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nola_swammi 08-30-2016 03:59 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 715055)
The ignorance drips from your fingertips.

No evidence on O.J? Yeah... Just a 911 recording of Nicole Simpson saying that her husband was trying to kill her. Blood stained shoe prints that matched a pair of his. Oh, and that little part where he was speeding from the cops who had "no evidence", apparently. Yeah he didn't have a guilty conscience, and justice was totally served. Am I getting through to you yet? I bet not, so let's continue.

I didn't say there weren't ANY corrupt cops. I made a point of that. But you only have these couple of videos, and then a whole boat load of of stories of cops committing "murder". You have gang violence going on all the time, and you don't want to do anything about that, but if a cop kills someone who is a known criminal, you take the side of the criminal, because he's black?

I bet you never heard of Lavoy Finicum. Why don't you watch this and tell me if white people don't get targeted. This man did nothing wrong and was stalked by police for YEARS. It was highly likely a government sanctioned strike, because this man was ACTUALLY standing up for his rights, unlike some people who just sit down.

Have a nice night.

The 911 call was not pertaining to the event of her murder and the blood found on shoes were argued to be transferred possible Mark Fuhrman but I am not hereto argue for or against O.J. my reference about him only was used to PROVE a point

How do you know how I feel about gang violence? I never brought up gang violence. If you should know I am against ANY violence. Just because black members in a gang kill another black person do that justify a law official killing a man? All this evidence which I am showing you is recent not years ago. A NYPD Captain recently persecuted one of his officers " You need to arrest more blacks" Really! do you have them saying arrest more whites? No. Here is proof:
You absolutely right I never heard of Lavoy Finicum. I just got home and will research this, hopefully its something pertaining to this subject. I never said white people don't get targeted, I am saying a lot more blacks are being targeted than whites. right in our backyard, in Baton Rouge, more recent I must say and this one in the city of West Monroe, La which I reside in killed a Hispanic man

nola_swammi 08-30-2016 07:18 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by 44Champs (Post 715071)
So according to your argument, if I stand up for the national anthem, that equates to me approving of black men being beat up by police officers. Because that's why you think Kap should be able to sit. Tell me - how does that work? Walk me through this because your logic makes no sense. As far as no black owners in the NFL, what are you trying to say? That there's collusion among the white owners to keep out a black owner? I dont remember any black men stepping up and attempting to buy a franchise, and if there has been, what was the reason why it didnt go through? Oh, and what does the OJ case have to do with this issue on the national anthem? No - you didnt because that would have made NO SENSE!! And that's my whole point that people like you and Kap dont understand. The national anthem isnt about race or color or religion. It's supposed to unite Americans DESPITE the differences. But instead you have people that want to EMPHASIZE the differences by burning a flag or sitting for the national anthem. Those are the idiots that pose the biggest dangers to this country, because they promote malcontent, hatred and division. You want to fight against injustice? Go do some civil work. Go volunteer. Get involved in the government. Do something POSITIVE. But don't use the national anthem or the flag as a tool to do your dirty work. What Kap is doing is negative and idiotic, and people like you support him. Let me know how his plan works for you, because personally, I think his actions make more of a negative impact than a positive one.

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Guy you as dumb as dirt, if you can't understand what I am typing read slower or just have your wife read it back to you. I said earlier in one of my statements I wish he used another platform besides the anthem to protest. I am a Disable Vet, my father and uncles also served in the military. I know what a solider sacrifice, I know the meanings behind the words of OUR anthem. Yet still he have that RIGHT to protest how he feel. Don't get it twisted that I support not standing for the anthem, I support the cause. If not standing for the anthem would shed more light to the cause and bring more awareness to STOP this brutality, I'll sit my fat A** DOWN AS WELL!!! instead I believe by using the anthem will bring more divide and I am not for that. Still as American he has that right and I can't enforce my thoughts unto him like I can't give a blind man(44 champ) sight.

