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Sinner 12-23-2021 03:58 PM

WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?
Is this true? When will this mindf*ck end? Who's going to be our QB on Monday Night? Is it time for Book? What a clusterf*ck season...

jnormand 12-23-2021 07:01 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by Sinner (Post 939367)
Is this true? When will this mindf*ck end? Who's going to be our QB on Monday Night? Is it time for Book? What a clusterf*ck season...

Hill doesn't have Covid. He's being punished by the league for not getting the shot with the justification that he was around Siemian.

Even though you still can get Covid with the shot.


AsylumGuido 12-23-2021 07:27 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 939378)
Hill doesn't have Covid. He's being punished by the league for not getting the shot with the justification that he was around Siemian.

Even though you still can get Covid with the shot.


Easy solution ... if Hill had got the shot he wouldn't have had to serve the mandatory five day wait period for close contact. He cared more about his "rights" than about his team. He knew the rules and decided to put the team at risk instead of simply getting the vaccination.

But I agree, it was very dumb of him.

mapcow 12-24-2021 10:05 AM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by Sinner (Post 939367)
Is this true? When will this mindf*ck end? Who's going to be our QB on Monday Night? Is it time for Book? What a clusterf*ck season...

the pandemic is over..... people are just to brainwashed and scared. :bng:

mapcow 12-24-2021 10:06 AM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 939381)
Easy solution ... if Hill had got the shot he wouldn't have had to serve the mandatory five day wait period for close contact. He cared more about his "rights" than about his team. He knew the rules and decided to put the team at risk instead of simply getting the vaccination.

But I agree, it was very dumb of him.

I am sure he does not give a flying phuck about your opinion. Glad to know he aint a sheep:dunce:

Sinner 12-24-2021 03:37 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?
Now let's add Ryan Ramczyk and Demario Davis to the list. What a mindf*ck.

jeanpierre 12-24-2021 03:58 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 939381)
Easy solution ... if Hill had got the shot he wouldn't have had to serve the mandatory five day wait period for close contact. He cared more about his "rights" than about his team. He knew the rules and decided to put the team at risk instead of simply getting the vaccination.

But I agree, it was very dumb of him.

Folks have died of #theshot; others are willing to offer themselves up as guinea pigs to #BigPharma, given immunity from liability from a bi-partisan Congress...

So if he Taysom has more sense to ask questions re: these suspect vaccines, he's not dumb, he's prudent, intelligent...

jnormand 12-24-2021 04:15 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?
It's not a vaccine. Vaccines keep you from getting and transmitting a disease.

This stupid shot does neither.

The Dude 12-24-2021 04:26 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 939429)
Folks have died of #theshot; others are willing to offer themselves up as guinea pigs to #BigPharma, given immunity from liability from a bi-partisan Congress...

So if he Taysom has more sense to ask questions re: these suspect vaccines, he's not dumb, he's prudent, intelligent...

I’m all about the vaccinations and I dont believe they are unsafe. I’m going with the recommendations simply because I don’t have time/money to waste sitting at home with Covid. I also don’t want to miss out on trips and family events etc. This being said I certainly can’t fault anyone for being cautious. To each his own. As long as I’m vaccinated I don’t care what anyone else does, I’ve protected myself the best I can. I’m less likely to catch it if I’m around someone who has it. I’m not sacrificing my quality of life over this **** and I don’t expect anyone else to.
I know we have to protect the vulnerable but when it gets to the point society as a whole can’t function normally we need to start thinking about the good of the whole as opposed to the good of the few. At some point life has to go on for the sake of the economy.

SmashMouth 12-24-2021 06:02 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by Sinner (Post 939367)
Is this true? When will this mindf*ck end? Who's going to be our QB on Monday Night? Is it time for Book? What a clusterf*ck season...

Rez may be the emergency QB for the game...

Thirty3 12-24-2021 08:21 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 939381)
Easy solution ... if Hill had got the shot he wouldn't have had to serve the mandatory five day wait period for close contact. He cared more about his "rights" than about his team. He knew the rules and decided to put the team at risk instead of simply getting the vaccination.

But I agree, it was very dumb of him.

Dumb is not making your own health choices.

AsylumGuido 12-24-2021 09:26 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 939429)
Folks have died of #theshot; others are willing to offer themselves up as guinea pigs to #BigPharma, given immunity from liability from a bi-partisan Congress...

So if he Taysom has more sense to ask questions re: these suspect vaccines, he's not dumb, he's prudent, intelligent...


