02-17-2023, 09:45 PM
Hu Dat!
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 6,820
In Defense of Aaron Rodgers
I for one, am getting tired of the sharp ridicule and criticism Rodgers has been getting for the way he conducts himself, the use of psychedelics and the forthcoming darkness retreat. He instead should be applauded for using his platform to spread awareness about different treatments and approaches that could improve mental health and wellness. Rodgers advocates thinking for yourself and doing your own self-searching and examination of the truth in order to arrive at your own conclusions. And with that approach comes the willingness to stand mostly on your own or with a minority opinion while taking flak from judgmental and shallow-minded people while not dodging the public eye.
If you're talking about mental health being a top priority in our society and then you turn around and then tear down Rodgers for the things he communicates, then you're talking out of both sides of your mouth and I'm not sure what to do with you.
Probably not likely at all Rodgers would ever be our QB, and I don't think he is the full-on leader that Brees was or some other QB's are. But he is a very courageous guy with a lightning-quick release. I think under the right circumstances he'd be a great asset on and off the field.