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K Major 02-22-2019 11:17 AM

Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

WhoDat!656 02-22-2019 11:41 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
Will this be known as 'Arouse gate'?

CHA_CHING 02-22-2019 11:49 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
Police say there is video evidence for all involved.

It's not just prostitution, it's linked to human trafficking.

For the longest time, I've thought Kraft was one of the better owners in the league. I'll never defend him again after this.

K Major 02-22-2019 11:52 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by CHA_CHING (Post 838899)
Police say there is video evidence for all involved.

It's not just prostitution, it's linked to human trafficking.


ChrisXVI 02-22-2019 11:58 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
No surprise. The things these rich folks are into would shock people if they knew. The NFL must force a sale of the team now.

CHA_CHING 02-22-2019 12:12 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
Pats fans better enjoy that 6th SB win cause it's the last ring they're going to get for a long time if Kraft goes to jail and the NFL forces the team to be sold.

Their dynasty would've ended by now if the AFC wasn't such a hotbed of mediocrity. Say what you want about Peyton Manning and his Broncos teams, but they are the only thing that prevented us from seeing New England reach 5 Super Bowls in a row.

Every year, we hear about how Kansas City, Pittsburgh, Baltimore and some other flavor of the month team is going to supposedly beat the Pats in the playoffs. The only team that actually did it was the Broncos and they did it twice. Since Manning's retirement and Denver's collapse into mediocrity, the Pats get a cake walk to the Super Bowl every year.

I've been saying this for a few years now; the AFC is like how it was back in the early to mid 90's when Buffalo made 4 consecutive trips to the Super Bowl. Back then, the Houston Oilers were all hyped up to knock Buffalo out and on paper, they had the superior team. But they couldn't stop blowing big leads in the playoffs, kinda like the Chiefs of recent years.

After today's news about Kraft, I hope one of these teams in the AFC really gets their act together and finally puts a stop to the Pats going to the SB.

73Saint 02-22-2019 12:22 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt...

stickman 02-22-2019 01:13 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
You'd think a guy with that much money could afford to keep a mistress set up somewhere. Or have her on the payroll as a "personal assistant" so she can travel with him.

But then again, I guess he thought he can just buy his way out of anything.

OldMaid 02-22-2019 05:13 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
This. Whoa.
Oh man, he is going down.

Linked to sex trafficking.
Uhh no.

dam1953 02-22-2019 07:43 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
It will be very interesting to see how the owners try and spin this one. After forcing Jerry Richardson to sell the Panthers for what seems to be a lesser sin, it will be very difficult for them to protect Kraft.

Get ready for a sh*t show.

WhoDat!656 02-23-2019 02:07 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
Who would have thought that the Patriots seventh ring would be a prostitution ring!

CHA_CHING 02-23-2019 03:24 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by dam1953 (Post 838920)
It will be very interesting to see how the owners try and spin this one. After forcing Jerry Richardson to sell the Panthers for what seems to be a lesser sin, it will be very difficult for them to protect Kraft.

Get ready for a sh*t show.

You can bet your money that Goodell will find a way to screw this up.

He could screw up a cup of coffee.

ChrisXVI 02-23-2019 08:22 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
It’s hard to understand why someone so rich would take such a seedy avenue to get his jollies but then again these girls are slaves from China, they won't know who you are, tell on you, go to the government or try to blackmail you. Not to mention, some of them are probably underage which is a big reason scumbags are associating with the place.

hitta 02-23-2019 12:18 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
I really don't know all the factors in the case(as it doesn't seem like there have been that much information posted). If this is just him getting a happy ending massage, then I don't give a ****. If they arrested every guy that has had a happy ending and stuck them in prison, we would be out of prison cells.

jeanpierre 02-23-2019 12:34 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
With all Kraft's paying Tom Brady, Giselle couldn't get the Ole Man hooked up?!?

Garry42 02-23-2019 01:55 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by dam1953 (Post 838920)
It will be very interesting to see how the owners try and spin this one. After forcing Jerry Richardson to sell the Panthers for what seems to be a lesser sin, it will be very difficult for them to protect Kraft.

Get ready for a sh*t show.

What Richardson did is nowhere close to the alleged Kraft incident. The NFL has a real problem on their hands now, especially because it involves Kraft. If he is guilty as charged, the NFL has to hope he voluntarily sells the team. If he digs in, the NFL will screw it up royally because I don't think they have the stones to do the right thing. Based upon the charges, this incident is beyond just a simple "indiscretion".

RailBoss 02-23-2019 02:50 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
Would have been nice if RG was carpooling with Old Man Kraft to the Spa.

dam1953 02-23-2019 02:52 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 838943)
With all Kraft's paying Tom Brady, Giselle couldn't get the Ole Man hooked up?!?

