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St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
A St. Louis police officers' group called on the NFL to punish five Rams players who stood with their hands raised before trotting onto the field for pregame introductions Sunday.
The St. Louis Police Officers' Association said it was "profoundly disappointed" with what it called a "display that police officers around the nation found tasteless, offensive and inflammatory." It called for the players involved to be disciplined and for both the league and team to issue a "very public apology." Prior to kickoff of their game against the Oakland Raiders, Rams wide receivers Tavon Austin and Kenny Britt came out together and raised their hands, but the move was obscured by a smoke machine in the upper reaches of the Edward Jones Dome. Jared Cook, Stedman Bailey and Chris Givens then came out and stood together with hands raised in the fog.... The Associated Press contributed to this report. St. Louis police group demands punishment for Rams players in Ferguson protest | Fox News |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
What exactly have they done wrong here?
Agree or disagree with them, I thought one of America's founding(and best) principles is that of free speech |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
Private companies are allowed to disciple employees for conduct detrimental to their best interests. |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
I still dont see anything wrong with what they did.
The police PR wont do themselves any favours highlighting it and more people will have heard about it because they made a issue out of it. The Rams are best ignoring it,coe down on the players and you alienate a large percentage of the local population and probably a lot of sponsors who don't want to be seen to go against public opinion. |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
Mark my words ... if this gets to Roger's desk, he totally mishandles it one way or another & WWIII breaks out, :neutral:.
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
Rodger can be stupid and punish the players. And we can all sit back and enjoy an all white NFL. At least Tanner will finally get to play like everybody wanted. Because if they open up this can of worms the strike will be real.
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
I usually don't even comment on things like this on this site anymore, but I'm not at all surprised by your stance. So let's see if Rodger is "smart" enough to punish them. |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
The NFL has already said they won't do anything. |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
I'm proud of the NFL for this "dumb" decision |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
"The true story came out from the grand jury testimony," Barkley said, adding that he was made aware of "key forensic evidence, and several black witnesses that supported Officer Darren Wilson’s story..." He continued, "I can’t believe anything I hear on television anymore. And, that’s why I don’t like talking about race issues with the media anymore, because they (the media) love this stuff, and lead people to jump to conclusions. The media shouldn’t do that. They never do that when black people kill each other. "
Why Charles Barkley supports the Ferguson grand jury decision |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
Listen I'm black and I'm a Sheriff Deputy. This issue with Mike Brown unfortunately turned into a stupid race issue. I can tell you this when George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin, I wanted Zimmerman to be charged with manslaughter and put under the jail. Trayvon was judge by the color of his skin and stereotypes. Unfortunately it didn't go the way I wanted, but I got past it. With this Mike Brown crap is all nonsense. This gentle giant the media has portrayed him as commited robbery and when he was confronted he attacked a officer. Mike Brown was not judge by his skin tone, but the content of his character. Unfortunately he lost his life over his decision that day. I'm just tired of seeing the black community up in arms fighting tooth and nails over a criminal, but won't lift a finger to help black on black crime. I been to 6 murders in 3 months all over gangs. Youngest victim was 16. Haven't seen a protest yet.
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
It's amazing who gets martyred and who's ignored... I watch these babies, BABIES, two years and under shot in drive by shootings while these punks are out proving their manhood... And the media publishes pictures of thugs when they were fifteen years old and are now eighteen year olds, full grown men; stirring up BS for ratings... People need to wise up and learn we're all being played by the Beltway Politicians and the Media Mogul Sycophants for their own collective profit and gain, not for the betterment of a good, just society where men respect themselves and one another equally... |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
| Illustrating Chicago Values Crazy name for a website, but the facts speak for themselves. |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
These 5 ***stix promoted a lie that somehow a giant thug is some kind of martyr, and that rioters and looters are entitled, not to mention planted a seed of doubt in every law officer, who must make a decision in seconds, which only makes YOUR job more dangerous. The NFL is complicit in this ignorant indictment of police officers, no matter your race, by not managing this situation. For those who cry, "free speech," do we have to educate you again, bless your heart? Yes, you may say anything you like and not be imprisoned. The NFL, however is not a government. It is a business. It has the right to tell you what you can and cannot say, if you want a paycheck. So, sure, go and shout in the street that the grand jury has a big grand master plan, and is out to get you just because youre this color or that color, which is ridiculous. But dont expect your employer to pay you no matter what you do. We all can say anything or do anything at our job. one time. This is not helping promote harmony, much less advance "civil rights." |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
If these 5 Rams players want to show this on the stage of an NFL game, let'em. I'd just like it highlighted that these players have the right to make a choice in this country without being silenced and imprisoned by this government. And I like it when protesters have a logical solution to fix a problem for the obvious problem for which they are protesting.
