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TheOak 09-08-2014 01:43 PM

Ray Rice released
I'm looking for an article.

NinthWardJay 09-08-2014 01:45 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
Good, that dude is freaking sick. That was brutal and if that was my sister/daughter that he hit the playing in the NFL again would be the LAST of his worries

QBREES9 09-08-2014 01:59 PM

Re: Ray Rice released

Originally Posted by NinthWardJay (Post 609144)
Good, that dude is freaking sick. That was brutal and if that was my sister/daughter that he hit the playing in the NFL again would be the LAST of his worries

Agree. Get OUT ! You a PUNK SON.

Mardigras9 09-08-2014 02:11 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
I think the act is aweful and I have nothing but daughters.
But overall, he is doing a program that will erase the charge from his record, it is his first offense (that we know of), and the girl still married him. Again, not condoning this behavior in any way, but how many guys are in the league today who are repeat offenders, have been in violent altercations, DUI's, drug busts, RAPISTS, or have even killed someone.
I'm fine with his release, and good for the Baltimore organization, but I wish every organization adopted a NO tolerance policy for ALL criminal behavior. It is automatic termination where I work, and the NFL loves to claim it is a "business", make the rules across the board.

Rugby Saint II 09-08-2014 02:17 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
Buh bye loser.

WhoDat!656 09-08-2014 02:28 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
Ray Rice released by Ravens after video emerges | FOX Sports

lee909 09-08-2014 02:28 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
The suspension was already set and the Ravens and the NFL new what happened and imo probably saw the video but were happy to sweep it away till the public saw it. The media has started a stink and the Ravens get twitchy and Goodell doing his protect the shield B.S that he tried with us.

I have no sympathy for Rice as its a disgusting act but if you think he is the only player to habe done that you are massively mistaken

nola_swammi 09-08-2014 02:37 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
he have to be on some kinda drug. the little tap she gave him on the shoulder before he get on the elevator escalated to some cowardly bull shid. why in the hell did she marry him? I know why he married her, he wanted to hide behind the law that say his wife don't have to testify against him. Even so, that county or parish DA should've brought harder charges against him. video alone would've proven guilty. She probably be getting mentally abused as we speak

TheOak 09-08-2014 03:23 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
So much wrong with this I'm not sure where to start.

No defense of Ray Rice what so ever... Phuck him.


1. She still married him
2. The team vowed to stick by him.
3. Goodell levied punishment after an investigation.

Today the Ravens cut him and the league suspended him indefinitely.

Nothing new has happened! He deserved more then what he got and both the NFL and Ravens knew it. Truth came out and now they are scrambling to cover up for their cover up.

She needs to have her head examined.

Ray needs to do time and make a list.

Roger needs to be terminated along with the owner of the Ravens for trying to cover this up.

WHODATINCA 09-08-2014 03:23 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
I agree with MardiGras9 -- suspensions for all criminal behavior need to start coming. The punishment needs to be fair -- if the league really means they won't employ criminals.

It doesn't matter what stupid decisions his gf makes. The decision to marry him makes her a few sandwiches short of a picnic -- but her intellect is not the issue here. What really matters is what he did and how the league responds. They made a good choice.

This very same issue is why naming your product "Slap Yo Mama" is a problem. If you teach boys that it is OK to punch girls -- that's what they will do. It's called cultural indoctrination. Domestic violence isn't funny and we need to stop being OK with it -- even -- when it comes to humorously advertising products.

nola_swammi 09-08-2014 03:35 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
If Goodell weren't looking @ dealing a ruling on the owner of Colts, I think he would've given a harsher punishment w/out reviewing the tape. Now, it's biting him in the butt and he pass down a indefinite punishment to save face. how can he pass a indefinite punishment hours after new video, when pass a new law of 6 months on 1st offence

TheOak 09-08-2014 04:53 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
NFL.... Consistently inconsistent.

