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How Tripping On Mushrooms Changes The Brain

this is a discussion within the Everything Else Community Forum; These new connections are likely what allow users to experience things like seeing sounds or hearing colors. And they could also be responsible for giving magic mushrooms some of their antidepressant qualities. When researchers compared the brains of people who ...

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  • 1 Post By QBREES9

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Old 10-30-2014, 01:21 AM   #1
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How Tripping On Mushrooms Changes The Brain

These new connections are likely what allow users to experience things like seeing sounds or hearing colors. And they could also be responsible for giving magic mushrooms some of their antidepressant qualities.

When researchers compared the brains of people who had received IV injections of psilocybin with those of people given a placebo, they found that the drug changed how information was carried across the brain. (Subjects received 2 milligrams of psilocybin; the dose and concentration of the chemical in actual mushrooms — which are eaten, not injected — varies.) Typically, brain activity follows specific neural networks. But in the people given psilocybin injections, cross-brain activity seemed more erratic, as if freed from its normal framework.

When the researchers looked more closely, however, they noticed that the sparks of activity across the brains of their drugged volunteers wasn't as chaotic as it seemed.
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Old 11-01-2014, 01:27 AM   #2
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Re: How Tripping On Mushrooms Changes The Brain

Too bad really that the US Government shut down studies on the value of treating mental patients with lsd. Addicts also had a much higher success rate of recovery with their use.

But the government was more interested in mind control than it was any real value they uncovered while trying to figure out how to make entire populations high enough to overtake them without firing a shot.

Leary and Kesey were nuts, but they weren't crazy.
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Old 11-01-2014, 09:38 AM   #3
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Re: How Tripping On Mushrooms Changes The Brain

Can't say I've had the same experiences as some. Is this what happens when you partake in shrooms?

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