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iceshack149 06-30-2021 08:57 PM

Defend Your Handle Part II
Ten years ago a thread was started in the Welcome Wagon section of this beautiful site. It was closed for reasons unknown and I'd like to revisit it. It was titled "Defend your HANDLE" and it was a great conversation that gave insight into our B&G username and some of our personal history.

Regarding I registered in March 2003 right after I moved to a Northwestern Alaskan village called Kotzebue. I realized that any discussions about the New Orleans Saints would not be an option there and even NFL chatter would be hard to find. I messed around with a search engine and I believe that this was the first site to come up, lucky for me.

Regarding my handle: In my younger years I went icefishing every weekend with my closest friends because there wasn't much in our town of Fairbanks to offer teenagers. So what better way to get away from parents than drive 50 miles out of town to the icehouse we built to go fishing... and much :beer:
We had to register our iceshack with the State every year and our number was 149. Thus, Iceshack149.
I'm not actually too fond of my handle. Had I known that I'd still be on this website almost 20 years after registering I would certainly have chosen a different name.

frydaddy 06-30-2021 10:44 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
I spent about 12 years working in kitchens. I was primarily a fry cook at this one restaurant, and I had 3 kids at the time, so the manager started calling me frydaddy. I got a kick out of it, so I embraced it. Now I'm 8 kids deep and I call them my tater tots.

jeanpierre 07-01-2021 02:02 AM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 362547)
Shared Post

Try to keep this simple; born in Thibodaux - raised on Bayou Cane (Houma)

How I got my nickname/alter ego?

We have a vendor, Bryan that visits for the first time and wants local cuisine and to meet real Cajuns.

Our best friend, Bubba, arranges for a couple of his hunting podnuhs to have Lunch with us at what is now Hebert's Cafe...

Bryan sits next to one of Bubba's friends, Jean; and Bryan is just eating up the sidebar conversation - having the time of his life...

I drive him back to New Orleans for Dinner and we meet with Bryan and his boss, Jim, who had flown in to NOLA, but didn't want to leave the city...

Jim asks Bryan about the day's events in front of several people at the table...

Bryan geauxs on about the area, the food, and the people with respect to Lunch that day; Jim asks him what Bryan and Jean talked about - Bryan says "I don't know, it was all in Cajun French - isn't that great!?!"

I started laughing and then had to explain to him that Jean doesn't speak French but that he talks fast and low (i.e. Farmer Fran/Waterboy)

Well this just slayed Bryan; his boss was not impressed as he's pretty much an Adam Henry...

Bryan and I went out for drinks with some of my buddies in NOLA to ease his public disappointment and somewhere between Lucy's and Fat Harry's I became Jean Pierre as we laughed about it...

So that's it...

jeanpierre 07-01-2021 02:07 AM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
IceShack, you're avatar still cracks me up till this day...

One of the first times my Dad, when he was still alive, and I shared a moment on the internet was seeing that image...

He made me email it to a friend with a plot printer down the street who printed it and hung it on his board behind his desk at our family business...

Your avatar always reminds me of Dad, and makes me smile over our shared laughter over that image...

Boston Saint 07-01-2021 04:10 AM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
Good thread Ice! My handle (like SFIAH) is pretty self explanatory, a Saint fan in Boston. I gave my back story not too long ago back in November when I joined, so I won’t take up space repeating it unless someone missed it back then and wants it repeated.

AsylumGuido 07-01-2021 07:26 AM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
My nickname has been Guido since back in my college days (late 70's). It was what my roommate's friend called me for some unknown reason and it stuck. Later while in the auto sales business I'd lend money check to check to a couple of the other salesmen so it became more entrenched. Then came the internet. Guido was my first and only screenname/username. I joined a fantasy football forum called many, many years ago. It eventually was merged with another forum and there was already a defunct username of Guido, so I started using AsylumGuido, instead.

stickman 07-01-2021 07:39 AM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
Stickman was my nickname in college (always been skinny). And my avatar is... well, Avatar.

Lord_Saint83 07-01-2021 09:01 AM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
Mines come from Lord Vader. I always liked when the imperial officers called him that. And of course the saint part is self explanatory

gosaints1 07-01-2021 09:03 AM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
Ice, I’m not too fond of my forum tag either, as it’s very simply the alphanumeric portion of the email address associated with registering here. Apparently I wasn’t first in line as Yahoo opened up for registering email addresses using GoSaints, I was second, thus GoSaints1.

It is what it is.

