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A.8Manning 02-24-2019 05:23 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
if you are grown men, use your common sense. a billionaire doesnt go to a strip mall for a hand job. this is as fake as the non-call in the playoff game.

Garry42 02-24-2019 07:55 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by A.8Manning (Post 838975)
if you are grown men, use your common sense. a billionaire doesnt go to a strip mall for a hand job. this is as fake as the non-call in the playoff game.

I'm not clear as to what your point is. Are you saying this really didn't happen?

vpheughan 02-24-2019 08:30 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
THI$ $$$$$$$ REALLY $$$$$$$$ DIDN'T $$$$$$$$$ HAPPEN $$$$$$ $EE? $$$$$$

neugey 02-24-2019 11:46 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
At the end of the day, it's about the money. Kraft's pull and prestige in the NFL doesn't hurt either. Regardless of the depth of his involvement, he will skate. Like Michelle Kwan. Calling it now.

A.8Manning 02-24-2019 04:43 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by Garry42 (Post 838977)
I'm not clear as to what your point is. Are you saying this really didn't happen?

Of course it didnt. Every off season is a new fake story.
Just another thing to keep nfl on the brain till next season.
Tape-gate, deflate-gate, 4 game suspensions. Drugs this,beat up girlfriend that, near a murder scene bla bla bla.
Bread and circuses. Rinse, repeat..turn on your tv, drink your beer..have something stupid to talk about at the water cooler....

Garry42 02-25-2019 04:08 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by A.8Manning (Post 839003)
Of course it didnt. Every off season is a new fake story.
Just another thing to keep nfl on the brain till next season.
Tape-gate, deflate-gate, 4 game suspensions. Drugs this,beat up girlfriend that, near a murder scene bla bla bla.
Bread and circuses. Rinse, repeat..turn on your tv, drink your beer..have something stupid to talk about at the water cooler....


A.8Manning 02-25-2019 01:18 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by Garry42 (Post 839012)

Um ok? You prove my point.
Bread and circuses. Give them their beer and their sports. They'll be too dumb and lazy to figure out theyre being fooled. It's fake. No billionaire goes to.a strip mall for a hand job.

frydaddy 02-25-2019 04:26 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by A.8Manning (Post 839046)
Um ok? You prove my point.
Bread and circuses. Give them their beer and their sports. They'll be too dumb and lazy to figure out theyre being fooled. It's fake. No billionaire goes to.a strip mall for a hand job.

Well, as it turns out they have surveillance footage of him getting a blowjob. Kinda poops all over your theory. Unless of course he's in on the conspiracy. Which seems hard for me to believe, considering he already has/had all the money and influence he could dream of. I mean why else would you be the fall guy for something like this unless it was in exchange for one or both of those things? I got news for you pal, this isnt the 1990's, when Bill Clinton could get hummers in the oval office and get away with it. We live in a world now where people have their character assassinated over even unproven accusations. Lives destroyed by screeching mobs of social justice warriors. You're the fool if you think this somehow benefits him or the NFL. He probably will end up forced to sell the team, whether by the league or by the aforementioned screaming mobs. He'll be disavowed and blacklisted by social media first, then the mainstream media, then the politicians will join in. Of course he'll still have money and maybe some influence, but this isnt going to help him gain more of either one. In fact he'll lose a significant amount of both. As for the league, they already have several large messes on their hands, and a fanbase that is getting increasingly frustrated with all the bs happening both on the field and off of it. The last thing it needs is another black eye right now when they're still trying to distance themselves from the no call and the worst super bowl ever. So I ask you, what in the ****ing hell does Kraft stand to gain from this? Or the NFL? Are they all just pawns of the illuminati? That's your end game isn't it? You sly son of a *****, you almost got it past me. You're full on tin foil hat in a basement conspiracy theorist. Actually I bet it's one of those underground doomsday shelters.

A.8Manning 02-25-2019 07:32 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by frydaddy (Post 839053)
Well, as it turns out they have surveillance footage of him getting a blowjob. Kinda poops all over your theory. Unless of course he's in on the conspiracy. Which seems hard for me to believe, considering he already has/had all the money and influence he could dream of. I mean why else would you be the fall guy for something like this unless it was in exchange for one or both of those things? I got news for you pal, this isnt the 1990's, when Bill Clinton could get hummers in the oval office and get away with it. We live in a world now where people have their character assassinated over even unproven accusations. Lives destroyed by screeching mobs of social justice warriors. You're the fool if you think this somehow benefits him or the NFL. He probably will end up forced to sell the team, whether by the league or by the aforementioned screaming mobs. He'll be disavowed and blacklisted by social media first, then the mainstream media, then the politicians will join in. Of course he'll still have money and maybe some influence, but this isnt going to help him gain more of either one. In fact he'll lose a significant amount of both. As for the league, they already have several large messes on their hands, and a fanbase that is getting increasingly frustrated with all the bs happening both on the field and off of it. The last thing it needs is another black eye right now when they're still trying to distance themselves from the no call and the worst super bowl ever. So I ask you, what in the ****ing hell does Kraft stand to gain from this? Or the NFL? Are they all just pawns of the illuminati? That's your end game isn't it? You sly son of a *****, you almost got it past me. You're full on tin foil hat in a basement conspiracy theorist. Actually I bet it's one of those underground doomsday shelters.

Are you from the 1940s? They don't have ****. It's made up. And if you saw anything, itvwas 30 seconds of doctored ,digital science footage. You Re just quoting stuff you read. That's not proof anything happened. It's as fake as tape gate and deflategate.

It's called propaganda.

frydaddy 02-25-2019 08:02 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
You haven't a single credible source to back your claims, nor can you answer the question of why would Kraft and the league orchestrate this and what could they possibly stand to gain from it? Maybe this would have been a successful publicity stunt 20 years ago, but in today's world it will only bring them headache. There's nothing to be gained, not for Kraft or the NFL. I almost admire your refusal to be swayed from your beliefs, but your beliefs are that of a crazy person.

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