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WW_Who_Dat 03-27-2021 09:34 AM

Re: Marshon Lattimore Arrested
This act has been seen far to many times. When you consider the reputation and question of charter that will follow him and no doubt have an significant impact on his career regardless of his talent. It is hard to understand why and individual would put everything at risk but he obviously had his street creed as one of his priorities.

Self inflicted whatever the outcome but very unlikely “just a misunderstanding”.

AsylumGuido 03-27-2021 09:37 AM

Re: Marshon Lattimore Arrested
Guilty until proven innocent.

Lord_Saint83 03-27-2021 10:31 AM

Re: Marshon Lattimore Arrested

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 917177)
Guilty until proven innocent.

Seems to be the case nowadays in this world. Though he should keep with better company

SmashMouth 03-27-2021 12:07 PM

Re: Marshon Lattimore Arrested

Originally Posted by Lord_Saint83 (Post 917192)
Seems to be the case nowadays in this world. Though he should keep with better company

The better company part is something lost in the Will Smith situation.

Will this affect his contract negotiations ?

gosaints1 03-27-2021 12:29 PM

Re: Marshon Lattimore Arrested

Originally Posted by Lord_Saint83 (Post 917192)
Seems to be the case nowadays in this world. Though he should keep with better company

Fully understand the philosophical debate re: presumed innocence before being labeled guilty as charged, and how damning that mindset could be. I completely understand that, and agree with you.

But what we’re missing is the NFL’s completely arbitrary “personal conduct policy”. And an innocent criminal verdict, heck, even if he isn’t prosecuted, doesn’t necessarily weigh into that calculus. Goodell can punish regardless of criminality. Through the CBA, players have given the commish carte blanche to do as he wills, outside of appeals, re: “personal conduct”.

I doubt that dynamic is foreign to those who fall under the shield.

The Dude 03-27-2021 01:54 PM

Re: Marshon Lattimore Arrested

Originally Posted by Boston Saint (Post 917141)
I guess we all should slow down a bit and let things play out. Likely Gotohell will come down on him like a ton of bricks, but maybe things won’t play out so bad.

I agree. Even if he’s guilty as long as it doesn’t affect his play I don’t care. Hopefully he realizes what happens when you don’t think about what happens when you don’t watch the company you keep. If it means he’s cheaper and he learns from it I’m ok with it.
When the dust settles and we find out there’s more too it I may change my mind but as of right now I’m keeping an open mind.

I took a chance and hired a kid who had recently been charged with a firearms violation of some sort. He was in a car with a guy who was a felon in possession of a gun. Can’t remember all the details but he was looking at jail time and the judge gave him diversion contingent on him keeping steady employment. He had no real direction and just needed a job, wasn’t thinking about a career. I hired him as a dishwasher and after 4 years he was managing the front of house. Never missed a day, never late, drawer never came up short. He later told me that working with me saved his life. Why? It wasn’t me, it was because of the culture I created in the place. He was surrounded by good employees who wanted him to succeed but would also hold him accountable. He quickly figured out that if he worked hard and bought into that culture he would have the same chance for advancement as everyone else.
He came in looking for a paycheck and left with all the skills he needed to have a great career. He’s now managing one of the more well known restaurants in the city.
Apples and oranges maybe, but experiences like this can change a person. I believe our locker room is the best place for him if he deserves a second chance.

Lord_Saint83 03-27-2021 01:59 PM

Re: Marshon Lattimore Arrested

Originally Posted by gosaints1 (Post 917200)
Fully understand the philosophical debate re: presumed innocence before being labeled guilty as charged, and how damning that mindset could be. I completely understand that, and agree with you.

But what we’re missing is the NFL’s completely arbitrary “personal conduct policy”. And an innocent criminal verdict, heck, even if he isn’t prosecuted, doesn’t necessarily weigh into that calculus. Goodell can punish regardless of criminality. Through the CBA, players have given the commish carte blanche to do as he wills, outside of appeals, re: “personal conduct”.

I doubt that dynamic is foreign to those who fall under the shield.

I get what your saying about Godhell and with his favorites, like ray rice and rapistberger to name a couple but I thought that what the players association was for, as a sorta checks and balance

Lord_Saint83 03-27-2021 02:00 PM

Re: Marshon Lattimore Arrested

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 917199)
The better company part is something lost in the Will Smith situation.

Will this affect his contract negotiations ?

Prolly to a certain extent. Especially if he can’t help himself and still wants to hang around with the wrong crowd

WW_Who_Dat 03-27-2021 02:18 PM

Re: Marshon Lattimore Arrested

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 917177)
Guilty until proven innocent.

Correct AG ... In the legal system ... In court of public opinion and the halls of corporations just the simple fact that he was there/present and in direct association with the mentioned individuals weather personally in possession of the stolen weapon will result in collateral damage. Right or wrong.

Rugby Saint II 03-28-2021 12:21 PM

Re: Marshon Lattimore Arrested

Originally Posted by Lord_Saint83 (Post 917202)
I get what your saying about Godhell and with his favorites, like ray rice and rapistberger to name a couple but I thought that what the players association was for, as a sorta checks and balance

Smith gives in too easily to the NFL's demands. They need stronger Leadership.

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