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RaginCajun83 02-15-2016 04:50 AM

Re: Peyton Manning’s squeaky-clean image was built on lies, as detailed in explosive court documents showing ugly smear campaign against his alleged sex assault victim
i doubt it, Tiger didn't even loose all his endorsements after his fit hit the shan if anything Manning might lose his ultra conservative sponsors but not all of them

SloMotion 02-15-2016 05:17 AM

Re: Peyton Manning’s squeaky-clean image was built on lies, as detailed in explosive court documents showing ugly smear campaign against his alleged sex assault victim

Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 692984)
... King wrote a piece about how differently Manning was portrayed after losing to the Saints in the Super Bowl and how Cam is treated after his loss ...

Meh, apples/oranges. Sounds like this King guy is just another Cam-a-nista with his panties in a bunch because everyone's criticizing his boy, #shrug. So after we express outrage over Peyton's behavior, can we, as a society, quit playing the race card about crap like this and just call it bad behavior across the board? :neutral:. I would like to think this stuff is being reported on it's own merit of being inappropriate and not some petty vendetta over race and Cam-gate, #shrug.

Hang him by his balls, as far as I'm concerned, it's the same million-dollar baby, prima-donna athlete bullshiot a lot of these guys are guilty of. Put it on the front page and we'll voice an opinion, #shrug. Don't wait 13yrs to report something, then get indignant over 13yrs of public silence (King) and try to make it an issue about race, :rolleyes: ... who the f@#k knew? I didn't it, otherwise I'da posted before this, :lol:.

Had this incident occurred immediately after the SuperBowl, in the locker room and we had know about it, I imagine the public would have been pretty rough on Manning, #shrug. Had this incident been known at the time it happened, I imagine the public would have been pretty rough on Manning, but maybe not so much as he hadn't been elevated to the highest stage in professional sports yet, #shrug.

It's more comparable to the Bill Cosby situation than the Cam-o-rito fiasco, IMO, #shrug. Peyton did receive criticism for not shaking hands in '09, at least that's what Archie claims: Archie Manning defends Cam Newton walking out of interview after Super Bowl loss - 7NEWS Denver

No word on how he feels about Peyton hanging his junk in someone's face, :neutral:.

RaginCajun83 02-15-2016 06:35 AM

Re: Peyton Manning’s squeaky-clean image was built on lies, as detailed in explosive court documents showing ugly smear campaign against his alleged sex assault victim
Peter King, there's a credible idiot. NOT

SloMotion 02-15-2016 08:40 AM

Re: Peyton Manning’s squeaky-clean image was built on lies, as detailed in explosive court documents showing ugly smear campaign against his alleged sex assault victim

Originally Posted by RaginCajun83 (Post 693003)
Peter King, there's a credible idiot. NOT

Shaun King, New York Daily News ... but yeah, same sentiment, :neutral:.

RaginCajun83 02-15-2016 10:59 AM

Re: Peyton Manning’s squeaky-clean image was built on lies, as detailed in explosive court documents showing ugly smear campaign against his alleged sex assault victim
well that right there proves how unimportant the author is when you say his last name and it makes you think of someone else that's just as dumb in the same field

SloMotion 02-15-2016 11:19 AM

Re: Peyton Manning’s squeaky-clean image was built on lies, as detailed in explosive court documents showing ugly smear campaign against his alleged sex assault victim

Originally Posted by RaginCajun83 (Post 693015)
well that right there proves how unimportant the author is when you say his last name and it makes you think of someone else that's just as dumb in the same field

Well, I'm kinda' glad it's not Peter King ... just shows how a black journalist today can lack just as much journalistic integrity as a white one, :lol: ... we really have come a long way in the area of social justice/equality, IMO, :lol:.

This story would have merit without the rootin' tootin', fruit loopin', Cam Newton angle and if that's the motivation for the story, it's kinda' sad ... takes away from the seriousness of the allegations and reflects poorly on the BLM movement or whatever this guy is promoting, :rolleyes:.

It's just stupid to make that comparison without all the facts coming to light, IMO. I guess every white person on the planet got an email from Hillary Clinton's private server 13yrs ago on how we were gonna' hush this up so Peyton could one day go on to beat little Cammie in SuperBowl 50 and we could pick on him after the loss, :rolleyes:.

Now there's a m'fing conspiracy theory for ya', ;) ... report on that, biotches, :lol:.

RaginCajun83 02-15-2016 11:24 AM

Re: Peyton Manning’s squeaky-clean image was built on lies, as detailed in explosive court documents showing ugly smear campaign against his alleged sex assault victim
with how lazy most "journalists" are today especially the sports variety, I wouldn't be surprised if the Cam angle is the reason for this story. If you want the true "black racist" slant to a story go read Jason Whitlock. On second thought don't, he doesn't deserve the clicks and you would want to slap me when you got done for me wasting your time

foreverfan 02-15-2016 01:13 PM

Re: Peyton Manning’s squeaky-clean image was built on lies, as detailed in explosive court documents showing ugly smear campaign against his alleged sex assault victim

Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 692958)
Did you read the article?

No... I only had a few seconds to look at it...

What did he do again? Did he try to bang Courtney Love? :confused:

RailBoss 02-15-2016 03:51 PM

Re: Peyton Manning’s squeaky-clean image was built on lies, as detailed in explosive court documents showing ugly smear campaign against his alleged sex assault victim
It is said where there is smoke there usually is fire.
However the damage is done for Peyton but in a few weeks it will probably all quiet down.
In the end if Peyton does a few less commercials it wouldn't hurt my feelings.
Someone mentioned Sharper, yeah now that really shocked me big time.
Since he played for the Saints and the fact that I personally liked him as a player.
But at the end of the day we have no clue what goes on with any of these players lives.
And that's probably a good thing.

RaginCajun83 02-15-2016 04:22 PM

Re: Peyton Manning’s squeaky-clean image was built on lies, as detailed in explosive court documents showing ugly smear campaign against his alleged sex assault victim
Florio gives his two cents about Manning and Shaun King


Frankly, King’s second column causes me to sincerely question the intelligence or motives of King, and of his editors.
Shaun King doubles down in his crusade against Peyton Manning | ProFootballTalk

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