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OldMaid 08-27-2016 07:14 PM

Colin Kaepernick-discuss
BRB later.:brood:

He could send some of those American greenbacks my way. I do not like half-azzing. He should go all the way in dissing the USA that made him a multimillionaire.

SmashMouth 08-27-2016 08:14 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Hope he loses all of his endorsements. Sad role model.

WhoDat!656 08-27-2016 08:20 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
You can't fix stupid!

Saw this on Facebook and had to share!

QBREES9 08-27-2016 08:32 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

mikesaintfan 08-27-2016 08:42 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Trying anything to become relevant...he sucks...he must've learned to sit last year when he got BENCHED!!! he probably sits while he pees too

ChrisXVI 08-27-2016 09:07 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Hopefully he realizes how lucky he is to live in a country that allows him to say such asinine things.

arsaint 08-27-2016 09:35 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
1) He's an idiot - he sucks!

2) He's a 49er, so #1 was a given...

burningmetal 08-27-2016 11:39 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
This is what happens when people say that athletes should take a stand. Uninformed fools like Kaepernick just sit down... and cry about something that isn't real.

You only think minorities are oppressed, because that's the only thing that is ever said or written in the media. Sure you can find stories where a minority is being mistreated. It's not like that doesn't ever happen. But you'd swear it's the ONLY thing that happens, because that's the narrative that sells.

But you see, Colin, some of us have eyes that are not closed. We can see that there is plenty "oppression" to go around for people of all colors, and it's mostly brought on by our own government and the media who plays along. All this talking and so called "standing up" just makes things worse. It pits people against each other and creates "sides" that realistically shouldn't exist.

Maybe you'd prefer it if some nazi's came here and slaughtered 3 million of "your people". That's another thing... Why do people who complain about segregation make such a point of segregating themselves by talking about themselves as if they're from another planet? "Our people are tired of being mistreated". You're drawing imaginary lines and giving the strong impression that you don't want to just be included. You want to be special. So you play the race card over and over, and over again. Stop it.

RailBoss 08-28-2016 02:24 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

skymike 08-28-2016 09:43 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
It goes without saying that Kaepernick is an idiot. Anyone who cries about
how bad they have it in a country, and they havent left yet, is an idiot. If you can leave country whenever you want, you are not oppressed.

The NFL is a business, and a business does have the right, believe it or not, to
regulate its employees political activity. I know. I'm in media, and a number of media jobs strictly prohibit you from political activitiy or involvement. I've signed a contract with this exact clause once. In some businesses, political activity is bad for business, if its done loudly.

vpheughan 08-28-2016 12:44 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Wasn't he on "Injured Reserve" AKA "Paid Leave" himself?

lee909 08-28-2016 12:46 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
The NFL should not even consider stopping players speaking out if they feel the need. Im not saying i agree or disagree with his thoughts but surely the whole point of having freedoms is allowing people to use them. He made a protest that has caused no harm to anyone and at worst will affect his endorsements deals.

I despise our monarchy over here so in no way will ever sing the national anthem. Does that mean if a case like WW2 started up i wouldn't sign up,no of course not.

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lee909 08-28-2016 12:47 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Forgot to add Kaepeenick would be better off concentrating on actually being a QB thsn making statememts at the moment though

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burningmetal 08-28-2016 01:01 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by lee909 (Post 714530)
The NFL should not even consider stopping players speaking out if they feel the need. Im not saying i agree or disagree with his thoughts but surely the whole point of having freedoms is allowing people to use them. He made a protest that has caused no harm to anyone and at worst will affect his endorsements deals.

I despise our monarchy over here so in no way will ever sing the national anthem. Does that mean if a case like WW2 started up i wouldn't sign up,no of course not.

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I don't think anyone, or at least not many, have a problem with allowing a player the option to express an opinion in some way. It's his opinion that is the problem. I don't believe that all opinions deserve respect. Some are just so misguided that you can't help but call the person out on it.

I've seen several comments from writers across the web, and heard people on TV saying that they support his right to free speech, or in this case, freedom of refusal... I guess. But all of these people are missing the point. He's being bashed because he's coming across as a whiner.

You said you hate your monarchy, and believe me, I can't stand our government here. But our national anthem here is not dedicated to the government, and bowing to their power. It's about freedom and those who fought for it. I'm not a very patriotic person these days due to the political corruption and overall dumbing down of our society. It's distressing. But the national anthem, to me, still represents what was and still could be great, again.

So for Kaep to use that as an opportunity to protest something, was in my opinion very disrespectful. And I thought his reasoning was downright wrong.

