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RaginCajun83 05-06-2015 01:51 PM

Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady

so this means that Belichick needs to get nailed for "failure to know" or whatever BS Goofdell got Payton on. I swear if the Saints ever leave New Orleans, I'm done with the NFL until he's out of office. We all know that he's only going to slap the Cheatriots on the wrist. Its a crock

RaginCajun83 05-06-2015 02:00 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady
Wells report: “We do not believe there was any wrongdoing or knowledge of wrongdoing by Patriots ownership, Belichick or other Pats coach”


Beastmode 05-06-2015 02:02 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady

RaginCajun83 05-06-2015 02:03 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady
Goodell says Troy Vincent will now be in charge of handing out any punishment to the #Patriots and anyone involved

LordOfEntropy 05-06-2015 02:10 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady
"Ignorance is no excuse." -- Roger Goodell

Rugby Saint II 05-06-2015 02:24 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady

Originally Posted by RaginCajun83 (Post 654574)
Goodell says Troy Vincent will now be in charge of handing out any punishment to the #Patriots and anyone involved

The man can't be trusted! :furious:

lee909 05-06-2015 02:31 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady
A fine and loss of 5-7th rounder and Brady fined.

BB and Kraft kept clean of any stink.

Ignorance is no excuse when the league is in a court case fir concussions and needs a whipping boy to take one for the team

RaginCajun83 05-06-2015 02:43 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady
Goodell will be in Vincent's ear but it will look like Vincent did whatever decision he makes on his own

K Major 05-06-2015 03:01 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady

Originally Posted by lee909 (Post 654579)
A fine and loss of 5-7th rounder and Brady fined.

I find it interesting how the report came out after the draft so no opportunity to penalize Brady as he makes another run for the SB.

Beastmode 05-06-2015 03:08 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady
It likely would have went away if Kraft had not run his mouth about an apology. Never mess with someone who has an ego as big as yours is how I see it. Then Brady going on talk shows and making a mockery of the situation. You just put a target on your back. Never bad mouth RG. His ego will seek revenge, friend or foe.

nola_swammi 05-06-2015 03:33 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady
Let's see how sever the punishment. I want Brady suspended a season not for just the advantage but for the blatant lies with a smile and a lost of a 1st rd draft pick. I know it won't be that severe most likely a 2 game suspension and team pay $500,000

nola_swammi 05-06-2015 03:37 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 654586)
It likely would have went away if Kraft had not run his mouth about an apology. Never mess with someone who has an ego as big as yours is how I see it. Then Brady going on talk shows and making a mockery of the situation. You just put a target on your back. Never bad mouth RG. His ego will seek revenge, friend or foe.

They still friends and most likely this would've went away easily if RG wasn't already under microscope for the ray's video. Look when this report finally came out, after the draft. Just imagine if this would've came out earlier, eyes would've really been on RG as he walk to the podium for the draft selection.

RaginCajun83 05-06-2015 04:03 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady
Pete Rozelle wouldn't have allowed the Patriots to win 4 championships by cheating. I wasn't around when he was in power but from what I've read, Goofdell is no Rozelle

WhoDat!656 05-06-2015 04:51 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady
Wells Report: Officials couldn’t find game balls before AFC title game | ProFootballTalk

Mr.Riaton 05-06-2015 05:14 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady
No team will get punished as harshly as we were simply because player safety was all of a sudden a number 1 priority coincidently when ex-players were pursuing law suits for health issues caused by playing in the NFL. Roger Goodell and every one involved in that scam can bite my n*tz.

OldMaid 05-06-2015 05:39 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady

ChrisXVI 05-06-2015 05:57 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady
By Goodell logic Belichick and Brady would be suspended the entire season. Yeah right! They'll probably just be fined and lose a 5th round pick.

WhoDat!656 05-06-2015 08:52 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady
ProFootballTalk: Canty: The precedent for punishment was set by Bountygate | ProFootballTalk

44Champs 05-06-2015 10:48 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 654586)
It likely would have went away if Kraft had not run his mouth about an apology. Never mess with someone who has an ego as big as yours is how I see it. Then Brady going on talk shows and making a mockery of the situation. You just put a target on your back. Never bad mouth RG. His ego will seek revenge, friend or foe.