My preference would be “Springer” as I have an unhealthy affliction for Springer front end motorcycles. I have a 1995 FXSTS (Softail Springer) and also a 2002 FLSTSI (Heritage Springer) along with several Springer projects/builds. And a couple other fun bikes that aren’t Springer’s. Regardless, my forum tag says only that I’m a Saints fan, that’s it.

Boston Saint 07-01-2021 09:06 AM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II

Originally Posted by gosaints1 (Post 922623)
Ice, I’m not too fond of my forum tag either, as it’s very simply the alphanumeric portion of the email address associated with registering here. Apparently I wasn’t first in line as Yahoo opened up for registering email addresses using GoSaints, I was second, thus GoSaints1.

It is what it is.

My preference would be “Springer” as I have an unhealthy affliction for Springer front end motorcycles. I have a 1995 FXSTS (Softail Springer) and also a 2002 FLSTSI (Heritage Springer) along with several Springer projects/builds. And a couple other fun bikes that aren’t Springer’s. Regardless, my forum tag says only that I’m a Saints fan, that’s it.

Dude, there’s honor in having a gosaints1 if that means you were second. That’s street cred.

FinSaint 07-01-2021 10:06 AM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
Fin as in Finnish (not a Dolphins fan) and Saint as in a Saint's fan.

Not very creative, so it fits me well. :)

gosaints1 07-01-2021 10:16 AM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II

Originally Posted by Boston Saint (Post 922624)
Dude, there’s honor in having a gosaints1 if that means you were second. That’s street cred.

lol, it means I’m old, as Yahoo has been on the block for a period of time.

Springer is my PSN gamer tag, and I regularly get messages from folks who want to know how I got a handle without arbitrary, sometimes random alphanumeric characters attached. It just means I’ve been around on that platform since it began. I was late to the party here, but used to be on another forum that went under. Very late to actually posting here.

Lots of knowledge here, I’ve learned a lot, and am grateful to those who take their valuable time to do so much research!

neugey 07-01-2021 10:30 AM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
neugey is a shortened version of last name, made up by me and dating back to the AOL days.

bobdog86 07-01-2021 12:18 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
old 70's B movie, called Rancho Deluxe, featuring Jeff Bridges and Sam Waterston...They were two modern day cattle rustler's in Montana, Slim Pickens was the Fed who busted the ring with the help of a bumbling younger Harry Dean Stanton. Jimmy Buffet did the soundtrack and has a cameo, movie is/was one of my favorites at the time. there's a scene where Bridges puts on a red dog mask and introduces himself as BobDog, to his lady friends dad. name has always stuck. Soundtrack is great, movie is not bad

Boston Saint 07-01-2021 12:30 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II

Originally Posted by bobdog86 (Post 922640)
old 70's B movie, called Rancho Deluxe, featuring Jeff Bridges and Sam Waterston...They were two modern day cattle rustler's in Montana, Slim Pickens was the Fed who busted the ring with the help of a bumbling younger Harry Dean Stanton. Jimmy Buffet did the soundtrack and has a cameo, movie is/was one of my favorites at the time. there's a scene where Bridges puts on a red dog mask and introduces himself as BobDog, to his lady friends dad. name has always stuck. Soundtrack is great, movie is not bad

That’s awesome!!

jnormand 07-01-2021 12:58 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
I signed up here a long time ago. Back in 2003. When it still lol. Used to write some hopeful projections here and there.

Obviously, J is my first initial. Normand is my last name. Most people just call me Norm.

Been here a long time. Lol

WhoDat!656 07-01-2021 01:02 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
I live in Shreveport, Louisiana and was going to use NWLAsaintfan, but it seemed awkward and I think there was a suggestion option when you joined and WhoDat!656 was one of them.

If I had to change it I would use SaintsWillWin.

Boston Saint 07-01-2021 01:47 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
I like the Who Dat touch!

TheOak 07-01-2021 03:18 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
Ive been a gamer all of my life. My first username here was my xbox GT then, then it changed to TheOak which is more reflective of how difficult I can be to move on something once I decide to root (in case you haven't noticed, just sharing an opposing thought doesn't change my mind:D ) . Just having watched NARC where Ray Lolita's character was named Henry Oak probably had a little to do with it also.

If I changed it again it would be DeusEbrius which is my present xbox gamertag being Latin for drunken god, sort of like my play style :beer: Think John Hancock.

iceshack149 07-01-2021 04:10 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 922646)
Ive been a gamer all of my life. My first username here was my xbox GT then, then it changed to TheOak which is more reflective of how difficult I can be to move on something once I decide to root (in case you haven't noticed, just sharing an opposing thought doesn't change my mind:D ) . Just having watched NARC where Ray Lolita's character was named Henry Oak probably had a little to do with it also.

