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New Orleans Hornets trade another good step in their youth movement

this is a discussion within the Pelicans Community Forum; The makeover of the New Orleans Hornets continued Wednesday, and with it, more reasons were provided to like the direction in which the franchise is headed. New Orleans is in a youth movement... Read the full article at

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Old 06-21-2012, 05:45 AM   #1
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New Orleans Hornets trade another good step in their youth movement

The makeover of the New Orleans Hornets continued Wednesday, and with it, more reasons were provided to like the direction in which the franchise is headed. New Orleans is in a youth movement...

Read the full article at

Last edited by Halo; 06-21-2012 at 10:12 AM..
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Old 06-21-2012, 08:43 AM   #2
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I heard that are saying chances are that Rashad Lewis won't be on the team in the end. I think thats a mistake, but im not the one making the decisions. I think if you give him something to play for he can be a good player again.
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Old 06-21-2012, 11:53 AM   #3
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And what would that be?

He was on a championship contending team and wasn't motivated. He then moved on to a team as bad as the Hornets couldn't motivate himself either. He's a shooter that can't shoot anymore, doesn't play defense, nor does he rebound well. His veteran presence is also overrated as he was a non factor in a the Wizards jacked up locker room.

His only value to the Hornets is the 13 million dollar buy out and the Okafor/Ariza contract shedding. There's no reason to pay him 20 plus million dollars to sit at the back of the bench on a rebuilding team. Say he pulls a Hodini and has a decent season for us... it does absolutely nothing for our future.

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Old 06-21-2012, 10:27 PM   #4
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It's probably true that Lewis offers nothing for the Hornets future, but neither did the perpetually injured / benched Okafor & Ariza. Hopefully they can use the money more wisely this time.
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