These same 5 players are saying they disagree with the fact-based decision of a 12-member grand jury's decision, which is a fundamental principal of our government. Alright...so what would be a logical solution to fix or replace this system of justice, St. Louis Rams Five? We'll wait for your solution... On a final note for these 5, I do find it sad that there is so much silence from these same 5 NFL players concerning the violent murders of young men from within their own neighborhoods & cities by other young men from their own neighborhoods & cities within the last couple of weeks and months. |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
These guys were out of line and need to lose their jobs!! I am offended by their actions! Something needs to be done!! I'm so offended!! Hell,it works for the minority groups I figure I'd give it a shot. BTW, for those who don't understand what the big deal is about this or bring up the 'freedom of speach' argument clearly doesn't have a f***ing clue. I get so irritated with the brainwashed,ignorant people in this society. But who knows, maybe I'm out of touch with reality....maybe somebody who disagrees with the Furguson trial can chime in with their views on why there was such an injustice....maybe I'm missing something....
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
It's unfortunate, but Mike Brown stopped being a "victim" the minute he went for that cop's gun. At what point do you hold him at least partly culpable for his own death? To support "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" after it's been definitively proven false by forensic evidence and eyewitness testimony and any attempt to portray Michael Brown as the poster child of black oppression does a great injustice/disservice to your cause and the black community as a whole, IMO. I have no sympathy for Mike Brown or Darren Wilson. I'm pretty sure if they had the opportunity for a "re-do", they'd both do things a little differently. My sympathies lie with the good members of the Ferguson community who get caught up and will now forever be linked with the stupid/destructive outside agitators sporting an alternative agenda. Yeah, I'm a smart-ass. Don't like being called out though, do ya? Most punks don't, ;). I'll make you an offer if you think it's such a routine ... I'll put a one-way plane ticket to Detroit in the nearest major airport to ya' and give you the "5-days in July" tour and show you exactly what an agenda like yours does for a community. If you got the balls to show up, I'll pay for your flight back. Bring a jacket, it's getting cold around here, ;). |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
I present "The Model Citizens Brigade", the St. Louis Rams 5 Style: Meet the Five Rams Who Struck "Hands Up Don't Shoot" Poses on Sunday: Arrests, Substance Abuse, Suspensions and More... - By the way, this was the point I was laboring at in my post earlier. You know, protesters out protesting but have no clue as to how to fix nor do they care how to fix the problem they are protesting. Or in these 5 idiots' case, protesting because of blind or ignorant bias and they can "keep it real" yet do nothing to bring about awareness to the real problems within their own neighborhoods in Birmingham, AL, Jackson, MS, etc... |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
I applaud these 5 players.
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
"These same 5 players are saying they disagree with the fact-based decision of a 12-member grand jury's decision, which is a fundamental principal of our government."
