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mjf150 09-16-2005 07:57 AM

I Heard.....
I've heard talk of the Saints building a new stadium just outside of New Orleans in Slidell, where I-10 & 12 meet. The reasons given were the availablity of land, the great access by multiple interstates, higher elevation, and close proximity to the city of New Orleans.
A great deal of NFL teams do not play in the city that they are named for, in fact the Jets and Giants do not even play in the state they are named for, they play in New Jersey.

papz 09-16-2005 08:22 AM

RE: I Heard.....
I can envision many traffic accidents from people going home after the game. I know a lot of season ticket holders that enjoy getting drunk before and and after the Saints game in the French Quarter. To me the Saints and the whole French Quarter thing pretty much goes hand and hadn. I think the best idea would be to either blow up the Dome and rebuild it or move it into the Metarie/Kenner area.

Halo 09-16-2005 08:46 AM


I think the best idea would be to either blow up the Dome and rebuild it or move it into the Metarie/Kenner area
A lawyer friend told me yesterday that it would almost cost more to blow up the dome then to refurbish it. I guess if there's anytime to take it down it would be now because some of the buildings around it will probably need to be rebuilt.

I rather see the plan of building the stadium on the Mississippi River at about the river walk. Or what about this, a new stadium on Lake Ponchatrain.

I think we should build the first stadium on stilts.

mjf150 09-16-2005 08:56 AM

You don't think.....
You don't think the people in New York get drunk and drive back across the river from New Jersey, where they play. I wish that they don't, but they probably do. New York is one of the largest cities in the world, much less THE largest city in the U.S, and it is very limited on space to house it's own two teams. New Orleans because of it's location between the river and the lake is also limited to locations within the city.

saintfan 09-16-2005 09:33 AM

I like the stilts idea Halo.


They could build it on a barge and float it up and down the river. Seriously, I'd prefer the Dome be blown up. Let 'em rebuild right there. Ultimately tho, so long as the team stays in the Big Easy I'm happy. On the the River, up the road a piece, either way, just don't take my team away!

papz 09-16-2005 10:36 AM

Seeing how they have subway systems and we don't... I'll still pass on that idea. New Orleanians just don't drink, they get pretty wasted. I see tons of suspended liscenses, accidents, and one nighters in jail. It would be nice if we could build it on the lake, but it's going to flood, flood, and flood.

BlackandBlue 09-16-2005 10:44 AM


I see tons of suspended liscenses, accidents, and one nighters in jail.
So, what do you typically say to your new cellmates? :P

papz 09-16-2005 11:16 AM

The same thing I'll tell you... don't drop the soap. :moon: :hump:

BlackandBlue 09-16-2005 11:17 AM

wakka wakka :airguitar:

WhoDat 09-16-2005 12:14 PM

I'm with SF on this - build a new stadium where the Dome sits now. Slidell is a worse location than NO - closer to Lake P and Lake Borgne and no real levee system. It got hit real hard by Katrina. Leave it where it is. The City needs higher levees and more pumps... they're not going to raise the entire city's elevation. C'mon.

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