05-06-2010, 10:09 PM
Senior Citizen
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Gulfport, MS
Posts: 3,180
Re: LT accused of rape (Lawrence Taylor)
First off let me make it completely clear, that I could give a fresh morning eye booger, about Lawrence Taylor, or what he has done in the past, present, or what he will do in the future. Now, secondly, if this girl is a prostitute, then 15 or not, she was there, for a reason. Now, thirdly, and most important.... Haven't we been through this before with Warren Sapp's troubles, and Mike Irvin's troubles? We don't know the whole story on this yet. LT is denying the whole thing, from what I've seen online. Why not wait until we have ALL of the facts, before we form a mob, with torches, and pitchforks eh?
What's popular is not always right, and what's right is not always popular.....