By law the prosecutor (who represent the people) is to present just enough evidence to show cause to indict. This prosecutor's minions presented the case as if they were defending Darren Wilson. They allowed him to testify, which is highly unusual. Wilson was not cross examined while other eyewitnesses were. In the paperwork presented to the Grand Jury Wilson was listed as the victim & Michael Brown as the suspect. This is totally opposite of what they are to do. Why wasn't Wilson's gun tested for palm or finger prints based on his testimony of Brown grabbing his gun? Too many questions about the entire process. Here in Colorado when JonBenet Ramsey was murdered in her home the jury decided to indict her parents but the prosecutor declined to follow up. |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
Well right or wrong the Rams's definitely played some inspired football
they blasted the Raiders 52-0. Someone earlier mentioned the media spin which was absolutely a circus. It seemed each news channel had their own take on the facts. It was hard to keep up with what was being reported. |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
Anyway, what I get from your post is that it's the responsibility of a grand jury to indict regardless? That the prosecutor is to present only such evidence that would show cause to indict? Is that what we would consider due process? My understanding of a grand jury is that it can also be used as an investigative body to determine if any/all evidence warrants bringing an indictment in a particular case/matter. From the opinions I've seen offered by the legal community on the preponderance of evidence, bringing this to trial would have been a waste of taxpayer's dollars in that any basic defense attorney would be able to shred the State's case. It was "damned if you do, damned if you don't" and the end result would have been the same ... Ferguson in flames, :neutral:. The Brown's can have their day in court ... civil court, not the court-of-public-opinion and not at taxpayer's expense. IMO, the prosecutor did his job & the system is working as it should. In regards to the "St Louis Five", as they're now affectionately referred to, I don't think anyone questions their right to disagree with the grand jury decision, but maybe more so with the venue and the way they chose to do it. It smacks of sensationalism, self-aggrandizing and is really just plain inflammatory. Less than one-half-of-one-percent of young black male homicides are committed by law enforcement officials. Think about that for a minute. Less than one-half-of-one-percent. For this we loot, burn and grandstand, yet remain silent on the 99.5%. There's gotta' be a better way. "With great power comes great responsibility" ~ Stan Lee. Yeah, I'm quoting Spiderman, :neutral:. These guys hold a position of power and stature in the black community. Instead of using their powers for good & healing their community, they choose to pour gas on an already volatile situation. It's a shame, because these guys have so much leadership potential in which to empower their communities but choose instead to disrupt for whatever personal reasons, :shrug: ... seen it all too often and on much lesser levels. I'd of been much more impressed if they had directed their energies towards another popular Ferguson campaign: |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
St. Louis Bar Boycotts Rams After Players’ ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Gesture
by Alison Smith/NESN St. Louis Bar Boycotts Rams After Players ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Gesture | NFL | NESN.com https://nesncom.files.wordpress.com/...?w=1440&h=1782 |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
Two Black Republicans Slam 'Hands Up' Gesture on House Floor
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
I have never understood that. |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
Two of your statements are in fact subjective editorial opinion statements. A third might fall under, "dont believe everything you read." Mostly, I think our eyes tell us an accurate story: |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
Of course, you guys couldn't possibly know that. There were no protests (other than the Ferguson ones), nobody selling t-shirts, Al Sharpton isn't scheduled to visit, no catchy phrases or rallying cries, no professional athletes making gestures, not even a blip on the Democratic Black Caucus' or Attorney General Holder's radar. Just another kid 'found with a bullet in the head'. So it makes me wonder if this kid's life (and others like him) really matters to people like Sharpton, Holder, the St Louis Five, et... or does it only matter when they're killed by white authority figures and can be used to profit or support a larger agenda? Yep, I really am tired of it all. :neutral: |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
What did Rahm Emanuel say?
Never let a good crisis go to waste? Sharpton exists by inciting racial tensions. Tawana Brawley, Jena Six, Ferguson MO to name a few. FACTS be damned - just another day at the office for this agitator... |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
Yep, it's only gonna' get worse before it gets better, IMO.