TheOak 09-08-2014 04:55 PM

Re: Ray Rice released

rezburna 09-08-2014 05:20 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
Respect yourself and everything around you. She shouldn't have hit, or spit on him. His reaction isn't justified, but understandable. Big overreaction on the Ravens part. Bull**** indefinite suspension by Goodell. This only about PR.

Danno 09-08-2014 05:26 PM

Re: Ray Rice released

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 609233)
Respect yourself and everything around you. She shouldn't have hit, or spit on him. His reaction isn't justified, but understandable. Big overreaction on the Ravens part. Bull**** indefinite suspension by Goodell. This only about PR.

Thats very disappointing to hear.

TheOak 09-08-2014 05:31 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
She swung twice and now she has no paycheck. Goodell punished the victim.

Justice is some how served?

Rez.... I get where you are coming from. There should be no morality clause where anyone takes physical abuse and stands there and takes it. If you don't want Ray Rice putting his hands on you.... Don't put your hands on him.

TheOak 09-08-2014 05:33 PM

Re: Ray Rice released

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 609236)
Thats very disappointing to hear.

He is right though Danno. In the eyes of the law..... Self defense.

JPPT1974 09-08-2014 05:48 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
It is very simple, do not hit a woman. Or even a woman hit a man as there are men that are being abuse, it is common but not as much as a man beating up a woman.

Really Goodell is trying to "Kiss and make up!" For the two game soft suspension by laying down the punishment that domestic violence is not to be tolerated. Not just to the league, but for the rest of the world to follow!

Rice should be set an example of this! For all to see. Not just stars but everybody in this world!

Jack Vegas 09-08-2014 06:16 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
This is all about to come down on Goodell hard.

nola_swammi 09-08-2014 06:31 PM

Re: Ray Rice released

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 609233)
Respect yourself and everything around you. She shouldn't have hit, or spit on him. His reaction isn't justified, but understandable. Big overreaction on the Ravens part. Bull**** indefinite suspension by Goodell. This only about PR.

I heard vice versa, he spit on her... Still that little tap she did to his shoulder didn't call for mike Tyson punchout to her face.

For the punishment
I differ on you; he is a reflection of the organization Raven PR don't won't stand behind a man that hit a woman in that nature. N.O.W would be on them worst than PETA was on Micheal Vick. No matter how unfair you or I think;money come before anything and he isn't worth it

K Major 09-08-2014 07:23 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
This is a black eye for the NFL. They tried to sweep this under the rug and it backfired.

Goddell needs to be be front and center answering difficult questions about the "Rice situation".

SmashMouth 09-08-2014 09:15 PM

Re: Ray Rice released

Originally Posted by Jack Vegas (Post 609244)
This is all about to come down on Goodell hard.

He still owes the Saints...time for him to pay up.

Audiotom 09-08-2014 10:15 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
The media, fans and people need to be in a big public outrage

Tmz now claims they have definitive knowledge that Goodell knew

Goodell needs to resign immediately

Worse he will hold out and people will demand his head even more

SmashMouth 09-08-2014 10:34 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
De Smith: Players deserve due process, just like Irsay | ProFootballTalk
Ravens, NFL easily could have gotten Ray Rice video | ProFootballTalk

WHODATINCA 09-08-2014 10:47 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
Of course, the NFL already knew what happened in that elevator. When the first video came out, there was never any dispute that the reason Ray Rice had to drag his fiancee out of that elevator was because he had beaten her to unconsciousness.

Personally, I don't think larger ( more physically dominating ) humans should attack smaller ( less physically threatening ) humans unless they have a weapon. Spit is not a weapon. Notice, I am making this comment gender-less -- because on one level this issue is not about gender. If this had been a child -- would we be hearing the current 'blame the victim' comments?

Neither the NFL, RG or RR has done anything to redeem themselves. It is sheer callousness when the NFL or the Raven's concern themselves solely with their PR image. This real issue here is whether or not we care about the crime of physical assault.

