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Val Valiant Thor

this is a discussion within the Full Disclosure Community Forum; I don't know if any of you are familiar with the man in the Pentagon with an IQ of 1200, Commander Val Valiant Thor. He was said to come from Venus where there is a "Council of 12" representing the ...

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Old 06-08-2018, 11:19 AM   #1
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Val Valiant Thor

I don't know if any of you are familiar with the man in the Pentagon with an IQ of 1200, Commander Val Valiant Thor. He was said to come from Venus where there is a "Council of 12" representing the Federation of Planets.

Apparently in 2005, the inhabitants of "Inner Earth", the people who live inside our planet, were admitted to the Federation of Planets, but not us folks above ground.

Valiant Thor is an immortal who resides inside the planet Venus. He is the commander of Victor One, a spaceship presently stationed on the ground near Lake Mead, Nevada, and he heads the Council of Twelve in Venus.

In March of 1957 Valiant Thor landed in a small craft in Alexandria, Virginia and subsequently met with President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Vice-President Richard Nixon and Chiefs of Staff. The Commander was offered a three-year furnished apartment at the Pentagon.

Valiant Thor Bio
Valiant Thor Bio in French

Regina Heringa started receiving messages from the Council of 12 in the year 2009 (the year the Saints rolled over the earth destroying all enemies and winning the Superbowl).

In June 2009, Regiena Heringa began receiving information of a spiritual and scientific nature from The Intergalactic Federation of Planets. This knowledge is transmitted to her telepathically through a combination of thoughts, concepts and images. While sitting quietly in a place of sacredness and keeping her consciousness wide and high, Regiena records these messages by hand. Contact with the Federation is always permeated with loving friendship and with the utmost respect.

You can read and join their monthly email newsletter here

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Old 06-08-2018, 11:57 AM   #2
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Re: Val Valiant Thor


I didn't know you are a Lightworker. Wow and WTF?

I've been a lightworker for years and have an unbelievable IQ.
It may be low, but it is unbelievable.

Have you been listening to David Willcock again?

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Old 06-08-2018, 10:51 PM   #3
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Re: Val Valiant Thor

Originally Posted by Halo View Post
I don't know if any of you are familiar with the man in the Pentagon with an IQ of 1200, Commander Val Valiant Thor. He was said to come from Venus where there is a "Council of 12" representing the Federation of Planets.

Apparently in 2005, the inhabitants of "Inner Earth", the people who live inside our planet, were admitted to the Federation of Planets, but not us folks above ground.

Valiant Thor Bio
Valiant Thor Bio in French

Regina Heringa started receiving messages from the Council of 12 in the year 2009 (the year the Saints rolled over the earth destroying all enemies and winning the Superbowl).

You can read and join their monthly email newsletter here

Originally Posted by foreverfan View Post

I didn't know you are a Lightworker. Wow and WTF?

I've been a lightworker for years and have an unbelievable IQ.
It may be low, but it is unbelievable.

Have you been listening to David Willcock again?

Urgent Message For Lightworkers from Council of Twelve - YouTube
The best part is right here...


Valiant Thor est un immortel qui réside à l'intérieur de la planète Vénus. Il est le commandant de Victor One, un vaisseau spatial actuellement stationné sur le sol près du Lac Mead au Nevada, et il dirige le Conseil des douze à l’intérieur de la planète Venus.

En mars 1957, Valiant Thor a atterri dans un petit vaisseau à Alexandria en Virginie et il a ensuite rencontré le président Dwight D. Eisenhower, le vice-président Richard Nixon et les chefs d'état-major. On lui a offert un appartement meublé au Pentagone pendant trois ans.

Le but de la visite de Valiant Thor était d'aider la famille de la Planète Terre à mener une vie basée sur les principes spirituels afin d’assurer le progrès équilibré dans tous les domaines de la société, y compris la santé, l'économie, le progrès scientifique et technologique, la justice, l'éducation et la gouvernance. Bien que le gouvernement américain ait refusé son aide, Valiant Thor et son équipe continuent de fournir une assistance à l’humanité jusqu’à ce jour.

En décembre 1959, le Dr. Stranges a rencontré le commandant Valiant Thor, une rencontre qui a créé une amitié profonde entre les deux hommes jusqu'à la mort du Dr. Stranges en novembre 2008.

Les détails de cette rencontre se trouvent dans un livre du Dr. Stranges intitulé Stranger at the Pentagon. Ce livre est également disponible en espagnol sous le titre Un Extraterrestre en el Pentágno.

Le Dr. Stranges a également écrit une description détaillée en deux parties à propos de Valiant Thor que l’on peut trouver en cliquant ici : la première partie et la deuxième partie.

Un court-métrage intitulé Stranger at the Pentagon a été réalisé récemment.
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