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blacksaint 06-12-2007 12:46 AM

New Stadium Resolution.....
HCR149: Keep an eye on Louisiana State House resolution 149, which "requests the Saints, the governor, and the Louisiana Department of Economic Development to study and consider selecting the site of the Plaza Mall in New Orleans East as the site for a new stadium and practice facility for
the New Orleans Saints." The Recommendation was presented by Orleans Parish state Representative Austin J. Badon, Jr. (D).

The three page resolution puts in writing statements like "the Saints made a triumphant return home in 2006 when they came within one game of playing in Super Bowl XLI," "the determination shown by the Saints was an inspiration to many citizens still recovering from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina." It notes that "the Plaza Mall, once an economic beacon of New Orleans East, had long ago fallen onto hard times as anchor stores and businesses pulled out of the area."

"I think this is a very BAD idea, a very, very BAD idea. The main reason the Superdome is popular with everyone is it's close proximity to Hotels, Restaurants, Shopping, and everything that is the French Quarters. To build a new Stadium on the old Plaza site would be a bigger mistake than the Jazzland site way out in no man's land. Besides, if they're going to build a new Stadium it should be built somewhere along the river, perhaps in the warehouse district. But that's just my opinion."

mighty12 06-12-2007 06:45 AM

Just real quick with this one....................I AGREE!!!! Don't put it where no one can find it, and away from bussinesses. Go back home and draw a new plan!

Ashley 06-12-2007 06:41 PM

I also agree, that would not be a good idea. To me that would only benefit the Northshore, just so they didn't have to travel into the city. I do not want to come back to the city i love, see the Saints play out in the east.. WTF. I second to put the stadium by the river. Keep it close to down town as possible. That makes the games so special, everything is down town for a reason . NOT IN THE EAST !!!

LongTimeFan 06-12-2007 07:37 PM

I love going to the Dome for a game, I think I would hate a change no matter where it's built..

BlueDevil1978 06-12-2007 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Ashley (Post 131737)
I also agree, that would not be a good idea. To me that would only benefit the Northshore, just so they didn't have to travel into the city. I do not want to come back to the city i love, see the Saints play out in the east.. WTF. I second to put the stadium by the river. Keep it close to down town as possible. That makes the games so special, everything is down town for a reason . NOT IN THE EAST !!!

I drive in from the Northshore for every game and -- while it would make the trip a little shorter -- I have absolutely no interest in getting out after the game and walking around NO East in the evening. And tell me: where do I get something to eat in the East ("The home of not one single good restaraunt")?!?

hagan714 06-13-2007 06:28 AM

Hey blue devil i am in town for a visit now. There is food out east. Taco wagons! The mexicans can circle the stadium with them. I guess we could call the new stadium the alamo.

BlueDevil1978 06-13-2007 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by hagan714 (Post 131756)
Hey blue devil i am in town for a visit now. There is food out east. Taco wagons! The mexicans can circle the stadium with them. I guess we could call the new stadium the alamo.

Thanks for the tip, Hagan. Taco wagons! Circle 'em up!

blacksaint 06-13-2007 10:00 PM

First of all, crime would not be a problem, they would protect everyone just like they do at the Dome. To me the move doesn't make any sense because of the local, traffic problems, and the inconvenience that visitors and locals would have to endure. It's not just the Saints games that they have to worry about, there's a whole lot of other events and festivals that call the Dome home, I think it would be a hugh mistake to make that move. I know they want to revitalize the New Orleans East and rightfully so, but a new stadium is not the answer, maybe a better mall, a museum, a business epcot center, a school(High, Junior College, or Technical), anything but a new stadium. I lived in the East when it was thriving, it was a wonderful place to live, manicured lawns, booming businesses, Lake Forest Mall was the best thing happening at the time. It's going to take a lot more than a stadium to bring back the East, it will only make matters worst, I just hope the powers that be understand that.

hagan714 06-14-2007 02:24 PM

man o man I lived out east some 25 years ago myself. my oldest was born there. poor kid.

BlueDevil1978 06-14-2007 10:35 PM

Go to work there everyday. There's maybe 2 Non-Vietnamese places to go eat lunch.

gfanaticlsu 06-17-2007 08:13 PM

I honestly do not think that it will be a bad Idea.