As far as no black owners in the NFL, what are you trying to say? yes

you see any white athletes refusing to stand when the not guilty verdict came through? Oh, and what does the OJ case have to do with this issue on the national anthem?

He doesn't (you really do need to proof read) I refer to how white people feeling when O.J was pronounce NOT GUILTY as the same feeling when George Zimmerman & officer were pronounce NOT GUILTY

Did you see any white athletes refusing to stand when the not guilty verdict came through?

(If you referring to the O.J.)I seen much worst, RACISM & DIVISION BETWEEN THE TWO RACES. White people were hurt and sadden, blacks vindicated

Utah_Saint 08-30-2016 07:58 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Dude holds a press conference to discuss his protest of police oppression while wearing a Fidel Castro t-shirt.

I'm gonna have to go with "dumber that a box of rocks".

skymike 08-30-2016 08:14 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 715250)
Guy you as dumb as dirt, if you can't understand what I am typing read slower or just have your wife read it back to you. I said earlier in one of my statements I wish he used another platform besides the anthem to protest. I am a Disable Vet, my father and uncles also served in the military. I know what a solider sacrifice, I know the meanings behind the words of OUR anthem. Yet still he have that RIGHT to protest how he feel. Don't get it twisted that I support not standing for the anthem, I support the cause. If not standing for the anthem would shed more light to the cause and bring more awareness to STOP this brutality, I'll sit my fat A** DOWN AS WELL!!! instead I believe by using the anthem will bring more divide and I am not for that. Still as American he has that right and I can't enforce my thoughts unto him like I can't give a blind man(44 champ) sight.

As far as no black owners in the NFL, what are you trying to say? yes

Black Players Dominate on the Field But Where are the Black NFL Owners!! – The Reel Network

you see any white athletes refusing to stand when the not guilty verdict came through? Oh, and what does the OJ case have to do with this issue on the national anthem?

He doesn't (you really do need to proof read) I refer to how white people feeling when O.J was pronounce NOT GUILTY as the same feeling when George Zimmerman & officer were pronounce NOT GUILTY

Did you see any white athletes refusing to stand when the not guilty verdict came through?

(If you referring to the O.J.)I seen much worst, RACISM & DIVISION BETWEEN THE TWO RACES. White people were hurt and sadden, blacks vindicated

See, this is where you are blinded by your skin obsession. White people were not "hurt" by OJ. Im Hispanic, but let me
attempt to help you understand. I Loved OJ, when I was a kid. It made me sick to my stomach when I heard he killed his wife. Which he did. You're pretending to be that dumb, if you think he's "innocent." He had a long history of domestic violence, which I did not know then. Made me sick to find out what my hero really was... The OJ trial made me even sicker, as black people suddenly rushed to defend a killer, just because of skin color, and they played dumb, and it made me sick to see how people could hate because of what color people are. Kaepernick has now exposed his racism and hate for all to see.
Here are some more fun facts.
-- Travon was a punk, and he was trying to beat Zimm. to death.
-- if you obey the Police, you wont get hurt, esp. if you dont attack them.
-- If you obey the law, then the Police really arent concerned with you.
-- The rest of the world doesnt give a **** what color you are. They care how you act. In fact people pay lots of money to black people all the time, who they admire.
-- Kaepernick is endorsing violence against police, by his comments, which effectively also endangers young black people. He is a douchebag idiot, who needs to STFU, and try to understand his playbook better.
-- by the way, no one here needs to "be careful." We will speak. Live with it.
-- Martin Luther King. Read about him.
I wish I could help you, but all you see is color, and you've been brainwashed to hate and blame. Youre being used.

halloween 65 08-30-2016 08:33 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
I never liked that guy and after this I never will. Every American should stand at our National Anthem. What an a$$hole!!