If I changed it again it would be DeusEbrius which is my present xbox gamertag being Latin for drunken god, sort of like my play style :beer: Think John Hancock.

I thought it was from Tombstone. Doc Holiday says to Wyatt Earp "You're an oak."
Attachment 13703

AsylumGuido 07-01-2021 04:46 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 922646)
Ive been a gamer all of my life. My first username here was my xbox GT then, then it changed to TheOak which is more reflective of how difficult I can be to move on something once I decide to root (in case you haven't noticed, just sharing an opposing thought doesn't change my mind:D ) . Just having watched NARC where Ray Lolita's character was named Henry Oak probably had a little to do with it also.

If I changed it again it would be DeusEbrius which is my present xbox gamertag being Latin for drunken god, sort of like my play style :beer: Think John Hancock.

Good damned username. It fits you to a tee. You must understand where I come from, right?


jeanpierre 07-01-2021 05:23 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II

Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 922643)
I signed up here a long time ago. Back in 2003. When it still lol. Used to write some hopeful projections here and there.

Obviously, J is my first initial. Normand is my last name. Most people just call me Norm.

Been here a long time. Lol

jnormand 07-01-2021 06:24 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 922653)

Lol. Yeah, well some of the kids here may not know that one JP. Although, it always kind of amazes me how many old dudes we have around here.

AsylumGuido 07-01-2021 06:29 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 922653)

I'd like to like it as well, but Norm has supposedly blocked me.

AsylumGuido 07-01-2021 06:31 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II

Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 922655)
Lol. Yeah, well some of the kids here may not know that one JP. Although, it always kind of amazes me how many old dudes we have around here.

Know it well.

SaintGnome 07-01-2021 06:52 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
No defense, except laziness. I tried some typical Saints usernames but didn't want to end up blahblahblah1235. I read mostly scifi/fantasy and rightly figured gnome would be safe. Raised in the south by my dad who was a lapsed Bears fan I was left to fend for myself. I became a Saints fan watching the Dome Patrol stop the Whiners from scoring on 4 tries on the 1 yrd line.

rezburna 07-01-2021 08:46 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
I rap. It’s my stage name.

Rez is short for my middle name, Perez.

Burna is a street term for a gun.

My name is a play on “Pistol” Pete Maravich.

iceshack149 07-01-2021 09:06 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
This gem from RockyMountainSaint is from the original Defend Your Handle thread:

I was originally "AlohaSaint" because I discovered this wonderful site that Mark allows us to be on (too much Mark?) when I was stationed at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii in '98 (yeah, I'm old school).

I enlisted in 1988. I traveled the world and met so many people. They had their favorite teams but no one understood what being a Saints fan was all about. They always asked me how I could support a franchise as miserable as ours. I tried to explain but they don't get it.


I found Black and Gold and I was immediately (in my mind) home! Here was a way to talk to and listen to SAINTS FANS! Y'all knew what was in my heart!

My wife would find me at the computer in the morning, having never slept and shake her head and ask WTF? I can't count the number of times that I left for a full day at the beach on zero sleep!

We have discussed the Ditka and Hazlett years. Aaron Brooks, Tebucky Jones, etc.

Billy Cunningham vs BlackandBlue!

We lost JoeSam.............

I got transferred to Colorado. Hence, the change to RockyMountainSaint.

I retired and came home. I couldn't stand the idea of changing my handle again, so I am still RMS, even though I live in Bucktown.

Halo, thank you so much for what you do. I don't think you understand what you mean to folks who don't live here and rely on this site to keep in touch with our boys.

Who Dat!

iceshack149 07-01-2021 09:10 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
And how can you NOT love MaggieMayTB's post?:

Me = simple

My nickname is MaggieMay because Margaret becomes to cumbersome for fun.
Margaret is liking doing your sunday school teacher.

TB is easy.

My last name.

Perhaps it all means I am easy and I like taking innocence from young men.

The Dude 07-01-2021 11:26 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
Born and raised in Slidell but moved to Charlotte 2005ish, right around the time Delhomme got there. I couldn’t find any Saint fans so I took to the internet and joined the first board that popped up. I found B&G not long after Because I was on a desperate search for a board not named SR. I wanted a board that wasn’t full of a bunch of homer cheerleaders who’s only reasoning behind anything to do with the game is “I believe”. After I got banned for posting “Reggie Bush is not an every down back” I joined here because I saw a ton of people who had a lot of knowledge about the intricacies of the game and I wanted to learn.

