Yeah, most of the Finnish immigrant ended up in Michigan and Minnesota - I guess because it was very similar to what it is like in Finland. I remember reading from somewhere that most of them worked as lumberjacks in the vast forests of the upper peninsula, like you stated. They were mostly just men in the beginning, who spent most of their year cutting down forest and they only went to towns a couple of days a year where they sent most of the money they had made back to their families in Finland and off course had a couple of drinks. The funny things is that I've seen shop/bar signs that state "No Indians, No Finns allowed!" because they used get pretty animated on those rare visits to town.
I think I remember there even being a region called Finland or was it "Suomi" (Finland in Finnish) and they have a Finlandia University that promotes Finnish heritage:
Finlandia University
The NHL game itself has become so much more entertaining from what it was only a decade ago, most if not all of the rules changes have been for the best, but I still think they should allow more bigger hits (off course not including those with an intention to hurt or when targeting the head). The icing rule is something that they will have to take a closer look at, because as it is at the moment it is not working. This season the zeebras aren't even whistling icing is some player is deemed to have been close enough to puck even though they didn't touch it - it's ridiculous, and makes teams playing the 1-3-1 incredibly hard to open up. They should make it an instant whistle without the need for a touch, just stop calling them altogether or be more strict with the determination of icings.