WW_Who_Dat 12-24-2021 10:22 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?
Like everyone I do not want to contract the Virus, but should I contract the Virus, then need to be hospitalized “I don’t want to say to myself I should have taken the damn shot just before they connect me to the ventilator and I go dark.

It’s not Rocket Science but I am Boosted.

vpheughan 12-25-2021 10:14 AM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 939429)
Folks have died of #theshot; others are willing to offer themselves up as guinea pigs to #BigPharma, given immunity from liability from a bi-partisan Congress...

So if he Taysom has more sense to ask questions re: these suspect vaccines, he's not dumb, he's prudent, intelligent...

Living proof right here. Got Covid a year ago tomorrow. Was one of the lucky ones that "recovered" at home. Got my first vaccine shot in April only because I believed it would keep me from getting Covid again in. A week later in the hospital for chest pains. Got the second shot at the end of the month. Back in the hospital for 4 days with a Pulmonary Embolism caused by the Moderna Vaccine. It's been a year of pure hell. You AG are a HEARTLESS P.O.S, all you care about is YOU and YOUR SAINTS!!

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Excessive need for admiration, YOU
Disregard for others' feelings, YOU, SEE COMMENTS ON TAYSOM HILL & OTHERS
An inability to handle any criticism, YOU AND YOUR :rolleyes::rolleyes::confused::confused:
A sense of entitlement. YOU YOU YOU YOU

vpheughan 12-25-2021 10:56 AM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 939446)

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Disregard for others' feelings, YOU, SEE YOUR COMMENTS ON TAYSOM HILL & OTHERS


jeanpierre 12-25-2021 12:56 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 939446)

F*ck You.

Buried my best friend and two other brothers who all died within 2-3 days of receiving the #Pfizer shot - there's nothing #tinfoil about that, #f*cktard...

Four hours after receiving his dose, my best friend told me he'd made a huge mistake giving in to his #woke sister; swelling around his heart did him in...

saintfan 12-25-2021 01:10 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?
Something should really be done about this idiot. Guido is a magnanimous *****.

Lord_Saint83 12-25-2021 01:45 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?
Ok it’s Christmas and this is getting a lil out of hand. It’s turned political again so could we move this to the political part and talk about saints football again? Every damn thing is this world get turned into a political issue and it’s getting old. Can we leave it out and talk about football? Woke this, tinfoil that, come on people. How are we supposed to be one nation when we can’t even talk to someone that holds different views as you.

saintfan 12-25-2021 01:52 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by Lord_Saint83 (Post 939483)
Ok it’s Christmas and this is getting a lil out of hand. It’s turned political again so could we move this to the political part and talk about saints football again? Every damn thing is this world get turned into a political issue and it’s getting old. Can we leave it out and talk about football? Woke this, tinfoil that, come on people. How are we supposed to be one nation when we can’t even talk to someone that holds different views as you.

We have ONE person on this forum who WILL NOT allow other views to go unchallenged. Because he's a dick. He's destroyed this thread, just like the others he's destroyed, and eventually he will be shown the door because he can't stop. He's a sick little ****er.

vpheughan 12-25-2021 06:56 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by Lord_Saint83 (Post 939483)
Ok it’s Christmas and this is getting a lil out of hand. It’s turned political again so could we move this to the political part and talk about saints football again? Every damn thing is this world get turned into a political issue and it’s getting old. Can we leave it out and talk about football? Woke this, tinfoil that, come on people. How are we supposed to be one nation when we can’t even talk to someone that holds different views as you.

Political? Read my story

Living proof right here. Got Covid a year ago tomorrow. Was one of the lucky ones that "recovered" at home. Got my first vaccine shot in April only because I believed it would keep me from getting Covid again in. A week later in the hospital for chest pains. Got the second shot at the end of the month. Back in the hospital for 4 days with a Pulmonary Embolism caused by the Moderna Vaccine. It's been a year of pure hell.

Lord_Saint83 12-25-2021 09:16 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by vpheughan (Post 939502)
Political? Read my story

Living proof right here. Got Covid a year ago tomorrow. Was one of the lucky ones that "recovered" at home. Got my first vaccine shot in April only because I believed it would keep me from getting Covid again in. A week later in the hospital for chest pains. Got the second shot at the end of the month. Back in the hospital for 4 days with a Pulmonary Embolism caused by the Moderna Vaccine. It's been a year of pure hell.

