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250,000 years ago

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Old 10-21-2016, 02:19 PM   #1
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250,000 years ago
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Old 10-22-2016, 12:00 AM   #2
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Re: 250,000 years ago

I love how these self proclaimed "scientists" throw random numbers and assumptions around.

What evidence do any of them have of there being such a thing as "250,000" years ago? There is no way to date the age of the world or anything else in existence, without some kind of forensic link or other physical evidence than can be compared with something that is known to be from a certain time period. DNA testing is the best thing we have. You can't use that to date materials, or the age of the world. We only have human record to go by and make general estimates, which put us somewhere in the six to seven thousand year old ballpark.

All of this carbon dating crap that is purported as "science" is completely subjective and downright dishonest. Carbon dating has no way to differentiate something that has been aging inside of a climate controlled room, the bottom of the ocean, or up on a cliff getting pounded by weather. Depending on the condition of the object, it can give all sorts of outrageous readings, and gives no clues as to what it has been through to get to that point.

So they find a piece of junk, arbitrarily decide it's age, and then make the grand assumption that it's from a UFO wreck. Nobody has ever found a single credible trace of life anywhere else, but it's totally legitimate to just throw that out there. Yet if I say that God exists and created the universe, I'll get spit on and called a moron.

The way that true science proves the existence of God is the very fact that it CANNOT disprove him, and it does not support, in any practical way, the notion that all matter of life and all of the perfect conditions it takes to support life can come to pass by a random cosmic explosion. Have you ever blown something up and watched it turn into anything that remotely made sense, let alone something intelligent? Much less an entire universe?

And just as it is impossible for me to understand how God always existed, no evolutionist can tell you what created those elements that they believe exploded, in the first place.

I know I got off into a different subject, but every time I see these ridiculous numbers thrown around for how old something is, I know I'm looking at atheists.
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If I had a nickel for every time I heard that, the NFL would fine and suspend me.
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