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Sean Payton to USA Today: "It's like the Wild, Wild West here"

this is a discussion within the NOLA Community Forum; In the aftermath of Saturday night's shooting that killed former New Orleans Saints defensive end Will Smith, Saints coach Sean Payton has given a frank interview to USA Today' s Jarrett Bell, in which Payton states "I hate guns," "?I?ve ...

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Old 04-11-2016, 06:30 PM   #1
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Sean Payton to USA Today: "It's like the Wild, Wild West here"

In the aftermath of Saturday night's shooting that killed former New Orleans Saints defensive end Will Smith, Saints coach Sean Payton has given a frank interview to USA Today's Jarrett Bell, in which Payton states "I hate guns," "?I?ve heard people argue that everybody needs a gun. That?s madness" and <b>?They don?t want to kill tourism.?
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Old 04-11-2016, 07:16 PM   #2
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Re: Sean Payton to USA Today: "It's like the Wild, Wild West here"

Talk about a case of whiplash...

When SP reacted to this senseless sick murder of Will Smith a small part of me (small because nobody's comments are the real issue in the wake of a murder) thought - "good comments coach - heartfelt and to the point"

Then this brainless rant....

When is the MADNESS going to stop that we can disarm everyone in this country and live in Utopia??? NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

Criminals - which includes sicko murderers - are, by definition - breakers of the laws.

You take away all the guns and make them illegal and guess what? Good people have none and the bad guys still keep getting them and they use they without fear.

First and foremost, we need to fix the rot in this country that makes someone want to kill another man over a minor traffic accident, whether that is with a gun, knife, running over them with a car, baseball bat, crowbar, well you get the picture....

And second, I wish Will Smith and his wife had a gun that night. Who knows, maybe Will is still here and his wife not injured if they did.

Coach Payton you get an A+ for caring about Will.

You get an F for goofball rant.
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Old 04-11-2016, 07:20 PM   #3
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Re: Sean Payton to USA Today: "It's like the Wild, Wild West here"

First and foremost, we need to fix the rot in this country that makes someone want to kill another man over a minor traffic accident, whether that is with a gun, knife, running over them with a car, baseball bat, crowbar, well you get the picture....

In some peoples eye's life is not worth a thing. Having seen the inside of some jail in CT. It not worth going there.
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Old 04-11-2016, 07:53 PM   #4
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Re: Sean Payton to USA Today: "It's like the Wild, Wild West here"

YES!!! Let's outlaw guns in NOLA - like they do in say Chicago???

Chicagoland: 857 Chicago Shooting Victims In 100 Days | Weasel Zippers

That will fix EVERYTHING!

Chicago is the gun confiscator's dream. And yet the senseless violence there grows and grows... Hmmmm.... Some criminals apparently didn't get the memo that guns are not legal there...
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