First of all, Main land New Orleans will still do fine without the Saints playing there because it is a tourist town. It is not famous because of the Saints, it is famous because of the french quarter and Mardi Gras. It will still get its share of hotel income from the Saints. People will still stay there even if the Saints play 20 minutes away.

Second of all, It will be a huge economic boost to the rest of the city, the parts that get left in the dust. Do you honestly think that if they put the new stadium in the east that businesses and restuarants won't follow. I guarantee that it will boom if something major is put there.

Lastly, theres plenty of teams that have their stadiums in smaller communities than the team i.e. Dallas Cowboys is not exactly in Dallas. San Francisco will be building their new stadium out side of the city also and that is just to name two.

In my opinion it will be good for the rebuilding process the put the stadium there.

hagan714 06-18-2007 07:08 AM

Well look at Chcago. The city got the voters to go alone with the shared profits idea and stuck the Bulls and Soxs out in the worse section of town. What did it do for the area? Nothing! The police incircle the stadium and keep the dumb from wondering off and getting mugged or killed. Sorry it just does not work that way. How many people hang out late at night in the East Now? That is the key question. So if not now it wont happen then. No boost will come from it except if you have a parking lot next to the stadium. They will come for the game and split.

AssGrinch 06-21-2007 05:52 PM

If you thought the superdome was bad, wait till you can go see a game in New Orleans East. God just saying it gets me all excited.

hagan714 06-21-2007 06:48 PM

well at least you can give credit for the qoute you are using in your sig assgrinch.
welcome aboard

avlsaint55 06-23-2007 07:44 PM

new stadium resolution
:D I don't think putting the stadium out in the east will help that much myself. Think about it, if there are no events happening at the staduim who is supporting the businesses that open up shop in the area the rest of the time. what I see is No events = Ghost Town. And also with no events = Less Police Presence. But the biggest negative to me is getting across the industrial canal (The Highrise). Face it if some lame driver sneezes the wrong way anywhere on the bridge you'll have a clusterf**k for miles. And what's worse is all the alternatives to the Highrise SUCK!!! I'd rather be downtown, park the car and walk everywhere. Just my thoughts.

hagan714 06-23-2007 08:56 PM

avlsaint55 welcome aboard

blacksaint 06-23-2007 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by avlsaint55 (Post 132434)
:D I don't think putting the stadium out in the east will help that much myself. Think about it, if there are no events happening at the staduim who is supporting the businesses that open up shop in the area the rest of the time. what I see is No events = Ghost Town. And also with no events = Less Police Presence. But the biggest negative to me is getting across the industrial canal (The Highrise). Face it if some lame driver sneezes the wrong way anywhere on the bridge you'll have a clusterf**k for miles. And what's worse is all the alternatives to the Highrise SUCK!!! I'd rather be downtown, park the car and walk everywhere. Just my thoughts.

First of all. Welcome to the best Saints Forum around. Secondly, that's my point and my main concern about a stadium in the New Orleans East; TRAFFIC, TRAFFIC, TRAFFIC.

AssGrinch 06-23-2007 10:14 PM

My concern is it's in New Orleans East. The only logical location to put a new stadium is where the Iberville projects now stand on Canal. Of course the state of Louisiana, especially New Orleans doesn't operate on common sense.

blacksaint 06-23-2007 11:52 PM

Louisiana lawmaker: Time to go on record in support of new Saints stadium
Gannett News Service

A Louisiana lawmaker has put many of his colleagues on record in support of the state talking with the Saints about building a new stadium in eastern New Orleans.
State Rep. Austin Badon won passage recently of a House resolution supporting his stance. The resolution, which is non-binding, is pending in the Senate. But Badon said he thinks the possibility of a new stadium needs to be discussed.

Badon said his hurricane-ravaged, mostly residential district, which is about seven miles east of downtown, is the best place to invest upwards of $700 million in a stadium.

The Saints have committed to remaining until their current, incentive-rich Superdome lease runs out following the 2010 season. By then, Badon says, the Saints may become a strong candidate to move to a larger city like Los Angeles if the state has not made progress on a new stadium.

