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Went to Essence Fest?

this is a discussion within the NOLA Community Forum; I was able to watch Mary J sound check. I can tell she's kind to her people. I didn't see Beyonce come out to rehearse at all, unless it was when I wandered off for a few. Frankie Beverly hung ...

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Old 07-08-2007, 02:10 PM   #1
VIP~~Drunken Clam
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Quahog
Posts: 422
Went to Essence Fest?

I was able to watch Mary J sound check. I can tell she's kind to her people. I didn't see Beyonce come out to rehearse at all, unless it was when I wandered off for a few. Frankie Beverly hung around to chat up people, but just stood in the corner of the stage to watch his band.

Great shows by those three, and Chris Brown. I worked the Fest Fri & Sat. I could hear the music from the speakers in our office, and we'd take turns sneaking out to catch a glimpse. I'll come back down to enjoy the Fest in the future. It just wasn't right in Houston.

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