Danno 08-28-2016 02:20 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
He has the right to do it. Many great men died to give him that right

We have the right to be disgusted by his actions and have the right to call him out on it and protest his actions accordingly.

He's a freaking moron, but he's an American moron!!!

vpheughan 08-28-2016 03:34 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
He can "talk the talk" but won't "walk the walk".

Explain how your sitting is helping "the oppressed black people and people of color"? How "this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

Bigger than football? If you really believe that then resign your position in the NFL, give back all that "oppressor" and "paid leave" money. Head to south Louisiana or Kokomo Indiana and help with the rebuilding.

RaginCajun83 08-28-2016 03:46 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

44Champs 08-28-2016 06:11 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Here's an article reminding us of when Kaeperdick used the n word on the field and was fines for it. Personally, I also think it's ridiculous that the NFL doesnt require that players stand during the National Anthem. Those players should move somewhere else and see in what other country they can earn this much money

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Danno 08-28-2016 06:43 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
I think the NFL has the right to suspend him indefinitely, if they can punish a player for criticizing officials or racist comments, they can certainly suspend this moron for comments detrimental to the nfl brand.

The nfl is s private company and should be able to discipline accordingly.
Suspend his ass immediately. I'll applaud the decision loudly

jeanpierre 08-28-2016 08:28 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 714555)
He has the right to do it. Many great men died to give him that right

We have the right to be disgusted by his actions and have the right to call him out on it and protest his actions accordingly.

He's a freaking moron, but he's an American moron!!!

The above statements are pretty much the values that were part of my upbringing...

Always enjoyed this quote, which had been mis-attributed to Voltaire in an erred translation by Evelyn Beatrice Hall

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

And while I still ascribe to the values the quote represents, there is pause...

We have come to the crossroads in this country's journey where corrupt minority malcontents, no matter the placations and compensations they receive have convinced ignorant masses in this country they simply can not be appeased enough...

Leftist demagogues have quietly sustained a coup of unaccountable mass media and tenured higher education disseminating their dogma as the high moral ground with a continued assault on the values laid forth by the Founding Fathers...

These malcontents throw upon themselves the veil of the oppressed in some Machiavellian scheme to attain singular, personal wealth while leaving those they claim to be a part of behind...

So at these crossroads it is time to resolve whereby the malcontents should be encouraged to depart this country, to take the wealth they've attained and seek their personal gratifications elsewhere...

For these malcontents have failed to pay the respect and appreciation for the sacrifices of blood, if not all, that has been given for them to have the quality of life they so richly enjoy yet fail to pay forward their part for that which they've suckled...

lee909 08-28-2016 08:43 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

SmashMouth 08-28-2016 09:56 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Report: 49ers likely to jettison Kaepernick, for football reasons | ProFootballTalk

CK will continue to sit...

lee909 08-28-2016 10:07 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
No surprise
Wouldn't shock me of this was part of his plan. Say something the team wont like and they cut you loose. Who wants a second string QB disrupting things.

Denver within two weeks maybe

Saintsfan4ever 08-28-2016 11:34 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Maybe not entirely, but certainly a partial reason for Kaepernick's anti-American delusions are most likely exacerbated by his girlfriend Nessa Diab.

Nessa Diab is a San Francisco Radio/TV celeb & Black Lives Matter activist. It's also been reported that she promotes what she calls "Authentic Islam".
Don't take my word for it. Google her. She's a Frisco freak.

RailBoss 08-29-2016 02:01 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Saintsfan4ever (Post 714686)
Maybe not entirely, but certainly a partial reason for Kaepernick's anti-American delusions are most likely exacerbated by his girlfriend Nessa Diab.

Nessa Diab is a San Francisco Radio/TV celeb & Black Lives Matter activist. It's also been reported that she promotes what she calls "Authentic Islam".
Don't take my word for it. Google her. She's a Frisco freak.

Well after googling Nessa Diab I'm thinking that Kaepernick is not as dumb as he looks. Now you can kind of see where this is all coming from.

Rugby Saint II 08-29-2016 12:25 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Then go play in the CFL if you don't love America enough to stand for the National anthem. Get the hell out of my country. There are plenty of illegals who would jump at the opportunity to be an American and stand up for the flag.

QBREES9 08-29-2016 04:08 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Why don't you get up and do something about it. Instead of just sitting there.

44Champs 08-29-2016 04:28 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Bottom line he's a PUNK. If he really wants to make a change then he should use some of his money to go out and educate people and do some types of civil work. I bet his ignorant ass doesn't even VOTE!!