I have to respectfully disagree. No way Goodell has that much integrity. He will find a way to protect his bestie's team and minimize the punishment.

burningmetal 05-07-2015 03:54 AM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady
Breaking: The NFL could find no evidence that Roger Goodell wuvs wobert kwaft.

We all knew what wouldn't happen.

SloMotion 05-07-2015 06:23 AM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady
NE was leading that game 17-7 at halftime when they checked the ball pressure. After it was corrected (?), they scored 28 points with properly inflated balls in the second half? I don't see the "advantage" angle of underinflated balls.

Lot of circumstantial evidence vs Brady. Sure I think he knew what was going on (what pro QB wouldn't?), but prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, :neutral:. Sure would be nice if the NFL would have instituted a policy of checking the air pressure at halftime prior to this game so we would have some sort of benchmark to compare it with. Without it, it almost looks like a witch-hunt.

Does it rise to the the level of an Alex Rodriguez, Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds, Lance Armstrong? (Baseball sure has a lot of cheaters, :lol:) IDK, a-rules-a-rule though and I'm sure however RG handles it, it will be wrong, :neutral:.

SaintsBro 05-07-2015 07:16 AM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady

Originally Posted by RaginCajun83 (Post 654570)
so this means that Belichick needs to get nailed for "failure to know" or whatever BS Goofdell got Payton on.

Absolutely, would "like" this comment 10,000 times if I could. If they're going to hammer Sean Payton for things his players allegedly did when he wasn't around, wasn't in the room, then they HAVE to hammer Belichick HARD, and take some draft picks away from the team next year as well. Anything less is just pure utter hypocrisy by the NFL. Even if they lay this whole thing at Tom Brady's feet, it's still got to extend to the coaches....and the team.

SmashMouth 05-07-2015 07:42 AM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady

WhoDat!656 05-07-2015 08:09 AM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady
I am just going to leave this here!

hagan714 05-07-2015 08:18 AM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady
once again a lot of circumstantial evidence yet no proof

just like what happened to the saints.

Roger will go down in history as the man that destroyed the nfl

SmashMouth 05-07-2015 09:22 AM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady

SmashMouth 05-07-2015 09:27 AM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady
Tom Brady’s agent blasts the Wells report | ProFootballTalk

Suspension of Tom Brady seems unavoidable | ProFootballTalk
Report confirms NFL had chance to avoid #DeflateGate | ProFootballTalk

RaginCajun83 05-07-2015 09:30 AM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 654698)


vpheughan 05-07-2015 10:32 AM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady
To sum it up:

Rules are there to be broken.

There is no "Right" or "Wrong" if "Everyone Else Does It"

You give a long time friend a ride. There is a $10.00 bill in the cup holder. Your friend gets out and on the ride home you notice the $10.00 is gone. It's not your friend's fault. You left the bill there to be taken. Everybody else does it. What' the big deal?

Where do you draw the line?

Stand for something or you'll fall for anything!

Bread and circuses, bread and circuses! (insert popcorn eater animation here)

WhoDat!656 05-07-2015 05:23 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady
I doubt the league will suspend Brady at all; probably just take draft picks and issue fines.

Report: Tom Brady could be suspended for up to one year -

burningmetal 05-07-2015 10:44 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady

Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 654670)
NE was leading that game 17-7 at halftime when they checked the ball pressure. After it was corrected (?), they scored 28 points with properly inflated balls in the second half? I don't see the "advantage" angle of underinflated balls.

Lot of circumstantial evidence vs Brady. Sure I think he knew what was going on (what pro QB wouldn't?), but prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, :neutral:. Sure would be nice if the NFL would have instituted a policy of checking the air pressure at halftime prior to this game so we would have some sort of benchmark to compare it with. Without it, it almost looks like a witch-hunt.

Does it rise to the the level of an Alex Rodriguez, Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds, Lance Armstrong? (Baseball sure has a lot of cheaters, :lol:) IDK, a-rules-a-rule though and I'm sure however RG handles it, it will be wrong, :neutral:.

