frydaddy |
12-01-2018 09:24 AM |
Re: Kareem Hunt filmed beating and kicking woman
Originally Posted by shawnkytonk
(Post 827042)
Self defense? should change your name to *****mode. Seriously, bragging about hitting a woman and saying you'd do it again. I'm guessing your life was in danger.
And I saw the video. This was not self-defense. He wasn't attacked. He was never struck. It doesn't matter if he was. He kicked the girl while she was on the ground. I'm sure he was in danger considering he's 220 lbs and she might be 100. You know nothing about me, and I haven't said anything judgemental about him. I can say without a doubt you're a real POS though just based on your post.
You're such a typical liberal. "I disagree with you, therefore you are a bad person and I should insult you!"
The women in my family share beast and spk's sentiment. If you're gonna hit a man first, you shouldn't automatically expect no consequence simply because you're a woman. And let me tell you, there are a lot of strong women in my family, both physically and mentally. Now, there's a difference between hitting back and beating the living hell out of someone, and I agree that a man should never beat the hell out of a woman, unless it's truly a life or death self defense scenario.
My wife and I had a very rough first few years of our marriage, for a lot of reasons. There was a time when things seemed to be getting worse by the day. We were always arguing, and the arguing lead to shouting, and the shouting eventually lead to her taking swings at me. Not everytime, but if things got really heated, she would kinda blackout and **** would get crazy. I allowed her to hit me on several occasions without doing anything back other than maybe pushing her away from me or grabbing her wrists. She usually didn't hit very hard anyway, so I let it slide. But there was one time when she punched me right in the nose, and I had enough. So I swung back, with an open hand and smacked her pretty hard across the top of her head. She never hit me again after that. Now that years have passed and we've moved on from all the bad times she feels terrible about having ever hit me, and she understands and acknowledges why I finally had to hit her back.