Don't get me wrong, I don't believe authority figures are above the law nor am I so naïve as to think that policeman are not capable of bullying tactics. My neighborhood is a lot like Ferguson and I've had my share of police contacts in my day ... enough so that if I'm pulled over and they run my plates, at least three cars are gonna' respond. The most recent was this summer when I (technically) was parked illegally in front of my own home, facing the wrong direction because I was waiting for traffic to clear so I could get a good angle on backing a trailer into my driveway. 5 cars responded for that one and all but one or two had multiple officers in them. I was out of my vehicle, but prior to any police presence. When all five did arrive, they blocked off the road, got out of their cars and positioned themselves around me in the optimum position to kick my ass. I was able to prevent them from completely surrounding me by backing into my front yard and keeping my house to my back. A couple remained positioned in the open doors of their squad cars. These guys would be the 'shooters' should it elevate to this point. I was not going to get arrested or ticketed for parking in front of my own house, illegally or otherwise ... IMO. I was also not going to give these guys an excuse to beat me down or worse, shoot me. I'm kinda' a big guy, and any altercation/incident I've ever been involved in, the "intimidation" factor has always been raised. Kept my hands to my sides, moved slowly & deliberately, kept a level tone and maintained as much space between them & I as I could without looking like I was attempting to flee. In the end, I was ticketed and had to endure the usual inappropriate/inflammatory bull**** from my neighborhood's "finest", which they're well-known for and has never endeared them to their citizenry. So anyway, my point is, you don't give these guys a reason. Plain and simple. You don't resist arrest. You don't put yourself in "that" position. If it comes down it, you cooperate and fight it in the courts later. You damn sure don't resist arrest because you are going to lose. Every time. I don't care what color you are. :neutral: That's the problem I have with all this stuff. Why are we raising our kids to defy authority and be anti-social rather than preparing them for the world? I took great pains & effort to prepare my kids to deal with any eventuality I could imagine and I'd much rather guys like Sharpton, the St Louis Five and such devote their time & efforts to doing the same for the black community. I never thought I'd see the day when I agreed with guys like Charles Barkley and Rudolph Giuliani, but they speak a hard truth. I don't understand why Darren Wilson attempted to respond to this situation alone and not wait for his backup. I don't understand how a police officer allows a suspect to come in such close proximity to his squad car or person. I don't understand how Michael Brown was walking down the middle of the street expecting not to attract attention. I don't understand what he was doing with his upper body leaning through a police vehicle's driver side window. All's I do understand is that in today's society you need to be aware of your surroundings and realize how your own individual actions may positively/negatively affect whatever situation you may find yourself in. Think this stuff bothers me much? On the bright side, my whole neighborhood witnessed the event & I've become somewhat of a folk hero/legend among the wanna'-be gangsta/rapper dapper crowd who used to really give me a hard time, :lol:. |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
For cripes sakes, it's not like the players were throwing gang signs. St Louis Police needs to be like Elsa and Let It Go
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
There is right and wrong on both sides of the argument.
You shouldn't have to act a certain way not to get shot or beaten by the police. They are public servants. Its the same with the government People should not be scared of their government, their government should be afraid of them |
Re: St. Louis police group calls on NFL to punish Rams for Ferguson Gestures
I don't disagree there are aggressive cops and I fully support that driving-while-black/profiling exists because I've personally heard police officers boast about it. I've also thanked them/shown my disapproval for the increase in my property taxes defending all the civil rights/profiling lawsuits that are the results of their actions. But, if you're gonna' drive around in a hoop-dee with expired plates, no insurance or driver's license ... do you really expect not to get pulled over? I'll meet the "hands-up, don't shoot" crowd halfway any day of the week, but I'm not gonna' accept that Michael Brown or any of the other recent police shootings in the news were just innocently going about their daily business and were suddenly set upon by out-of-control, rogue white-cops. There's got to be some personal accountability/responsibility before this conversation ever moves forward in a constructive manner, IMO. I honestly think the media and idiots like Sharpton and the 'St Louis Five' want a race war and it pisses me off. They go home to their nice neighborhoods after inflaming the masses and enjoy a nice evening. I'm the m'fer that gets the brick through the window. :neutral: |
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