I’ve worked in restaurants since I was 17 with a few hiatus at other jobs like a P.I., car salesman, garage door hanger and a few others. Did a lot of drugs and a lot of drinking for a long time and since I had been a P.I. and loved The Big Lebowski people started calling me The Dude. I was always a casual Saints fan but didn’t follow them very closely until the Hebert era. Only missed a handful of games since.

Fun fact about pathetic Panthers fans. Living in Charlotte was awesome because they really didn’t have many Panties fans. There was always more fans from the visiting teams. Charlotte is a big banking city and banks would buy up all the home tickets and give them to big clients they were wooing. Back then I could get great seats for $20 bucks and watch the Saints and any other game I wanted. I probably went to 20 games while I was there.

SmashMouth 07-02-2021 09:18 AM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
SmashMouth was born out of my love for the game after having moved from France many eons ago. And fate had me move to New Orleans where my Mama was from. I guess you could say it was fate that I became a Saints fan. Just imagine if I had moved to Dallas or some other crazy place like that. I sure can't. Also love music. They don't have American football in France, obviously. So that's why my avi shows where I was born. Although Foreverfan ran a campaign once where we all switched our avis to beautiful babes.

I've been blessed to travel all fifty states, and many, many countries around the world. While every place has its own beauty, there's nothing like the good ole USA and, of course, Louisiana, despite its challenges. The combination of culture, food, way of life, and weather down here makes it unique. Yeah, it's too humid for some, but it's that very humidity that keeps the skin fresh looking in our advanced years versus folks in drier parts of the country.

Thanks to all of you for being contributing members of this board.


mapcow 07-02-2021 11:23 AM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
I own a cow and have a map :dunce::bng:

Boston Saint 07-02-2021 11:38 AM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II

Originally Posted by mapcow (Post 922678)
I own a cow and have a map :dunce::bng:

Classic !

jeanpierre 07-02-2021 12:06 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II

Originally Posted by mapcow (Post 922678)
I own a cow and have a map :dunce::bng:

jnormand 07-02-2021 12:10 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II

Originally Posted by mapcow (Post 922678)
I own a cow and have a map :dunce::bng:

I laughed my ass off at this!

WhoDat!656 07-02-2021 04:19 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II

Originally Posted by SaintGnome (Post 922659)
No defense, except laziness. I tried some typical Saints usernames but didn't want to end up blahblahblah1235. I read mostly scifi/fantasy and rightly figured gnome would be safe. Raised in the south by my dad who was a lapsed Bears fan I was left to fend for myself. I became a Saints fan watching the Dome Patrol stop the Whiners from scoring on 4 tries on the 1 yrd line.

What year was that? I remember when they did it to the Steelers.

SaintGnome 07-02-2021 06:39 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II

Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 922694)
What year was that? I remember when they did it to the Steelers.

God only knows, a long, long time ago.

Thirty3 07-03-2021 11:38 AM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
Several of these descriptions had me rolling. Thanks. By comparison my "handle" is mundane. Thirty3 is the number I wore playing Half-back and linebacker starting at 10 years old. I was 11 when we got the team. Back then they decided to have the boy scout troops come to the games and usher for the first quarter and then we were free to sit anywhere. My dad and uncle had season tickets and so I would go sit with them and dad always stopped and bought us a hot fudge sundae on the way home. For several years I went to all Saints games and Tulane games as well as the Sugar bowls. I started with Black and Gold back in late 80's or early 90's don't quite remember.
Lived in Germany for 20 years and I had to go to an internet cafe and rent time online. Searching for Saints related articles I came across B&G. Been a fan of the site ever since but never "joined" till some time later when I returned to the states.
Keep it up, it is definately a part of my life I would miss if it were gone!

Rugby Saint II 07-03-2021 12:58 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
I am 62 and my computer course in college used punch cards like the old NASA computers did. I was slow to come around to using a computer until later in life. I had to get an email to receive referee assignments from the union about 15 years ago. After I got on the internet I then read everything I could about the Saints and eventually found the bng and settled here to call it home. The bng is my lifeline to the Saints and to all my friends here.

My username is pretty straight forward. Rugby and the Saints are my life! Also, I'm an identical twin and my rugby playing number was 2 thus the II. I was a hooker for 40 years but I didn't make a dime.

iceshack149 07-03-2021 01:09 PM

Re: Defend Your Handle Part II
I love this thread.
I hope more members, especially the lurkers, log in and testify!

I really want to know about the complicated handles that people like Saintfan, whodat, and cha-ching chose for this site...

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