On top of the he stops in at the Orchids of Asia Day Spa, only 2-stars on Yelp. And I thought that Mike Brown was a cheap SOB.

whybag 02-23-2019 09:15 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by CHA_CHING (Post 838899)
It's not just prostitution, it's linked to human trafficking.

Kraft asked for a handjob (or more) at a massage parlor, which are notorious "open secrets" for human trafficking; the girls giving massages are trafficked for that purpose. I find it interesting that a john is getting so much coverage, considering human trafficking arrests have been so high the last couple of years.

Most people don't know it, but human trafficking arrests under Trump's first year alone were about as much as four or five years under Obama combined. There have been several stories since inauguration where more than 200 people were arrested at a time in stings, I wonder why this current ring is getting so much more attention than the earlier ones, because there are celebrities this time?

A.8Manning 02-24-2019 05:21 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by CHA_CHING (Post 838928)
You can bet your money that Goodell will find a way to screw this up.

He could screw up a cup of coffee.

they arent screwing anything up. they are doing exactly as the please

A.8Manning 02-24-2019 05:23 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
if you are grown men, use your common sense. a billionaire doesnt go to a strip mall for a hand job. this is as fake as the non-call in the playoff game.

Garry42 02-24-2019 07:55 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by A.8Manning (Post 838975)
if you are grown men, use your common sense. a billionaire doesnt go to a strip mall for a hand job. this is as fake as the non-call in the playoff game.

I'm not clear as to what your point is. Are you saying this really didn't happen?

vpheughan 02-24-2019 08:30 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
THI$ $$$$$$$ REALLY $$$$$$$$ DIDN'T $$$$$$$$$ HAPPEN $$$$$$ $EE? $$$$$$

neugey 02-24-2019 11:46 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
At the end of the day, it's about the money. Kraft's pull and prestige in the NFL doesn't hurt either. Regardless of the depth of his involvement, he will skate. Like Michelle Kwan. Calling it now.

A.8Manning 02-24-2019 04:43 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by Garry42 (Post 838977)
I'm not clear as to what your point is. Are you saying this really didn't happen?

Of course it didnt. Every off season is a new fake story.
Just another thing to keep nfl on the brain till next season.
Tape-gate, deflate-gate, 4 game suspensions. Drugs this,beat up girlfriend that, near a murder scene bla bla bla.
Bread and circuses. Rinse, repeat..turn on your tv, drink your beer..have something stupid to talk about at the water cooler....

Garry42 02-25-2019 04:08 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by A.8Manning (Post 839003)
Of course it didnt. Every off season is a new fake story.
Just another thing to keep nfl on the brain till next season.
Tape-gate, deflate-gate, 4 game suspensions. Drugs this,beat up girlfriend that, near a murder scene bla bla bla.
Bread and circuses. Rinse, repeat..turn on your tv, drink your beer..have something stupid to talk about at the water cooler....


A.8Manning 02-25-2019 01:18 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by Garry42 (Post 839012)

Um ok? You prove my point.
Bread and circuses. Give them their beer and their sports. They'll be too dumb and lazy to figure out theyre being fooled. It's fake. No billionaire goes to.a strip mall for a hand job.

frydaddy 02-25-2019 04:26 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by A.8Manning (Post 839046)
Um ok? You prove my point.
Bread and circuses. Give them their beer and their sports. They'll be too dumb and lazy to figure out theyre being fooled. It's fake. No billionaire goes to.a strip mall for a hand job.

Well, as it turns out they have surveillance footage of him getting a blowjob. Kinda poops all over your theory. Unless of course he's in on the conspiracy. Which seems hard for me to believe, considering he already has/had all the money and influence he could dream of. I mean why else would you be the fall guy for something like this unless it was in exchange for one or both of those things? I got news for you pal, this isnt the 1990's, when Bill Clinton could get hummers in the oval office and get away with it. We live in a world now where people have their character assassinated over even unproven accusations. Lives destroyed by screeching mobs of social justice warriors. You're the fool if you think this somehow benefits him or the NFL. He probably will end up forced to sell the team, whether by the league or by the aforementioned screaming mobs. He'll be disavowed and blacklisted by social media first, then the mainstream media, then the politicians will join in. Of course he'll still have money and maybe some influence, but this isnt going to help him gain more of either one. In fact he'll lose a significant amount of both. As for the league, they already have several large messes on their hands, and a fanbase that is getting increasingly frustrated with all the bs happening both on the field and off of it. The last thing it needs is another black eye right now when they're still trying to distance themselves from the no call and the worst super bowl ever. So I ask you, what in the ****ing hell does Kraft stand to gain from this? Or the NFL? Are they all just pawns of the illuminati? That's your end game isn't it? You sly son of a *****, you almost got it past me. You're full on tin foil hat in a basement conspiracy theorist. Actually I bet it's one of those underground doomsday shelters.