It really doesn't matter that the victim was related to Ray Rice. If she had been intelligent, she would have hired a lawyer and taken him to court. Instead, while it is hard to believe, she apologized for HER actions! This is a sad story of co-dependency and they both should get treatment.

rezburna 09-08-2014 10:50 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
Don't scream equality for women then change your mind in the instance you get your chin tapped. Her head hitting the elevator rail knocked her out. Not the punch itself. And no one is factoring in the fact that they both had been drinking. Don't hit anybody unless you want to get hit back. That's should be the theme. Not stand there and let a woman do whatever she wants to you because she's a girl. That's stupid. If this was a guy and Ray Rice reacted the same way it wouldn't be an issue.

Like I said before, he could have handled it better. It was a mistake, but a completely human mistake.

burningmetal 09-08-2014 10:54 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
I'll just echo what millions are thinking and saying. I don't care about Ray Rice and don't want to defend what he did. But what in the hell did anybody think they were going to see on that video? We knew he knocked her out and nobody is trying to cover that up. So now the video comes out and it's "shocking"? The league made their mistake and they should live with it. It's not that Rice doesn't deserve a longer suspension, it's that when you make a ruling you can't just arbitrarily change your mind. This isn't "new" evidence and we all know it, so you can't use that as an excuse for changing your mind. Just a very obvious and weak attempt to save face by both the league and the Ravens.

halloween 65 09-08-2014 11:18 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
Not defending but not condoning his actions I was not there but Goddell already punished Rice wouldn't this be double jeoprdy. Punished twice for the same offence.

TheOak 09-09-2014 06:08 AM

Re: Ray Rice released
I have watched the video now... This is going to be an unpopular view but it is what it is.

I do not believe in gender, height, or density bias for laws or punitive action.

Take your eyes off of the hands and watch the body language.. for the purpose of this post, imagine they are both male or both female.

Did Ray board the elevator in an aggressive manor?
Did he drag her ON to the elevator?
Did he leave her knocked out in the elevator?
Who was the aggressor and who was back pedaling?
Who threw the first hand?

In cases of domestic abuse or a battering husband there wouldn't have been 1 punch.

If you are a police officer and that video is your only evidence are you arresting Ray for a knock out punch or are you arresting her for taking the first swing?

He wanted a woman with fire and she wanted a NFL player with a big pay check...
Play stupid games... Win stupid prizes.

saintsfan1976 09-09-2014 06:28 AM

Re: Ray Rice released
They're both idiots.

TheOak 09-09-2014 07:35 AM

Re: Ray Rice released

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 609304)
They're both idiots.

Precisely why its a no harm/no foul.

We seem to forget that the victim wasn't married to him or in a no way out situation like happens with most cases of domestic abuse.

She didn't press charges, and she married him after.

hitta 09-09-2014 07:39 AM

Re: Ray Rice released

Originally Posted by JPPT1974 (Post 609242)
It is very simple, do not hit a woman. Or even a woman hit a man as there are men that are being abuse, it is common but not as much as a man beating up a woman.

Really Goodell is trying to "Kiss and make up!" For the two game soft suspension by laying down the punishment that domestic violence is not to be tolerated. Not just to the league, but for the rest of the world to follow!

Rice should be set an example of this! For all to see. Not just stars but everybody in this world!

Actually according to all of the studies that have been done on the matter, women abuse men more than men abuse women. CDC Study: More Men than Women Victims of Partner Abuse » SAVE: Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

SapperSaint 09-09-2014 11:24 AM

Re: Ray Rice released

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 609240)
He is right though Danno. In the eyes of the law..... Self defense.

She is a 110 pound woman, who happens to be his future wife. It's not like she had a gun or a knife. She posed no bodily threat. He is a STRONG athlete. Evident by the one punch knock out.

For those of you who don't think this is a big deal; ask yourself this question; what if that was your sister, girlfirend, wife or mother that a man hit. How would you respond?

He needs to be worried about her father. A Boy/so called man hits one of my daughters.... he will find out the bloody skills the military has taught me.

As far as her still marrying after what he did to her, just shows her stupidity and maybe she's looking for a meal ticket.

