 5!!! SPOILERS
sorry I'm late to the party.

I told my wife at the start of this season that mullet man was not a scientist. She said "what makes you think that?". I said he was a super nerd and knew a lot of stuff but couldn't defend/take care of himself and the "Army" guy was just a dumb brute who needed a "mission". I KNEW IT!

Didn't see him sabotaging the vehicle. Anyway; YES, it's been a brutal season. Didn't care for the "Beth" episode but it's needed. Waiting for Morgan to return is too much. I hope they don't wait til the last episode.

Danno 11-14-2014 05:52 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 5!!! SPOILERS

Originally Posted by SapperSaint (Post 624795)
sorry I'm late to the party.

I told my wife at the start of this season that mullet man was not a scientist. She said "what makes you think that?". I said he was a super nerd and knew a lot of stuff but couldn't defend/take care of himself and the "Army" guy was just a dumb brute who needed a "mission". I KNEW IT!

I was suspicious of that as well. I hope the next show gets back to Rick, Daryl Carol and Beth.

I think someone's gonna pay dearly for abducting Beth.

SloMotion 11-15-2014 05:53 AM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 5!!! SPOILERS

Originally Posted by SapperSaint (Post 624795)
sorry I'm late to the party.

I told my wife at the start of this season that mullet man was not a scientist. She said "what makes you think that?". I said he was a super nerd and knew a lot of stuff but couldn't defend/take care of himself and the "Army" guy was just a dumb brute who needed a "mission". I KNEW IT!

Didn't see him sabotaging the vehicle. Anyway; YES, it's been a brutal season. Didn't care for the "Beth" episode but it's needed. Waiting for Morgan to return is too much. I hope they don't wait til the last episode.

Good call ... how did you figure that out? I knew where Abraham (army guy) was coming from, but always kinda' assumed Eugene (mullet guy) was the real deal. "Human Genome Project" ... yep, sounded pretty legit to me, :).

The "Beth" episode left me kinda', "meh" ... guess they needed some filler/content for upcoming episodes, <shrug>. Beth can't carry an episode & I hope they don't try that again anytime soon. It was nice to see the "Everyone hates Chris" kid finally get another role, :lol:.

I'm starting to wonder what Rick & the gang are doing back at the church ... :neutral:

SapperSaint 11-16-2014 10:25 AM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 5!!! SPOILERS
Just little things about Eugene said to me that he wasn't really "The Savior". When he wouldn't explain the cure to the others, when they were locker in the boxcar. When he didn't know how to shoot the M4 and shot the gas tank. When he was explaining how the cure would work (in the last episode) and Abraham went from smiling to a look of "WTH did he just say?" (as if he had contradicted himself to what Eugene had told him before).

Eugene just seems like the uber-nerd who is on the internet all day, believing/researching in Government conspiracies and knows a lot of senceless trivia.

I take it that what stopped the D.Cer's was a landscape of walkers. I really couldn't tell. If that's the case; he knew his lie had gotten way out of hand and was about to get him killed. He's starting to realize/learn how to defend himself but he can't do it by himself just yet. hince the water hose and the spitting on the dead zombie he killed.

Can't wait for tonight. Hope it goes back to the church, but I have a feeling it's about Carol and Beth.

SapperSaint 11-17-2014 07:31 AM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 5!!! SPOILERS
Ok. Not a bad episode. Daryl is slowly but surely pull Carol back into the loving person she used to be. Daryl keeps losing the women in his life. I look for Daryl and Carol to finally hook up.

I don't see the new guy lasting an entire season.

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