"I really hope this is not a possiblity, they look to be very serious about the East, Ijust hope the other lawmakers don't feel the same way."

blacksaint 06-23-2007 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by AssGrinch (Post 132441)
My concern is it's in New Orleans East. The only logical location to put a new stadium is where the Iberville projects now stand on Canal. Of course the state of Louisiana, especially New Orleans doesn't operate on common sense.

That's not a good spot either, the traffic would be backed up down Canal st. all the way to the river, and don't talk about Claiborne Ave., that whole lil area would be too congested. I still say the best area is along the riverfront towards the warehouse district uptown area.

AssGrinch 06-24-2007 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by blacksaint (Post 132446)
That's not a good spot either, the traffic would be backed up down Canal st. all the way to the river, and don't talk about Claiborne Ave., that whole lil area would be too congested. I still say the best area is along the riverfront towards the warehouse district uptown area.

Actually it's the exact opposite with regards to traffic.

blacksaint 06-24-2007 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by AssGrinch (Post 132448)
Actually it's the exact opposite with regards to traffic.

I don't see how that's possible, please explain.

AssGrinch 06-24-2007 12:28 PM

Take a look at a map google. For one, it isn't that far from the superdome. It's on large amount of land, and it sits right next to the I-10. It would expand almost all of canal street. It's what the city needs, especially after Katrina.

fishdaddy 06-24-2007 02:26 PM

terrible idea
They need to keep it where it is. I love the dome. Sure it needs to be updated and they need to put seats closer to the sidelines. But beside Mardi Gras, the superdome is the city's biggest attraction. How many Super bowl you think will be headed this way if they move the stadium anywhere outside downtown. It is the best place to hoist Super bowls because of it's close proximity to Hotel, restaurants, shopping and dare I say it, strip clubs. I can't imagine the city's skyline without the superdome in it. I doubt a stadium in the East will be able to support any business that think they could make it, there would be no more than a dozen Saints games there a year. How would the businesses make it in the spring and summer months. I doubt people would move there because we built a stadium there. Like someone said in a post earlier, the only business that would benefit from this would be the mobil vending business.

Nemesis 06-24-2007 02:42 PM

Hey fellas. I don't understand the concern about crime being an issue for the Dome being located in the East. The Superdome is surrounded by multiple projects, and all sorts hang around the CBD during special events. The east is predominately mid to upper middle class residents. Comparing its appearance in past years to a city in Iraq was stretching it quite a bit. Anyway, the police presence would be massive.

I'm not in favor of a stadium in the east, or even a new stadium. If we had to have one, I'd look into tearing down those nearby projects. They're an eyesore, and may discourage more upscale investment during our recovery. We could also consider the west bank along the river. If there, I'd like one end open with a view of the city. Some have suggested near UNO along the lake.

Anyway, the Dome's location within walking distance of the FQ, etc is what other cities droll over. We'd probably risk losing SBs and other events, by fooling with our superb logistics.

AssGrinch 06-24-2007 02:52 PM

ugh the superdome is a piece of crap.

Nemesis 06-24-2007 03:56 PM

I'm sure a new Dome will be built to secure a lease with Benson. I'd just hate to implode what is now an internationally recognized icon, while the state has some serious issuses that need tending to. Scores would've otherwise perished without the Dome's shelter, and I felt renovations could keep a structurally sound part of our heritage viable for a long time. Whatever happened to "The Dome is Our Home"?

Welp, I'll be trying to finesse my way into Gillette Stadium next season. I just hope the state puts together a sound plan, for once.

JOESAM2002 06-24-2007 05:25 PM

As one that has been in the Dome a few times I find it hard to think of it a a piece of crap! When I was in it fior the Saints Eagles playoff game it was pretty nice. Sure it could use some more improvements but i'd rsther see he state spend more money on improvements to the dome and sell the nameing rights to some big company. then take the rest of the money and tear down some of those old warehouses and build a park for parking and tailgateing. i think this could be done far cheaper than building a new stadium for old Tom. If Tom wants a new stadium let him put some of his hard earned money in it too. I think it would do wonders for ticket sales to have a place to tailgate around the Dome. I know we'd have fun!!!!!

poydras 06-24-2007 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by AssGrinch (Post 132484)
ugh the superdome is a piece of crap.

Be it ever so humble there's no place like home. I hope whatever they do, they leave it within walking distance of the Quarter. I think all the stuff that goes on in the Quarter before and after the games is what makes it the most fun.