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Halo 08-29-2016 04:37 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
This was posted outside a restaurant in Covington, LA on Saturday night. It took me a minute until I started LMAO!

nola_swammi 08-29-2016 06:49 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
All you that see how offensive it is that he don't stand for the anthem, just think about all those black families that lost their loves ones to brutal killing by police officers and George Zimmerman for being found innocent for Trayvon Martin death. Yes close your eyes or justify the lost of those lives. If you notice not one black person is burning a jersey or speaking out publicly. Americans black & white gave their lives in order for us to have freedom of protest and yes standing for the anthem is a sign of respect to our fallen heroes but sitting to protest is Kap freedom to protest. PEOPLE be careful how you attack Kap before this turnout very huge and blacks come to his defense

Lord_Saint83 08-29-2016 07:07 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
As a former serviceman from a whole family were my father served and both grandfathers served. I don't agree with him not standing but that's his right as an american to express himself however wrong it maybe. Radical groups like the klan and black panthers speak ignorantly and its wrong but thats their right as an american to do so as long as its not harming people. When it crosses to hurting people than its a problem. I just tune out ignorant people instead of being hurt by things people say that i don't agree with.

RailBoss 08-29-2016 09:07 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Next stop the CFL for Mr. Disrespect pack your bags.
Hard to believe this kid grew up hard knocks.

neugey 08-29-2016 09:16 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
60 some years ago, Jackie Robertson stood firm on a ball field and put his hand on his heart during the anthem, knowing for the next few hours that the US flag would be darn near his only ally in the face of constant mockery and discrimination while simply playing a game. I'm sure each night that Jackie, despite the ongoing bigotry, hoped and dreamed that the principles of equality would in time win out, so that we as a country could get to a point where an athlete is judged by his ability and his grace, not by his race or creed.

At a sporting event, observing the flag is not an act of patriotic servitude. It is an act of recognition for all those that came before you and showed tremendous character and defied the odds for our common benefit. They came from all walks of life and stood for independence. Thus, you can stand for the fellow spectators and players who adhere to one common principle that we are still trying to get better at - that all men are created equal and are equally deserving of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Many fellow Americans, myself among them, have definitive grievances about the corrupt direction of this country and the irreparable harm that is being done to our families and communities, in so many areas. For persons with opened eyes who are observing the problems that Colin cited, it isn't supposed to be easy to stand for your country and observe the flag and feel like it's totally the right thing to be doing. It requires both class and reflection.

44Champs 08-29-2016 10:08 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 714975)
All you that see how offensive it is that he don't stand for the anthem, just think about all those black families that lost their loves ones to brutal killing by police officers and George Zimmerman for being found innocent for Trayvon Martin death. Yes close your eyes or justify the lost of those lives. If you notice not one black person is burning a jersey or speaking out publicly. Americans black & white gave their lives in order for us to have freedom of protest and yes standing for the anthem is a sign of respect to our fallen heroes but sitting to protest is Kap freedom to protest. PEOPLE be careful how you attack Kap before this turnout very huge and blacks come to his defense

What the hell does this have to do with being unpatriotic? What about white families that lose love ones to murders caused by Blacks? What about Whites being murdered by Whites? What about Blacks being murdered by Blacks? Is there only outrage when a black person is killed by white? How Hypocritical!! We have a Black President now and Blacks have as much opportunity now as Whites, so to say that you are being oppressed by your skin color is total BS. BTW, I'm not white, and I've never felt oppressed or discriminated against because I REFUSE to let my skin color or ethnicity define who I am as a person. If you use discrimination or oppression as an excuse, than you are living with a Victim Mentality. With all the opportunity and money that Kap has, he's an IDIOT for living with that kind of mentality. I'd like to tell him to quit being a p***y and Get over it!!

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OldMaid 08-29-2016 11:11 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
South Carolina high school bans American flags from football game -


burningmetal 08-29-2016 11:11 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 714975)
All you that see how offensive it is that he don't stand for the anthem, just think about all those black families that lost their loves ones to brutal killing by police officers and George Zimmerman for being found innocent for Trayvon Martin death. Yes close your eyes or justify the lost of those lives. If you notice not one black person is burning a jersey or speaking out publicly. Americans black & white gave their lives in order for us to have freedom of protest and yes standing for the anthem is a sign of respect to our fallen heroes but sitting to protest is Kap freedom to protest. PEOPLE be careful how you attack Kap before this turnout very huge and blacks come to his defense

This kind of comment is a huge part of what's wrong with America. People like me and others around here keep talking about how the media is spreading propaganda about "racism". And people just eat it up.

Your comment illustrates that. George Zimmerman was not convicted. There was no evidence to support that he wasn't defending himself, just as he said. Now, you're free to disagree with that outcome, but you are judging without knowledge. You are automatically taking the the kid's side because he was black, and you assume that Zimmerman is a racist.