A.8Manning 02-25-2019 07:32 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by frydaddy (Post 839053)
Well, as it turns out they have surveillance footage of him getting a blowjob. Kinda poops all over your theory. Unless of course he's in on the conspiracy. Which seems hard for me to believe, considering he already has/had all the money and influence he could dream of. I mean why else would you be the fall guy for something like this unless it was in exchange for one or both of those things? I got news for you pal, this isnt the 1990's, when Bill Clinton could get hummers in the oval office and get away with it. We live in a world now where people have their character assassinated over even unproven accusations. Lives destroyed by screeching mobs of social justice warriors. You're the fool if you think this somehow benefits him or the NFL. He probably will end up forced to sell the team, whether by the league or by the aforementioned screaming mobs. He'll be disavowed and blacklisted by social media first, then the mainstream media, then the politicians will join in. Of course he'll still have money and maybe some influence, but this isnt going to help him gain more of either one. In fact he'll lose a significant amount of both. As for the league, they already have several large messes on their hands, and a fanbase that is getting increasingly frustrated with all the bs happening both on the field and off of it. The last thing it needs is another black eye right now when they're still trying to distance themselves from the no call and the worst super bowl ever. So I ask you, what in the ****ing hell does Kraft stand to gain from this? Or the NFL? Are they all just pawns of the illuminati? That's your end game isn't it? You sly son of a *****, you almost got it past me. You're full on tin foil hat in a basement conspiracy theorist. Actually I bet it's one of those underground doomsday shelters.

Are you from the 1940s? They don't have ****. It's made up. And if you saw anything, itvwas 30 seconds of doctored ,digital science footage. You Re just quoting stuff you read. That's not proof anything happened. It's as fake as tape gate and deflategate.

It's called propaganda.

frydaddy 02-25-2019 08:02 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
You haven't a single credible source to back your claims, nor can you answer the question of why would Kraft and the league orchestrate this and what could they possibly stand to gain from it? Maybe this would have been a successful publicity stunt 20 years ago, but in today's world it will only bring them headache. There's nothing to be gained, not for Kraft or the NFL. I almost admire your refusal to be swayed from your beliefs, but your beliefs are that of a crazy person.

A.8Manning 02-26-2019 01:27 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by frydaddy (Post 839068)
You haven't a single credible source to back your claims, nor can you answer the question of why would Kraft and the league orchestrate this and what could they possibly stand to gain from it? Maybe this would have been a successful publicity stunt 20 years ago, but in today's world it will only bring them headache. There's nothing to be gained, not for Kraft or the NFL. I almost admire your refusal to be swayed from your beliefs, but your beliefs are that of a crazy person.

lol I have common sense. youve been trained to think you need an authority figure to tell you if you are right.
what the hell is a credible source? all you have is believing a media story. thats not proof or truth. thats you hearing something and believing it.
common sense= no billionaire that old goes to a strip mall.
there is no video tape. saying there is doesnt make it so.

((Maybe this would have been a successful publicity stunt 20 years ago, but in today's world it will only bring them headache. There's nothing to be gained, not for Kraft or the NFL. I almost admire your refusal to be swayed from your beliefs, but your beliefs are that of a crazy person.))

theres nothing to be gained? they gain you, wasting time, talking about stupid ****, daily. instead of learning anything valuable about your govt,time, or the world around you and its history. we are all a bunch of dumb****s,sucking the tit of entertainment news.
.. how the hell do you know what they can and cant do?(you really need to research technological advances,it will blow your mind) they obviously fooled you. lets see..... you're saying people with billions, in control of entertainment media and news, cant fool you?
thats exactly why and how they fool you. you make excuses for being made a fool of. they purposely dont call a penalty everyone saw, and youre still too ignorant to see it. every off season is some new perfect storm drama.
and yet, why even waste time talking about it? the wealthy are never punished. and go on your merry way, drooling in front of your tv set.. wow, did you see that catch? i'm not remotely crazy. Im the only one thinking for myself apparently. you need your hand held by daddy govt, to tell you how to think. your favorite team , gets to the SB once in 50 years and you still dont raise an eyebrow? ignorance is truly bliss in America.
Robert Kraft..all owners, none of them give a damn you exist.. yet like dumb dogs, you defend them as though they were a family meber i was attacking.