nola_swammi 08-30-2016 08:39 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 715259)
See, this is where you are blinded by your skin obsession. White people were not "hurt" by OJ. Im Hispanic, but let me
attempt to help you understand. I Loved OJ, when I was a kid. It made me sick to my stomach when I heard he killed his wife. Which he did. You're pretending to be that dumb, if you think he's "innocent." He had a long history of domestic violence, which I did not know then. Made me sick to find out what my hero really was... The OJ trial made me even sicker, as black people suddenly rushed to defend a killer, just because of skin color, and they played dumb, and it made me sick to see how people could hate because of what color people are. Kaepernick has now exposed his racism and hate for all to see.
Here are some more fun facts.
-- Travon was a punk, and he was trying to beat Zimm. to death.
-- if you obey the Police, you wont get hurt, esp. if you dont attack them.
-- If you obey the law, then the Police really arent concerned with you.
-- The rest of the world doesnt give a **** what color you are. They care how you act. In fact people pay lots of money to black people all the time, who they admire.
-- Kaepernick is endorsing violence against police, by his comments, which effectively also endangers young black people. He is a douchebag idiot, who needs to STFU, and try to understand his playbook better.
-- by the way, no one here needs to "be careful." We will speak. Live with it.
-- Martin Luther King. Read about him.
I wish I could help you, but all you see is color, and you've been brainwashed to hate and blame. Youre being used.

I am not blind by skin obsession I continue to show different video of occasions were officer beaten or killed a black're the blind one if you don't see
I am not discussing about F**** O.J. simply made a point on how I thought white people viewed over blacks

How the F*** you come to the conclusion that Trayvon was a punk? F*** Zimmerman beat up his wife a year later then try to ebay sale a gun and you try to make him a hero, Please!!!!!

if you obey Police you won't get hurt! explain this to me:
-- If you obey the law, then the Police really arent concerned with you.Really explain this!!!!
why I am entertaining talking to your dumb A*** I don't even know.

Beastmode 08-30-2016 09:21 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

44Champs 08-30-2016 09:53 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 715250)
Guy you as dumb as dirt, if you can't understand what I am typing read slower or just have your wife read it back to you. I said earlier in one of my statements I wish he used another platform besides the anthem to protest. I am a Disable Vet, my father and uncles also served in the military. I know what a solider sacrifice, I know the meanings behind the words of OUR anthem. Yet still he have that RIGHT to protest how he feel. Don't get it twisted that I support not standing for the anthem, I support the cause. If not standing for the anthem would shed more light to the cause and bring more awareness to STOP this brutality, I'll sit my fat A** DOWN AS WELL!!! instead I believe by using the anthem will bring more divide and I am not for that. Still as American he has that right and I can't enforce my thoughts unto him like I can't give a blind man(44 champ) sight.

As far as no black owners in the NFL, what are you trying to say? yes

you see any white athletes refusing to stand when the not guilty verdict came through? Oh, and what does the OJ case have to do with this issue on the national anthem?

He doesn't (you really do need to proof read) I refer to how white people feeling when O.J was pronounce NOT GUILTY as the same feeling when George Zimmerman & officer were pronounce NOT GUILTY

Did you see any white athletes refusing to stand when the not guilty verdict came through?

(If you referring to the O.J.)I seen much worst, RACISM & DIVISION BETWEEN THE TWO RACES. White people were hurt and sadden, blacks vindicated

I'm dumb? You're all over the place with your arguments and you crawdaddy worse than a crawfish near a boiling pot. I'm done with your ignorant ass.

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nola_swammi 08-30-2016 10:20 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by 44Champs (Post 715273)
I'm dumb? You're all over the place with your arguments and you crawdaddy worse than a crawfish near a boiling pot. I'm done with your ignorant ass.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

learn to f*** comprehend you ignorant f*** They have a book out there to help you

How to Develop Comprehension Skills for the GED - dummies

44Champs 08-30-2016 10:36 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 715279)
learn to f*** comprehend you ignorant f*** They have a book out there to help you

How to Develop Comprehension Skills for the GED - dummies

You sound like you need some serious help.

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