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Military drawing up plans for weapon confiscation

this is a discussion within the Full Disclosure Community Forum; Originally Posted by Beastmode We always had the MRAPs, they are being brought home. Same thing was done during WWII, Vietnam, and the Gulf War. We brought vehichles back and used them. The bigger question is where do they plan ...

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Old 03-07-2013, 01:02 PM   #11
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Re: Military drawing up plans for weapon confiscation

Originally Posted by Beastmode View Post
We always had the MRAPs, they are being brought home. Same thing was done during WWII, Vietnam, and the Gulf War. We brought vehichles back and used them. The bigger question is where do they plan on getting the manpower to do this job? A lot of people in the military and law enforcement own weapons. So the plan is to tell them to stop at their homes first, get their guns, then start going house to house? LOL. Good luck achieving that mission.
The Pentagon is not purchasing these MRAPs the DHS is.
Why would DHS need 1.6 BILLION rounds?

Who is invading... The Chinese?

I am ex-ARMY I fully understand bringing vehicles back from combat and leaving them in a host nation. We left a lot in Saudi after Desert Storm.
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Old 03-07-2013, 07:28 PM   #12
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Re: Military drawing up plans for weapon confiscation

I have no idea what they are doing with the rounds but I know a portion of them will be used for training so you could drop that number down by 20-30% easily. Over the course of several years there would not be much left. Besides, the ROI are so strict we can't even shoot in combat unless the enemy almost hits us in the forehead. During Katrina we were allowed 3 rounds. That's with no law enforcement in one of the murder capitals of the world with some of the poorest people with no food or water. 3. If anyone believes this nonsense then go take a hard look at the ROI in Afghanistan right now. If you pull that trigger be prepared to spend a couple of hours filling out paperwork.
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Old 03-08-2013, 01:02 PM   #13
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Re: Military drawing up plans for weapon confiscation

Return on Investment?

Or do you mean RoE? Rules of Engagement

Again this is not for the Military, it is for DHS... Or DHL if you like lol.

I am exARMY 1.6 BILLION rounds will last a very long time.

That is 53,333,333 / 30 round magazines . Consuming 60 rounds with 40 target exposures to qualify twice a year that is 13,333,333 MILLION people qualified on an M-16 range ...

if you made them qualify every month you could still qualify 1 million people a month in a year.

DHS employs a total of 200,000 people. That is TOTAL including desk jockeys.

It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see. ~ Henry David Thoreau
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