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Srgt. Hulka 01-20-2014 12:36 PM

Re: Class interview by Seahawks sherman

Originally Posted by papz (Post 574870)
Apparently there's more to the story. Crabtree tried to fight Sherman at a charity event and there's been bad blood between the two ever since. It was tacky what Sherman did as he could have taken the high road... but he didn't and I really don't care. That's not our problem to deal with.

Maybe so Papz, but that still doesn't excuse him for going on national TV and acting like an uncivilized jackass.

Thanks goodness it's not our problem. I would be embarrased to be a Saints fan today if he was wearing black and gold when he did that.

Crusader 01-20-2014 03:36 PM

Re: Class interview by Seahawks sherman
Sherman just comes across as a guy you wouldn't feel sorry for if he got hit by a bus or his house burned down.

papz 01-20-2014 05:29 PM

Re: Class interview by Seahawks sherman
Richard Sherman explains the Crabtree incident and postgame interview | The MMQB with Peter King

SaintsBro 01-20-2014 05:53 PM

Re: Class interview by Seahawks sherman
I don't have any problems with his gobbledygook Muhammad Ali speech -- in fact, the sixth or seventh time I saw it repeated on the news, I got to really liking it.

BUT the choke thing, and the patting Crabtree on the a--, REALLY pissed me off. The choke thing, or taunting another player in such a big emotional situation, that's just uncalled for. The classy and appropriate thing to do in that situation is to celebrate with your own team mates and pretend the other team doesn't exist, then shake hands with them later. Can you imagine if a kid did that choke gesture in a high school game, what would the parents and coaches and officials think.

TheOak 01-20-2014 06:46 PM

Re: Class interview by Seahawks sherman
Just watched TO of all people try and defend Sherman via Skype.

People like Sherman wear their education on their sleeve as if it's
Ulitmus paper that somehow validates their actions or opinions. I get it, Sherman is a Stamford graduate and I'm sure his family is very proud.

His degree is in communication..... Interesting use of his degree. Perhaps it will be used for his Masters thesis.

Back to my point, his rant was bathed in "I want the respect I feel I am owed". Respect is over rated, no one owes anyone anything, and there are bigger idiots with degrees.... bigger thugs with degrees from more prestigious universities.

Richard Sherman is one of the best CBs in this league presently... That's about the end of it. It takes more than a college degree to be intelligent, more than two pro bowls to make the Hall of Fame.

If Richard Sherman had a career ending injury this week he would never be on any NFL greatest lists, and after 2 years had passed only Seahawks fans would remember him.

Utah_Saint 01-20-2014 08:32 PM

Re: Class interview by Seahawks sherman
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

I liked Sherman. He annoys Roddy "I hate New Orleans" White, so that was good enough for me.

But I like to like the players I root for. And after that display, to me, he's just another professional athlete with no class. He's a great player but I'm not going to root for him.

But that's just me.

dueceloose 01-20-2014 11:08 PM

Re: Class interview by Seahawks sherman
He sounded like he wanted to say the n word in the interview but to claim yourself as greatest is saying a lot. No matter how much trash Jordan, Sanders, or whoever talked they still didn't belittle the competition. Even when we stomped the bucs last year we didn't go as far to say they aren't even worthy to play us.

As much as I dislike Sherm I still would like someone with talent like him on my team lol

alleycat_126 01-21-2014 07:43 AM

Re: Class interview by Seahawks sherman

Originally Posted by dueceloose (Post 574996)
He sounded like he wanted to say the n word in the interview but to claim yourself as greatest is saying a lot. No matter how much trash Jordan, Sanders, or whoever talked they still didn't belittle the competition. Even when we stomped the bucs last year we didn't go as far to say they aren't even worthy to play us.

As much as I dislike Sherm I still would like someone with talent like him on my team lol

I clearly think he was pissed because Crabtree mush faced him, the choke sign and all the other antics didn't come till after the Crabtree pushed him away....

Did he lie though? He didn't lie......he is the best right now.... Another thing he did was sold this Super Bowl..... Even if you didn't wanna watch you wanna see him get his ass kicked.......he's the Floyd mayweather of football.....

Like hell they didn't.....Jordan gave a hall of fame speech that belittled his own coaches for not seeing him and putting him in sooner, The year Larry Bird missed the three point shooting contest, Craig hodges won it and when asked about it bird responded with a comment to the effect " craig mean that guy at the end of the Bulls bench" or something to that effect...... It's not the first or last time we will see something like that.....

Seahawks12th 01-21-2014 05:51 PM

Re: Class interview by Seahawks sherman
What a soft and weak society we have become. Please read and learn about Dick Butkis. He was the meanest man that walked the earth and their was nothing civil about him and oh Yeah, he is in the hall of fame and the greatest Linebacker to ever play the game. Richard Sherman is a bad ass, the guy covers the best of the best and puts them on lockdown. That is why people hate this man. He takes your best weapon and destroys them. He grew up with nothing, got a Stanford education and is the best corner in football. Yet he speaks his mind and all we talk about is Sherman is a bad man. I will take the man that tells me what he thinks 10 times over the "classy" man like Brady who talks sh*t during the game and lies how he respects his opponents. What's the matter Brady? He made an ass out of you and now you are butthurt? Please!

What about a loser like Bill Belicheat? He trashes Wes Welker to the media, spys on other teams and steals their signals, only way he can win a superbowl. Wes Welker made a legal play and yet he destroys his character. Act like he has been there before? He hasn't LOL. Do I agree with his choice of words, no but he isn't beating his wife, shooting people or getting in bar fights.

Crabtree brought the fight to him and he lost. Crabtree decided to woof before the game, so Sherman woofed after. Where were all you when Crabtree was talking sh*t???

Srgt. Hulka 01-21-2014 06:25 PM

Re: Class interview by Seahawks sherman

Originally Posted by Seahawks12th (Post 575156)
What a soft and weak society we have become. Please read and learn about Dick Butkis. He was the meanest man that walked the earth and their was nothing civil about him and oh Yeah, he is in the hall of fame and the greatest Linebacker to ever play the game. Richard Sherman is a bad ass, the guy covers the best of the best and puts them on lockdown. That is why people hate this man. He takes your best weapon and destroys them. He grew up with nothing, got a Stanford education and is the best corner in football. Yet he speaks his mind and all we talk about is Sherman is a bad man. I will take the man that tells me what he thinks 10 times over the "classy" man like Brady who talks sh*t during the game and lies how he respects his opponents. What's the matter Brady? He made an ass out of you and now you are butthurt? Please!

What about a loser like Bill Belicheat? He trashes Wes Welker to the media, spys on other teams and steals their signals, only way he can win a superbowl. Wes Welker made a legal play and yet he destroys his character. Act like he has been there before? He hasn't LOL. Do I agree with his choice of words, no but he isn't beating his wife, shooting people or getting in bar fights.

Crabtree brought the fight to him and he lost. Crabtree decided to woof before the game, so Sherman woofed after. Where were all you when Crabtree was talking sh*t???

I don't think anybody here is questioning his ability on the field. I don't think anybody cares about trash talking to the opponent on the field. That's part of the game. Nobody is questioning wether Sherman is an excellent football player. He is. Nobody is questioning his education. We know he went to Stamford. We've been told that 1000 times this week on tv and the radio. But when he gets up on national television for an interview, and he acts like an uncivilized hood rat, screaming at the camera, screaming at the lady doing the interview, and screaming at me, yeah, he's gonna lose a whole bunch of respect and draw a whole lot of criticism. If he wants to act like a screaming baboon on the field, in the locker room, or at practice, fine. But don't ever act like that in my living room...period.

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