I did read your story and I’m sorry that happened to you but I wasn’t talking about you when I made that.

vpheughan 12-25-2021 09:20 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 939381)
Easy solution ... if Hill had got the shot he wouldn't have had to serve the mandatory five day wait period for close contact. He cared more about his "rights" than about his team. He knew the rules and decided to put the team at risk instead of simply getting the vaccination.

But I agree, it was very dumb of him.

Payton, who has been FULLY VACCINATED, was "immediately isolated," according to the team. He also made public the NFL's first known positive test for coronavirus in March 2020.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Sinner 12-25-2021 09:24 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?
All I can say is it's making a bad Season even worse - Hopefully we get surprised by Book - and it hasn't touched AK yet... Gonna miss Demario - BIG TIME.

Merry Christmas Y'all.

vpheughan 12-25-2021 09:32 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by Lord_Saint83 (Post 939504)
I did read your story and I’m sorry that happened to you but I wasn’t talking about you when I made that.

I apologize to the whole group, there's one person on here and we all know who the NARCISSISTIC SOB IS!

He actually had the balls to message me and tell me we probably had much in common!:rolleyes:


When I'm wrong I admit it.

Boston Saint 12-25-2021 10:06 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by Sinner (Post 939506)
All I can say is it's making a bad Season even worse - Hopefully we get surprised by Book - and it hasn't touched AK yet... Gonna miss Demario - BIG TIME.

Merry Christmas Y'all.

I like your posts sinner. But think of it this’s not a “bad”
season. It’s a season that the team faced many obstacles and has done a decent job of overtaking them so far. Many franchises would have folded away facing what the Saints have so far. The fact that they are still hanging with, and beating up on Tampa is an indication of their franchise strength.

Merry Christmas to all !

Sinner 12-25-2021 10:43 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by Boston Saint (Post 939511)
I like your posts sinner. But think of it this’s not a “bad”
season. It’s a season that the team faced many obstacles and has done a decent job of overtaking them so far. Many franchises would have folded away facing what the Saints have so far. The fact that they are still hanging with, and beating up on Tampa is an indication of their franchise strength.

Merry Christmas to all !

That Win against Tampa Bay was a Super Bowl for me - WITHOUT scoring even one touchdown. I'm actually excited about Monday Night, unless we have to put benches and bandaids on the Field instead of Players.

saintfan 12-25-2021 10:49 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by vpheughan (Post 939508)
I apologize to the whole group, there's one person on here and we all know who the NARCISSISTIC SOB IS!

He actually had the balls to message me and tell me we probably had much in common!:rolleyes:


When I'm wrong I admit it.

Tell him to go **** himself. Seriously. That dude is a sick little :censored:er...

FinSaint 12-26-2021 04:33 AM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?
Don't fuel the hate machine guys!

Sinner 12-26-2021 03:55 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?
Now we can add Deonte Harris to the Blovid List.

dizzle88 12-26-2021 04:49 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?
That's 16 players added to the Covid 19 list since last Tuesday, how is this game even still going ahead?

jnormand 12-26-2021 08:11 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by dizzle88 (Post 939549)
That's 16 players added to the Covid 19 list since last Tuesday, how is this game even still going ahead?

Because we're the Saints bro. Lol.

Roger has to find a way to sink our ship for beating Tommy last week.

Now I'm not saying that its happening, but think about this....if the league wants to screw a team, all they have to do is get some fake positive tests and throw half a team into Covid protocol. Then just sit back and wait. Lol.

WhoDat!656 12-28-2021 06:36 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?
Apologies in advance if someone already posted this and I missed it.

Brees continues to be on the Saints reserve/retired list.

For Brees to return, the Saints would have to release his rights, hope he clears waivers, and then sign him as a free agent.

Boston Saint 12-28-2021 07:28 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

“The CDC significantly reduced its estimate for how prevalent the omicron variant of COVID-19 was in the United States earlier in December, saying on Tuesday that the omicron variant was responsible for 22.5% of all new cases for the week ending December 18 after previously saying the omicron variant was responsible for 73.2% of all new cases for the same week.“

So the CDC Estimates changed from 73 to 23 percent in a couple of weeks. And people wonder why some doubt the “science” presented to the public.

Rugby Saint II 12-29-2021 10:32 AM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by mapcow (Post 939401)
the pandemic is over..... people are just to brainwashed and scared. :bng:

I love you man and I hope you are being funny. If not then I'm laughing anyway.

Rugby Saint II 12-29-2021 10:42 AM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 939429)
Folks have died of #theshot; others are willing to offer themselves up as guinea pigs to #BigPharma, given immunity from liability from a bi-partisan Congress...

