11-18-2015, 07:30 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2007
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The national press performs its autopsy on Gov. Bobby Jindal's presidential campaign
Bobby, we barely knew ye ... but you've got a friend at the National Review, who thought you were the best candidate in the field ...
The Washington Post?s Chris Cilizza comes to praise Jindal, saying that when he first spoke with gubernatorial candidate Jindal 12 years ago, ?he was one of the most impressive candidates for any office that I had ever met.? Cilizza also calls him ?a guy with real policy chops and, unlike many policy-oriented elected officials, a nuanced understanding of politics? ? and then Cilizza buries him: ?The presidential campaign Jindal actually ran, which ended Tuesday, was the opposite of the one I ? and lots and lots of other political types ? thought he would: It was a careening pander-fest in which Jindal chased news cycles relentlessly by seemingly trying to make the most outlandish and over-the-top statement possible to stand out.? ...