The same thing has happened over and over with these stories coming out. You have KNOWN CRIMINALS who have been killed by police, who say they were defending themselves. The evidence doesn't refute their claims. This goes on every day. It has nothing to do with race. But suddenly, it's a problem.

Are there crimes committed with prejudice? Yeah. And it comes from people of every color. But this idea that racism is rampant and every time a black person dies it's because of racism, you are just playing the victim. You know how many white people die at the hands of either a white or black person everyday? No, you don't. You won't hear about, and you won't go looking for that information, because it wouldn't support your theory.

YOU come off as racist by assuming that every death of a black person is racially motivated. Maybe you are racist, maybe you're not. But that's what it looks like, and that's what's causing all this tension. The propaganda, the people who fall for it, and now you have police being shot at because people like you "think" that other cops have committed murder. Not to say that there aren't corrupt cops. But there are a LOT more corrupt people who are bringing this on themselves.

skymike 08-29-2016 11:19 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 714606)
I think the NFL has the right to suspend him indefinitely, if they can punish a player for criticizing officials or racist comments, they can certainly suspend this moron for comments detrimental to the nfl brand.

The nfl is s private company and should be able to discipline accordingly.
Suspend his ass immediately. I'll applaud the decision loudly

This is where people get hung up on the "Right to say it/ Free Speech."
The NFL is not the Government. It is a business. The government cannot tell you what to say, but a business certainly can. His statement
is not only offensive, and false, but he is endorsing anti-police sentiment, which, from someone with the influence of an NFL star, effectively
makes their jobs more dangerous.

44Champs 08-29-2016 11:25 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 715046)
This kind of comment is a huge part of what's wrong with America. People like me and others around here keep talking about how the media is spreading propaganda about "racism". And people just eat it up.

Your comment illustrates that. George Zimmerman was not convicted. There was no evidence to support that he wasn't defending himself, just as he said. Now, you're free to disagree with that outcome, but you are judging without knowledge. You are automatically taking the the kid's side because he was black, and you assume that Zimmerman is a racist.

The same thing has happened over and over with these stories coming out. You have KNOWN CRIMINALS who have been killed by police, who say they were defending themselves. The evidence doesn't refute their claims. This goes on every day. It has nothing to do with race. But suddenly, it's a problem.

Are there crimes committed with prejudice? Yeah. And it comes from people of every color. But this idea that racism is rampant and every time a black person dies it's because of racism, you are just playing the victim. You know how many white people die at the hands of either a white or black person everyday? No, you don't. You won't hear about, and you won't go looking for that information, because it wouldn't support your theory.

YOU come off as racist by assuming that every death of a black person is racially motivated. Maybe you are racist, maybe you're not. But that's what it looks like, and that's what's causing all this tension. The propaganda, the people who fall for it, and now you have police being shot at because people like you "think" that other cops have committed murder. Not to say that there aren't corrupt cops. But there are a LOT more corrupt people who are bringing this on themselves.

How can I like this comment more than once?

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Beastmode 08-29-2016 11:30 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Chris Jackson for LSU and later NBA use to do it I believe. I served 20 years in the military and do not care.

nola_swammi 08-29-2016 11:38 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by 44Champs (Post 715031)
What the hell does this have to do with being unpatriotic? What about white families that lose love ones to murders caused by Blacks? What about Whites being murdered by Whites? What about Blacks being murdered by Blacks? Is there only outrage when a black person is killed by white? How Hypocritical!! We have a Black President now and Blacks have as much opportunity now as Whites, so to say that you are being oppressed by your skin color is total BS. BTW, I'm not white, and I've never felt oppressed or discriminated against because I REFUSE to let my skin color or ethnicity define who I am as a person. If you use discrimination or oppression as an excuse, than you are living with a Victim Mentality. With all the opportunity and money that Kap has, he'd an IDIOT for living with that kind of mentality. Get over it!

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I never said anything about being unpatriotic. The opportunities for whites are greater that's a fact. When you have predominantly blacks that live in a town and majority of the officers are white, fact. When you have the NFL that predominantly black players you have not one owner that's black, fact. Now I am not saying blacks don't have any opportunity but the door is wide open if you're white. Kap, have as much right as any other individual to protest that don't mean you have to agree. People quick to make an uproar and feel insulted by him not standing up, how the f*** you think I feel when I see my brothers and sisters being beaten, murdered with no sense of f****** justice. I could care less what race you are as a person that should tick you off if someone with a badge can walk up to you disregard your rights. How did you feel about O.J. Being set free?

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