So if he Taysom has more sense to ask questions re: these suspect vaccines, he's not dumb, he's prudent, intelligent...

OK jp and the rest of the antivaxxers. I'm calling BS right now. My twin brother has has two shots and is currently in the hospital with Covid and is damn sick as a dog. People still die daily from this. Yeah, yeah I know what's one more death? Everyone has got to die from something. Right? It might as well be on a ventilator fighting for your last glimpse of life.

I've had long Covid and will never be the same. I've had both my shots since they became available. When most people wind up in the hospital thinking they are going to die, then they start to rethink their Politics over Science. By the way, Science has already kept thousands of people alive for thousands of years. just sayin'.

Also, I realize that with youth comes the feeling of invulnerability, but as we age we become hopefully smarter.

Rugby Saint II 12-29-2021 10:47 AM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 939429)
Folks have died of #theshot; others are willing to offer themselves up as guinea pigs to #BigPharma, given immunity from liability from a bi-partisan Congress...

So if he Taysom has more sense to ask questions re: these suspect vaccines, he's not dumb, he's prudent, intelligent...

You know I respect your opinion but that just plain dumb my friend. Viruses kill people everyday. At one point it was the leading cause of death in the U.S. SMH

Boston Saint 12-29-2021 11:19 AM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 940052)
At one point it was the leading cause of death in the U.S. SMH

Part of the problem Rugby is that there are reasons to doubt the outlets providing those figures. They have admitted to falsifying death statistics.

I don’t deny what you and your brother have gone through and I feel bad for you. And I’m not an anti vaxxer as I’ve been vaccinated and think people should get it.

However, people like Guido do a #tinfoilhat comment when people say they are against forcing Vaccines. That “force” could come from threat of losing a job, threat of incarceration, or threat of public harassment and humiliation. He does it when people point out that the officials mandating vaccines and mask requirements do not follow those requirements themselves. When people point out that there is inconsistent application of the NFL policies in regard to Covid they are called “drunk guys at the end of the bar “buy some users on this forum. Most People that don’t want to take the vaccines don’t give a rats ass if other people take them. It’s the people that have taken them that want compliance from those that don’t think it’s right for whatever reason.

Boston Saint 12-29-2021 11:21 AM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

vpheughan 12-29-2021 01:12 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 940050)
OK jp and the rest of the antivaxxers. I'm calling BS right now. My twin brother has has two shots and is currently in the hospital with Covid and is damn sick as a dog. People still die daily from this. Yeah, yeah I know what's one more death? Everyone has got to die from something. Right? It might as well be on a ventilator fighting for your last glimpse of life.

I've had long Covid and will never be the same. I've had both my shots since they became available. When most people wind up in the hospital thinking they are going to die, then they start to rethink their Politics over Science. By the way, Science has already kept thousands of people alive for thousands of years. just sayin'.

Also, I realize that with youth comes the feeling of invulnerability, but as we age we become hopefully smarter.

Actually don't understand what you are calling BS on. If the vaccine works why then are the NFL, NBA, NCAA and NHL all having Covid related issues? It's clear that you can contract covid if you are vaccinated or not. Isn't a vaccine supposed to prevent you from getting something? I had the polio vaccine when it was released and didn't contract polio afterwards.

Science huh?

Like you I've had Covid, will never be the same and both vaccine shots. Thanks to the Moderna vaccine I suffered a pulmonary embolism and 5 days in the hospital. I am on the blood thinner Eliquis until next July. I get winded after any exertion as well as suffer from dizzy spells and bouts of fatigue. Will I get a booster? HELLL NO!!

"Science" will tell you adverse reactions to the vaccine are rare. Not a comfort to when you are one of the RARE one's fighting for your life in the hospital because you trusted the very "Science" that put you there. By the way the 'Angel of Death' Josef Mengele, was the black sheep of Germany's Scientists under the Nazi regime. Politics and Science working together. Just Sayin

Boston Saint 12-29-2021 01:55 PM

Re: WAIT A MINUTE... BLOVID 19 STRIKES Taysom Hill AND Trevor Siemian?!?!?
New personal development. My wife has had all vaccines and the booster. Sunday night she felt congestion in lungs. We separated away from her and for the next 2 days she dealt with mild symptoms. For safety and info she got tested yesterday for the virus. She feels much better today. Congestion is better in her lungs, she has more energy. She got a call 20 min ago that she has COVID. My daughter, mother in law and I are all vaccinated and asymptomatic. We will see what happens.

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