To be honest, I don't really care if they inflated or deflated their testicles. It makes no difference to me. Though it seems pretty obvious they did, and Brady lied about it. What bothers me is that they were so quick to then call it circumstantial and not hard evidence. That may be so, but as has been pointed out, the same could be said for the Saints situation and they jumped all over us.

Idiots will be quick to say "oh yeah but that's totally different". Is it? Because of what we were ASSUMED to have done was much worse we don't get the circumstantial excuse? Either you have the evidence or you don't. It doesn't matter the extent of the accusations. Kraft is always kissing Roger's butt, and now the reverse is happening and it is quite annoying.

SmashMouth 05-07-2015 11:18 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 654826)
To be honest, I don't really care if they inflated or deflated their testicles. It makes no difference to me. Though it seems pretty obvious they did, and Brady lied about it. What bothers me is that they were so quick to then call it circumstantial and not hard evidence. That may be so, but as has been pointed out, the same could be said for the Saints situation and they jumped all over us.

Idiots will be quick to say "oh yeah but that's totally different". Is it? Because of what we were ASSUMED to have done was much worse we don't get the circumstantial excuse? Either you have the evidence or you don't. It doesn't matter the extent of the accusations. Kraft is always kissing Roger's butt, and now the reverse is happening and it is quite annoying.

Speaking of deez nuts...

Uninterrupted: Gronk Responds to Media's Handling of Deflategate | Bleacher Report

saintfan 05-08-2015 08:35 AM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady
Tipper flew and Tyler knew.

TURK 182

Mardigras9 05-08-2015 08:48 AM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady

Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 654670)
NE was leading that game 17-7 at halftime when they checked the ball pressure. After it was corrected (?), they scored 28 points with properly inflated balls in the second half? I don't see the "advantage" angle of underinflated balls.

I agree, it really didn't matter in that game at all. BUT, knowingly breaking the rules to try gain an advantage is still cheating and should be punished. I see this as a more direct infraction on the game itself than defensive players having a monitary incentive to play and hit harder. Let me say here though, I totally agree if the defense goes out and purposefully tries to hurt another player, they should be penalized. We were handed a huge penalty for something everybody knew most teams did. If the patriots slip by AGAIN being cold busted, then the league as whole should revolt.

SmashMouth 05-09-2015 10:06 AM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady
Report: Brady suspension will be announced next week | ProFootballTalk

SloMotion 05-09-2015 12:04 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 654826)
To be honest, I don't really care if they inflated or deflated their testicles. It makes no difference to me. Though it seems pretty obvious they did, and Brady lied about it. What bothers me is that they were so quick to then call it circumstantial and not hard evidence. That may be so, but as has been pointed out, the same could be said for the Saints situation and they jumped all over us.

Idiots will be quick to say "oh yeah but that's totally different". Is it? Because of what we were ASSUMED to have done was much worse we don't get the circumstantial excuse? Either you have the evidence or you don't. It doesn't matter the extent of the accusations. Kraft is always kissing Roger's butt, and now the reverse is happening and it is quite annoying.

I'm not really comparing Bountygate to Deflategate and am just confident that Roger will handle Deflategate with the same ineptitude that he handled Bountygate and any other of his responsibilities to the league. :neutral:.

Danno 05-09-2015 01:20 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady

Danno 05-09-2015 01:22 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady

Danno 05-09-2015 01:24 PM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady

burningmetal 05-10-2015 03:55 AM

Re: Deflate Gate Finding Revealed - Implicates Brady

Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 655016)
I'm not really comparing Bountygate to Deflategate and am just confident that Roger will handle Deflategate with the same ineptitude that he handled Bountygate and any other of his responsibilities to the league. :neutral:.

I wasn't suggesting you were comparing the two. I wanted to make the comparison myself because I don't see that much is happening to the Patriots here. People are talking about witch hunt, but it was the Colts who brought this thing up. I think the NFL just pretended to do a real investigation so as not to be accused of negligence.

The rambling of the report and the dismissal of everything as being circumstantial, along with the empty "more probable than not" line seems like their way of pretending to be impartial while not really doing anything to the Patriots. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but the relationship between Goodell and Kraft is known, and I have never been given a reason to NOT question Roger's credibility... Just my opinion though.

Either way, I agree that he will screw it all up. That much is a given.

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