We used to call him "Papa Bear" when he played for the Wings,

... so know the guy who started/spearheaded the whole Russian defection to the NHL wants to restrict it now that he's the Chairman of the Federation Council's Commission on Sports (Russia) ... that's what you would call "ironic",

. I get it though, keep your local talent at home for as long as you can, #shrug.
Originally Posted by AP - Sports

MOSCOW (AP) -- Former Detroit Red Wings star Slava Fetisov has called for Russia to reintroduce Soviet-style restrictions to prevent promising young hockey players from moving to the NHL.
Fetisov, who is now a senator in Russia, tells Russia's R-Sport news agency that federal law should be used to stop Russian players from moving to North America before they turn 28.
The aim is to keep ''our most talented guys, the ones who the people come to see.''
Fetisov was one of the first players to benefit from the relaxation of Soviet-era rules which prevented any hockey players from leaving. He moved to the NHL in 1989 with the New Jersey Devils when he was 31, and went on to win two Stanley Cups with the Red Wings.