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AsylumGuido 07-01-2021 04:46 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 922646)
Ive been a gamer all of my life. My first username here was my xbox GT then, then it changed to TheOak which is more reflective of how difficult I can be to move on something once I decide to root (in case you haven't noticed, just sharing an opposing thought doesn't change my mind:D ) . Just having watched NARC where Ray Lolita's character was named Henry Oak probably had a little to do with it also.

If I changed it again it would be DeusEbrius which is my present xbox gamertag being Latin for drunken god, sort of like my play style :beer: Think John Hancock.

Good damned username. It fits you to a tee. You must understand where I come from, right?


jeanpierre 07-01-2021 05:23 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II

Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 922643)
I signed up here a long time ago. Back in 2003. When it still lol. Used to write some hopeful projections here and there.

Obviously, J is my first initial. Normand is my last name. Most people just call me Norm.

Been here a long time. Lol

jnormand 07-01-2021 06:24 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 922653)

Lol. Yeah, well some of the kids here may not know that one JP. Although, it always kind of amazes me how many old dudes we have around here.

AsylumGuido 07-01-2021 06:29 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 922653)

I'd like to like it as well, but Norm has supposedly blocked me.

AsylumGuido 07-01-2021 06:31 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II

Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 922655)
Lol. Yeah, well some of the kids here may not know that one JP. Although, it always kind of amazes me how many old dudes we have around here.

Know it well.

SaintGnome 07-01-2021 06:52 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
No defense, except laziness. I tried some typical Saints usernames but didn't want to end up blahblahblah1235. I read mostly scifi/fantasy and rightly figured gnome would be safe. Raised in the south by my dad who was a lapsed Bears fan I was left to fend for myself. I became a Saints fan watching the Dome Patrol stop the Whiners from scoring on 4 tries on the 1 yrd line.

rezburna 07-01-2021 08:46 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
I rap. It’s my stage name.

Rez is short for my middle name, Perez.

Burna is a street term for a gun.

My name is a play on “Pistol” Pete Maravich.

iceshack149 07-01-2021 09:06 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
This gem from RockyMountainSaint is from the original Defend Your Handle thread:

I was originally "AlohaSaint" because I discovered this wonderful site that Mark allows us to be on (too much Mark?) when I was stationed at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii in '98 (yeah, I'm old school).

I enlisted in 1988. I traveled the world and met so many people. They had their favorite teams but no one understood what being a Saints fan was all about. They always asked me how I could support a franchise as miserable as ours. I tried to explain but they don't get it.


I found Black and Gold and I was immediately (in my mind) home! Here was a way to talk to and listen to SAINTS FANS! Y'all knew what was in my heart!

My wife would find me at the computer in the morning, having never slept and shake her head and ask WTF? I can't count the number of times that I left for a full day at the beach on zero sleep!

We have discussed the Ditka and Hazlett years. Aaron Brooks, Tebucky Jones, etc.

Billy Cunningham vs BlackandBlue!

We lost JoeSam.............

I got transferred to Colorado. Hence, the change to RockyMountainSaint.

I retired and came home. I couldn't stand the idea of changing my handle again, so I am still RMS, even though I live in Bucktown.

Halo, thank you so much for what you do. I don't think you understand what you mean to folks who don't live here and rely on this site to keep in touch with our boys.

Who Dat!

iceshack149 07-01-2021 09:10 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
And how can you NOT love MaggieMayTB's post?:

Me = simple

My nickname is MaggieMay because Margaret becomes to cumbersome for fun.
Margaret is liking doing your sunday school teacher.

TB is easy.

My last name.

Perhaps it all means I am easy and I like taking innocence from young men.

The Dude 07-01-2021 11:26 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
Born and raised in Slidell but moved to Charlotte 2005ish, right around the time Delhomme got there. I couldn’t find any Saint fans so I took to the internet and joined the first board that popped up. I found B&G not long after Because I was on a desperate search for a board not named SR. I wanted a board that wasn’t full of a bunch of homer cheerleaders who’s only reasoning behind anything to do with the game is “I believe”. After I got banned for posting “Reggie Bush is not an every down back” I joined here because I saw a ton of people who had a lot of knowledge about the intricacies of the game and I wanted to learn.

I’ve worked in restaurants since I was 17 with a few hiatus at other jobs like a P.I., car salesman, garage door hanger and a few others. Did a lot of drugs and a lot of drinking for a long time and since I had been a P.I. and loved The Big Lebowski people started calling me The Dude. I was always a casual Saints fan but didn’t follow them very closely until the Hebert era. Only missed a handful of games since.

Fun fact about pathetic Panthers fans. Living in Charlotte was awesome because they really didn’t have many Panties fans. There was always more fans from the visiting teams. Charlotte is a big banking city and banks would buy up all the home tickets and give them to big clients they were wooing. Back then I could get great seats for $20 bucks and watch the Saints and any other game I wanted. I probably went to 20 games while I was there.

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