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this is a discussion within the NOLA Community Forum; The U.N. IS useless and unimportant now . It failed in the Balkan crisis and now again in the Iraq crisis, and of course the U.N. will sink once again into irrelevance. I for one can\'t wait. The U.N. is ...

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Old 02-09-2003, 11:20 PM   #21
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The U.N. IS useless and unimportant now. It failed in the Balkan crisis and now again in the Iraq crisis, and of course the U.N. will sink once again into irrelevance. I for one can\'t wait. The U.N. is impotent, useless, spineless, and will go the way of the League of Nations. That\'s reality baby.

\"One obvious problem with the U.N. acting as a force for liberty is that a high percentage of its membership is comprised of autocracies and dictatorships. The votes of tyrannies and free societies are equally weighted. This occasionally produces some interesting results. Libya is slated to run the human rights commission, Iraq the disarmament commission. In neither case was an actual commitment to human rights or disarmament considered a real prerequisite for these positions; in the latter case, the position was assigned by alphabetical order. Last year, the U.S. was kicked off the human rights commission while Sudan became a member. This isn´t statesmanship; it is a sick joke.

Of course, the U.N.´s problems begin at a fundamentally deeper level. Its founding documents do not conceive of liberty as something that stems from negative rights, like the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Instead, Deweyesque talk of positive rights leads to calls for massive wealth redistribution and sovereignty surrenders on the part of major industrial democracies in the name of freedom.

When it comes to protecting our nation´s interests and values, all too often the U.N. is either impotent or on the other side. A better solution than relying on it would be to support Rep. Ron Paul´s (R-Tex.) periodic legislation requiring a U.S. withdrawal. Let the globalists try to convince the American people that membership has its privileges.\"

Dean Vernon Wormer: Mr. Hoover, president of Delta house? One point six; four C's and an F. A fine example you set! Daniel Simpson Day... HAS no grade point average. All courses incomplete. Mr. Blu - MR. BLUTARSKY... ZERO POINT ZERO.
John 'Bluto' Blutarsky: Christ. Seven years of college down the drain. Might as well join the f@$%ing Peace Corps.
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Old 02-10-2003, 03:09 PM   #22
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I got news for you Billy - the League of Nations turned into the UN. THe league of nations is still around today, it\'s simply called the United Nations. The UN may change names, but it will always be here. Further, when the sins of a few begin to threaten the entire world, you will see the UN kick into action. It will probably take another fifty years, but it will happen.

For example, one big environment catastrophy could be the thing that forces the UN into action for real. For example, pollution affects the entire world. An ozone problem could cause global restrictions. You never know what it will be, but it will be something.

There are two major trends in the world working for the UN right now - democracy and globalization. There are, to my knowledge, more democracies in the world now then ever before. That number will continue to grow. More importantly, the world is \"shrinking.\" In other worlds, technology makes all places more accessible. The largest companies in every major market economy are buying or merging with the largest companies in other major markets. See car manufacturers for more information. What are there now, ten car companies of any significance in the world.

Further, smaller more regional groups are working. The EU for example. Central and South America, Asia, even the Middle East have all formed \"governing\" organizations similar to the UN. It\'s just a matter of time before people\'s focus is truly global. Then the UN will become very powerful. Just wait...

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Old 02-17-2003, 11:59 AM   #23
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I thought some of you might be interested in this article by Andy Rooney on the CBS web site:

I don\'t always agree with Rooney and might not go so far to say he\'s 100% right on this point, but it is a very interesting article about the French and their right to have an opinion on world politics.
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Old 02-22-2003, 08:47 PM   #24
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Here\'s my take-
The one thing that truely chapped my ass in \'91 is that we didn\'t finish the job. We did not remove this seriously dangerous and threatening regime from power, did not destroy all weopons. If/when we go to war with Iraq again, i surely hope we won\'t have to go in again twelve years later. If something is worth doing, its worth doing right once and for all. The United States of America does not negotiate with terrorists or those with economic or other ties with them. You don\'t talk to trash; you take it out.

Whodat say dey gonna beat dem Saints?
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Old 05-06-2003, 06:13 PM   #25
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OK Here we are again!!! Was anyone there the last time we took Saddam on!!!!!! I found myself sitting in the middle of the Persian Gulf for the first time. Since then I have been back SIX times. Did we finish it this time!! You bet your ass we did. For all of thoese people who have issues with the Service Members fighting the War of IRAUI FREEDOM We could be your neighbors so watch what you say.
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