QBREES9 09-09-2014 11:29 AM

Re: Ray Rice released
Come on a 110 pound women is going to hurt me. Any guy touch my daughter, i don't want to think about what i would do to him. Ray crossed the line. Ray go get some help and will see you in two years.

Mike Vick made it back so can you.

TheOak 09-09-2014 04:58 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
I see the machismo is thick in here.

I'll start by saying that at 44 I've never put my hands on a woman and never will. I don't condone it, I also don't condone a female putting hands on a male.

I have daughters, both brown belts in TKD. At 9 and 6 they both pack enough speed and power to break boards, and that is more than enough to knock a man out.

I'm not going to speculate what area or era you two hail from but from experience.... These days 110 lbs of pissed off woman with 1" fingernails will phuck you up like dropping an opossum in your bath water. I suspect Rez has been on the receiving end at least once and I've been on the receiving end more than 1/2 a dozen times. I worked bars for years luckily I had someone to pull them off of me but if you ever want to bleed just try to break up a couple fighting, as soon as you put hands on him to throw him out she is on your head like a spider monkey on PCP.

Sapper..... A knockout doesn't require a lot of strength or power. All it requires is a light snap on the chin to hit a nerve in the jaw to cause the central nervous system to shut down. I'm not exactly sure what you are referring to but my military training has never incorporated "bloody skills" into either silent or standard threat neutralization.

In no way do I intend for what I am about to say next in a derogatory fashion. Irrational knee jerk reactions like some I have seen are precisely why the NFL killed Slap yo Moma red zone and just ended the career and income for a couple that neither was hurt from THEIR normal activities. She basically said that in her tweet. It's no ones business that they both put hands on each other. If he throttled her with all of his monstrous power her mouth would be wired shut. He didn't, hers isn't, they laughed about it in the morning.

Perception carries more weight than reality these days I suppose.

Jack Vegas 09-09-2014 05:08 PM

Re: Ray Rice released

Originally Posted by SapperSaint (Post 609387)
As far as her still marrying after what he did to her, just shows her stupidity and maybe she's looking for a meal ticket.

They have been together since they were both in high school so that would not seem to be the case. Either this is a one-time incident or it's an abusive, codependent relationship. We have no way of knowing. Either way, let's not throw fault at the victim's feet.

OldMaid 09-09-2014 07:40 PM

Re: Ray Rice released
Actually , he is not released indefinitely from the NFL.

I am watching CNN -Anderson's report.
It showed a few others who are currently going through the courts and NFL with this issue. They are out there every Sunday.

Well, that means to me , if they are in the NFL and RR cannot be, then RR has a lawsuit on the way to the NFL.

rezburna 09-09-2014 08:12 PM

Re: Ray Rice released

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 609455)
I see the machismo is thick in here.

I'll start by saying that at 44 I've never put my hands on a woman and never will. I don't condone it, I also don't condone a female putting hands on a male.

I have daughters, both brown belts in TKD. At 9 and 6 they both pack enough speed and power to break boards, and that is more than enough to knock a man out.

I'm not going to speculate what area or era you two hail from but from experience.... These days 110 lbs of pissed off woman with 1" fingernails will phuck you up like dropping an opossum in your bath water. I suspect Rez has been on the receiving end at least once and I've been on the receiving end more than 1/2 a dozen times. I worked bars for years luckily I had someone to pull them off of me but if you ever want to bleed just try to break up a couple fighting, as soon as you put hands on him to throw him out she is on your head like a spider monkey on PCP.

Sapper..... A knockout doesn't require a lot of strength or power. All it requires is a light snap on the chin to hit a nerve in the jaw to cause the central nervous system to shut down. I'm not exactly sure what you are referring to but my military training has never incorporated "bloody skills" into either silent or standard threat neutralization.