Garry42 02-26-2019 04:52 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by A.8Manning (Post 839046)
Um ok? You prove my point.
Bread and circuses. Give them their beer and their sports. They'll be too dumb and lazy to figure out theyre being fooled. It's fake. No billionaire goes to.a strip mall for a hand job. simply means there is no point trying to have a rationale discussion with you. Enjoy your world!

vpheughan 02-26-2019 06:12 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
C'mon Will, we know its you!!!

frydaddy 02-26-2019 08:21 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by A.8Manning (Post 839078)
lol I have common sense. youve been trained to think you need an authority figure to tell you if you are right.
what the hell is a credible source? all you have is believing a media story. thats not proof or truth. thats you hearing something and believing it.
common sense= no billionaire that old goes to a strip mall.
there is no video tape. saying there is doesnt make it so.

((Maybe this would have been a successful publicity stunt 20 years ago, but in today's world it will only bring them headache. There's nothing to be gained, not for Kraft or the NFL. I almost admire your refusal to be swayed from your beliefs, but your beliefs are that of a crazy person.))

theres nothing to be gained? they gain you, wasting time, talking about stupid ****, daily. instead of learning anything valuable about your govt,time, or the world around you and its history. we are all a bunch of dumb****s,sucking the tit of entertainment news.
.. how the hell do you know what they can and cant do?(you really need to research technological advances,it will blow your mind) they obviously fooled you. lets see..... you're saying people with billions, in control of entertainment media and news, cant fool you?
thats exactly why and how they fool you. you make excuses for being made a fool of. they purposely dont call a penalty everyone saw, and youre still too ignorant to see it. every off season is some new perfect storm drama.
and yet, why even waste time talking about it? the wealthy are never punished. and go on your merry way, drooling in front of your tv set.. wow, did you see that catch? i'm not remotely crazy. Im the only one thinking for myself apparently. you need your hand held by daddy govt, to tell you how to think. your favorite team , gets to the SB once in 50 years and you still dont raise an eyebrow? ignorance is truly bliss in America.
Robert Kraft..all owners, none of them give a damn you exist.. yet like dumb dogs, you defend them as though they were a family meber i was attacking.

So you really ARE an illuminati conspiracy theorist. I was joking lol, but you've proven it true. My mistake for engaging someone as disconnected from reality as you. Carry on crazy man.

A.8Manning 02-26-2019 05:03 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by frydaddy (Post 839098)
So you really ARE an illuminati conspiracy theorist. I was joking lol, but you've proven it true. My mistake for engaging someone as disconnected from reality as you. Carry on crazy man.

No, I'm a critical thinking doubter.
Youre a coincidence theorist.
All you're capable of is deflecting. You can't prove me wrong or your beliefs in media stories true.
Who said anything about illuminati? I don't use cliches.
You are just chirping generalities that media taught you.
That doesn't prove me wrong.

frydaddy 02-26-2019 05:36 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by A.8Manning (Post 839139)
No, I'm a critical thinking doubter.
Youre a coincidence theorist.
All you're capable of is deflecting. You can't prove me wrong or your beliefs in media stories true.
Who said anything about illuminati? I don't use cliches.
You are just chirping generalities that media taught you.
That doesn't prove me wrong.

Hurble glurble burble nurble. Whoa, sorry I slipped into Martian there for a second. The implant they placed in my cortex goes a little haywire once in a while. I'm sure you speak the language though so you get my point.

vpheughan 02-27-2019 08:15 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
That doesn't prove me wrong.

Doesn't prove you are right either.

exiled 02-27-2019 10:55 AM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge
I think the central point here is that prostitution should be legal and regulated. Anything else endangers women and encourages human trafficking and pimps. I doubt Kraft knew or didn't bother to think through the human trafficking issue, he just wanted a hummer. I doubt we will be hearing anything like that from Kraft but if we did then this would actually be a story. I'll take my comments off the air, thank you.

CHA_CHING 02-27-2019 01:05 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by whybag (Post 838967)
Kraft asked for a handjob (or more) at a massage parlor, which are notorious "open secrets" for human trafficking; the girls giving massages are trafficked for that purpose. I find it interesting that a john is getting so much coverage, considering human trafficking arrests have been so high the last couple of years.

Most people don't know it, but human trafficking arrests under Trump's first year alone were about as much as four or five years under Obama combined. There have been several stories since inauguration where more than 200 people were arrested at a time in stings, I wonder why this current ring is getting so much more attention than the earlier ones, because there are celebrities this time?

Probably so.

It's amazing that a billionaire like Kraft can't just get a date like us normal folks who will never be as rich as him.

A.8Manning 03-01-2019 11:32 PM

Re: Report: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Facing Prostitution Charge

Originally Posted by CHA_CHING (Post 839199)
Probably so.

It's amazing that a billionaire like Kraft can't just get a date like us normal folks who will never be as rich as him.

You answered your own question. Of course he doesn't need to. This is entirely fake. Billionaires don't go to strip malls for hand jobs from average chicks. It's just a big joke you common minded fans

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