AssGrinch 06-24-2007 06:16 PM

Before I went off to college I used to go to all the Saints home games. It wasn't built for football, but hey when the Saints move we can at least keep the Dome. No place like home right?

saintswhodi 06-24-2007 06:16 PM

The dome does fall short of other NFL stadiums, even after the renovations. The main problem is suites. That's why the dome is no longer really a viable option as far as revenues go. Owners make the lion's share of their money from suites, and the dome just doesn't have enough, and there isn't room to add them, thus the need for a new stadium. I agree with building a new stadium, I don't agree with it being in New Orleans East though. There has to be a better option.

blacksaint 06-24-2007 06:54 PM

It's so amazing how the DOME went from being the state of the art stadium all other teams admired to being a dinosaur. I saw a picture somewhere, can't remember where, but it was a picture of a retractable roof stadium along the river, it had a hugh area for tailgating, a park area, lots of parking space, it was a thing of beauty. I'm hoping that that's the way the powers that be are leaning toward, I think the area the stadium was built was at the end of the last phase of the Convention Center, man the sky view of that stadium on the river was unbelievable. I've been trying to find that damn picture and can't remember for the life of me where I saw it, well I'll just keep looking.

poydras 06-24-2007 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by blacksaint (Post 132494)
It's so amazing how the DOME went from being the state of the art stadium all other teams admired to being a dinosaur. I saw a picture somewhere, can't remember where, but it was a picture of a retractable roof stadium along the river, it had a hugh area for tailgating, a park area, lots of parking space, it was a thing of beauty. I'm hoping that that's the way the powers that be are leaning toward, I think the area the stadium was built was at the end of the last phase of the Convention Center, man the sky view of that stadium on the river was unbelievable. I've been trying to find that damn picture and can't remember for the life of me where I saw it, well I'll just keep looking.

At one time it was posted on the Saints own web site but I think those plans got thrown away after Katrina. I believe they wanted to put that one in the footprint of the Iberville Projects though. Nagin vetoed that idea because of the people that have "lived there for generations".

AssGrinch 06-24-2007 07:43 PM
I think this is what you were looking for.

Nemesis 06-24-2007 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi (Post 132493)
The dome does fall short of other NFL stadiums, even after the renovations. The main problem is suites. That's why the dome is no longer really a viable option as far as revenues go. Owners make the lion's share of their money from suites, and the dome just doesn't have enough, and there isn't room to add them, thus the need for a new stadium. I agree with building a new stadium, I don't agree with it being in New Orleans East though. There has to be a better option.

When we build a new dome, it will fall short of others yet again. I don't see anyone taking about Houston or Det's stadiums anymore. It's all Phoenix and Dallas
We can add French Quarter style balconies, and make lots of improvements to bring the Dome back to glory. Some 700 mil is a lot of money for a rebuilding state to spend on a dome. Benson would have to kick in big time, before I'd gleefully support a new dome. Not that my opinion matters... My platform is more sentimental, but I'll give it a run.

The pre-Katrina Saints were one of the most profitable franchises in the league. I recall our former Commish expressing concerns about Benson's annual ransom/payment, or whatever. I'm sure Benson is doing just swell these days, with around 130 suites sold out and a waiting list rumored to be over 25k. I don't think additional suites are needed, considering our region's tenuous economy. Even Gillette only has 80 suites. I don't hear a peep out of Kraft about the lack of revenue in NE.

We aren't Dallas or Atl, either. Those business climates clearly trump ours. Our tourism is down by 1/2, and the oil biz isn't the most stable. People are laying down roots elsewhere, as we fail to get a handle on our education system and crime. Homes are becoming hard sells. I'm not sure how much more Joe six pack can absorb by paying higher ticket prices, and other fees that new domes always bring. A couple 5-11 seasons can quickly change demand for the Saints, while people are still struggling to recover from the storm. Some would find other priorities.

blacksaint 06-24-2007 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by AssGrinch (Post 132498)
I think this is what you were looking for.

I think that's the stadium, but the picture showed the overhead view of the entire riverfront area.

Nemesis 06-24-2007 08:43 PM

I keep thinking I saw or heard one was proposed with a retractable roof. I like the open end on that one, but a lot of people say they prefer a dome. Some can't drink right in the heat.

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