07-23-2012, 10:28 PM
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Originally Posted by SloMotion
IDK, I look at going to the Super Bowl and four consectutive Super Bowls as more of a team accomplishment then an individual one ... the fact Marino only went to one is more a reflection of Miami having to go through those great Buffalo teams of the 90's in the playoffs more then an indictment of Marino ... having four opportunities to win a SuperBowl and failing each time however, is something I would view as an individual shortcoming on a QB's part, ie Kelly.
Consider this ... what would Buffalo's SuperBowl record be today had Dan Marino/Jim Kelly traded places? I'd imagine Buffalo would probably have won 2 or 3 of those games and I still don't think Miami would have advanced past Buffalo in any of those playoffs, even with Jim Kelly at the helm.
Both were elite QB's and deserving of a SB ring, but if we're going to debate it, I'm going with Marino.
What's Jim Kelly doing these days anyway? Marino has his commercials & the Ace Ventura movie, you never see Jim Kelly ... must have invested his money wisely, guys like that usually do,  .
JimKelly.com | The Official Site for Hall of Fame Quarterback Jim Kelly
Looks like he stays pretty busy.