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TheOak 09-14-2014 07:18 AM

Adrien Peterson indicted on child abuse charges
Lashings that broke the skin....

In essence isn't that what all the present day racial angst and anger stems from? 100 year old scars from lashes that broke skin?

If that child had a white step father that did that Houston/The Woodlands/Conroe Texas would be burning right now.

homerj07 09-14-2014 09:12 AM

Re: Adrien Peterson indicted on child abuse charges
We are becoming too deer in the headlights as a society.

Take a poll how many of us got the switch (we picked ourselves) or the belt when we were kids?

I know I had welts and blood on occasion

And yes. When I was 4.

homerj07 09-14-2014 09:16 AM

Re: Adrien Peterson indicted on child abuse charges
I can remember looking like that. Is it bad? Yes. Does he need some help? Yes. Should it be this level? That I don't know.

TheOak 09-14-2014 10:29 AM

Re: Adrien Peterson indicted on child abuse charges
Some lines seem to be blurred in this discussion.

Just because our parents did something doesn't make it right, and just because you didn't like it done to you it isn't wrong.

This also isn't a black and white issue (not a race comment), there is no clear line separating abuse from discipline there is grey area.

As a parent I see nothing wrong with swatting my child on the back side while looking them in the eyes and explaining what is happening, after the word "no" clearly isn't working, and alternate punishments haven't made my point clear.

If anyone as a parent does the following I would say it's abusive and they know they are wrong.

Strike your child with a fist
Strike your child out of anger
Strike your child so hard their skin breaks.
Strike your child so hard you hurt your self in the process.

Anything more than 1 or 2 and your trying to beat something into them or out of your self and I would argue that you have lost control of the situation and your self. You might want to consider deferring to your spouse or taking a moment to cool off.

Parenting isn't just replicating what out patents did. It's handling and teaching each child according to their needs.

QBREES9 09-14-2014 11:50 AM

Re: Adrien Peterson indicted on child abuse charges

Originally Posted by papz (Post 610181)


There's a difference in whooping your child and beating your child. There is no justification in doing this to a 4 year old. A FOUR YEAR OLD. I could never imagine myself doing this to my child. I lost a lot of respect for Adrian Peterson today. Just because some of us got beat when we were younger, doesn't make it okay.

He did this to a four year old. SICK.

Choupique 09-16-2014 08:47 AM

Re: Adrien Peterson indicted on child abuse charges
just because our fathers left welps on us doesn't make it a good thing.
sure we earned out ass.whoopins, but you don't put your hands on a child to the point where you leave phucking brutal scars, unless of course you're a coward or a psycho.

many of you didn't learn from history of beatings you obtained. got it.

most of you are what is wrong with america. your value system if phucked. try listening to that jesus fellow you all follow. he is your imaginary friend in the sky after all.

i wonder what child he would leave scars on? can't answer?

americans today don't remind me of the men who left marks on us.
they weren't abusive. it is what they could muster to control our generation.

i'm not whining about the treatment. i miss those old farts. they had ethics and standards that men like many of you DON'T PHUCKING HAVE today.

just sayin. americans have become ass.holes, in large part but they're too dishonest to face their own faults.

men today are yuppies, in large part and they don't even realize it.

one tell tale sign of that is if you have a cell phone glued to your personality.

if all you can figure out is to beat a child to discipline them, you're not using your brain cells. GOT IT

Mardigras9 09-16-2014 08:53 AM

Re: Adrien Peterson indicted on child abuse charges
Yes agreed we all picked our own switches and had them used on us, but come on. None of looked like this, this is way over the line.
It is not even a discussion.

Srgt. Hulka 09-16-2014 05:16 PM

Re: Adrien Peterson indicted on child abuse charges

Originally Posted by Choupique (Post 611787)
just because our fathers left welps on us doesn't make it a good thing.
sure we earned out ass.whoopins, but you don't put your hands on a child to the point where you leave phucking brutal scars, unless of course you're a coward or a psycho.

many of you didn't learn from history of beatings you obtained. got it.

most of you are what is wrong with america. your value system if phucked. try listening to that jesus fellow you all follow. he is your imaginary friend in the sky after all.

i wonder what child he would leave scars on? can't answer?

americans today don't remind me of the men who left marks on us.
they weren't abusive. it is what they could muster to control our generation.

i'm not whining about the treatment. i miss those old farts. they had ethics and standards that men like many of you DON'T PHUCKING HAVE today.

just sayin. americans have become ass.holes, in large part but they're too dishonest to face their own faults.

men today are yuppies, in large part and they don't even realize it.

one tell tale sign of that is if you have a cell phone glued to your personality.

if all you can figure out is to beat a child to discipline them, you're not using your brain cells. GOT IT

I bet you are a riot at parties.

Srgt. Hulka 09-17-2014 02:48 PM

Re: Adrien Peterson indicted on child abuse charges
Peterson put on exempt list.

Minnesota Vikings admit mistake, bar Adrian Peterson from all activities - ESPN

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