02-18-2008, 02:24 PM
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Spygate Update
Arlen Specter appears eager to push ahead with an inquiry after meeting with Roger Goodell:
"There are many matters which have not been explained," Specter said. "And the commissioner is stonewalling."
Gee commish. Sounds like you failed in your sale. Better go home and kick your dog to get your anger out. Or extend Odell Thurman's suspension another year. Whichever makes you feel better.
Oh, and horrible job to you, sir, at containing this. Destroying the tapes and declaring that there was nothing to see? Bad idea then. Bad idea now. Bad idea forever. You really could not foresee the obvious question? That if there was nothing to see, why did you destroy the tapes? Absolute incompetence.
Source: Sports Frog's Blog