In no way do I intend for what I am about to say next in a derogatory fashion. Irrational knee jerk reactions like some I have seen are precisely why the NFL killed Slap yo Moma red zone and just ended the career and income for a couple that neither was hurt from THEIR normal activities. She basically said that in her tweet. It's no ones business that they both put hands on each other. If he throttled her with all of his monstrous power her mouth would be wired shut. He didn't, hers isn't, they laughed about it in the morning.

Perception carries more weight than reality these days I suppose.

I got caught with 3 of those stupid ass windmill slaps to the face before I could blink one time. I can't even lie, I jabbed her in the mouth. Drew blood. That ended it. She and I never had that issue, or any issues ever again. But I I wasn't the last guy she tried that with.

As far as my wife, mother, or someone along those lines I'd never put my hands on them. But I can't lie like I can't be physically provoked to hit a woman, or anybody for that matter. I was brought up to be rough, and aggressive. My tolerance is extremely high for women, but once you take a couple of those bee sting, like punches from a girl it can flip the switch real fast.

TheOak 09-10-2014 06:17 AM

Re: Ray Rice released

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 609497)
I got caught with 3 of those stupid ass windmill slaps to the face before I could blink one time. I can't even lie, I jabbed her in the mouth. Drew blood. That ended it. She and I never had that issue, or any issues ever again. But I I wasn't the last guy she tried that with.

As far as my wife, mother, or someone along those lines I'd never put my hands on them. But I can't lie like I can't be physically provoked to hit a woman, or anybody for that matter. I was brought up to be rough, and aggressive. My tolerance is extremely high for women, but once you take a couple of those bee sting, like punches from a girl it can flip the switch real fast.

Which is my whole point, or rather multiple points.

What happened was to end it... No one started kicking ribs or giving a beat down after she fell. Had she not been knocked out she wouldn't have quit and someone would have been in the hospital.

Those two also come from and exist in a different culture. Cant start going into peoples lives and dictating how they live if they are happy with it.

My girls can more than defend them selves but they are taught by me that life comes with a hands off policy. Under no circumstance are they to put hands on anyone in anger period. If someone lays hands on them then its neutralize and leave.

Lady Justice wears a blindfold for a reason. Race, gender, etc are irrelevant (except for defining a minor and an adult). When we as a society start protecting the small, the female, the 100 lb's to the extent that they are allowed to be aggressive and there is no recourse we are ushering a generation where a 16 year old boy weighing 200 lbs can whip a grown mans azz and the man can not defend him self. We are actually creating a more violent society because certain people have no fear.

SapperSaint 09-10-2014 08:49 AM

Re: Ray Rice released
Lets just say we see this differently. Not right or wrong. Just differently.

As far a "bloody skills"; yes, I have them. No, I don't think all 110 lbs people are helpless. I see all people as a potential threat. It's just how I'm wired. In no way am I hosing down the floor with testosterone and I believe "There's always someone badder than you". I am an aggressive person. It's not something I'm particularly proud of. However, I know what "fights" to fight and know the ones I don't need to fight. Are all people that way? No.

It's not a "knee jerk" reaction for me. I've been a police officer. I've seen and fully understand domestic violence. I've seen plenty of women with their eyes beat shut and I've seen men who've looked like they went 12 rounds. I'm not saying women are helpless. I am saying this: should I use my "combat/warfare" training to stop my wife/girlfriend. Or should I walk away from the situation before it gets out of hand?

I'm not saying Ray's wife is at no fault and she is the victim of an unwarranted attack. She threw, slapped, spit or what have you. She's just as guilty as he is. Charges should have been brought up on her, as well.

Ray is an NFL player. A person in the National spotlight. Thats why they have personal/private conduct clauses in contracts. You don't hear, Nationally, everytime there is DA in this country. You only hear about it when it's a person in the National spotlight. Ray should have known what was going to happen to him. I know if I get charged with DA, I'm out of the Military, no if, and, or but about. See ya; thank you for playing. Oh and here's your dishonorable discharge paperwork.

I'm not damning RR to an eternity in hell. But I don't have to feel sorry for him or his wife, because they just screwed his carreer up.

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