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mjf150 09-20-2005 07:36 AM

This Says It All.....
Aaron Brooks: 27 out 45, 3 Int., 1 Fumble

It's a free country. If Aaron Brooks is free to play like a 8th grade back-up quarterback, then I am free to criticize him.

maximkat 09-20-2005 07:51 AM

RE: This Says It All.....
In AB's defense, 1 of those int's was a tip.

Ok with that out of the way - the rest was attrocious. And even the 1 tip shouldn't have been thrown, it went right between 2 receivers neither of which looked sure who it was intended for. Brooks played bad, and so did the rest.

4saintspirit 09-20-2005 08:25 AM

Brooks had his bad moments and his good moments. I have just resolved myself to the fact that AB will have one stupid moment (fumble the snap) at the worst possible moment. And yes he threw some INTs but he also threw soem fantastic passes. I thought the refs were atrocious -- and the running game non existent

WhoDat 09-20-2005 11:24 AM

So the 6 straight trips into Giants' territory in the second half that resulted in zero points were all AB's fault? The fumble on the opening kickoff - that 7 we spotted 'em doesn't count? How about Hodge's illegal contact penalty on 3rd down when we sacked them and knocked them out of fieldgoal range (they scored two plays later - remember?). That 7 doesn't count? Two catchable passes to Conwell in the endzone - those don't matter. 1 Horn fumble at the one that was a touchback - no worries. A Carney miss - not important. This was AB's fault!!!

You guys do sound a little nuts. I just don't get why you're blaming him for this one. The TEAM sucked. What's with the overwhelming need to blame one guy?

TheGambler 09-20-2005 12:14 PM

Re: This Says It All.....

Originally Posted by mjf150
Aaron Brooks: 27 out 45, 3 Int., 1 Fumble

It's a free country. If Aaron Brooks is free to play like a 8th grade back-up quarterback, then I am free to criticize him.

Do 8th grade backups complete 60% of their passes and throw for 345 yards?

CHACHING 09-20-2005 12:19 PM

RE: Re: This Says It All.....
No but they do throw 3 int's and fumble snaps....
just bein' a smartass.... :lol:

mjf150 09-20-2005 12:43 PM

Shhh, everyone! Aaron Brooks' mother's in the room under her pen-name TheGambler.

Face it there are at least 20 other QB's in the league, back-up or otherwise, that Saints fans would rather see under center. The guy's got "stone-hands".

TheGambler 09-20-2005 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by mjf150
Face it there are at least 20 other QB's in the league, back-up or otherwise, that Saints fans would rather see under center. The guy's got "stone-hands".

Not all Saints fans....just the ones who are fairly uneducated about the game and lack mental stability.

mjf150 09-20-2005 12:53 PM

"just the ones who are fairly uneducated about the game and lack mental stability."

Was that last quote about Aaron? I'm sorry, Ms. Brooks. It is Ms. Brooks, right? I'd rather have Shaun King as QB, instead of Aaron "Stonehands" Brooks. At least he's quarterbacked a team to the NFC championship game, and the last time he played in New Orleans, he went undefeated.

TheGambler 09-20-2005 01:04 PM

Are you TRYING to look like a fool, or is it just sort of coming naturally?

mjf150 09-20-2005 01:09 PM

No, I think you're rubbing off on me.

saintswhodi 09-20-2005 01:11 PM

Don't worry mjf, the Gambler is just upset cause his hero Brooks looked like every other clown QB he tried to ridicule to prove Brooks' greatness. It takes a lot out of a man when he sees his hero fall so far in such a short time. It must also be upsetting that this is the same Brooks we have dealt with for 5 years now. So cut him some slack please. It's hard to have to defend that inept, mediocre, up and down dope we call a QB.

mjf150 09-20-2005 01:13 PM

Well said, saintswhodi.

TheGambler 09-20-2005 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
Don't worry mjf, the Gambler is just upset cause his hero Brooks looked like every other clown QB he tried to ridicule to prove Brooks' greatness.


Who are clown QBs in question?

Edit: it's pretty hilarious that you've sunk so low as to agreeing with a mouthy newbie with less than 50 posts. I expected better.

mjf150 09-20-2005 01:24 PM

Actually, it's pretty low that you would insult some one who bought tickets to your son's game.
I mean I'm not as big a slacker as you, to where I can waste my days putting up a whopping 140 posts.
Congrats, you're much better at wasting your time, and ours for that matter.

saintswhodi 09-20-2005 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by TheGambler

Originally Posted by saintswhodi
Don't worry mjf, the Gambler is just upset cause his hero Brooks looked like every other clown QB he tried to ridicule to prove Brooks' greatness.


Who are clown QBs in question?

Edit: it's pretty hilarious that you've sunk so low as to agreeing with a mouthy newbie with less than 50 posts. I expected better.

Wait, cause this guy disagrees with you he is a newbie who shouldn't have his opinion respected? You onyl have 140 posts yourself. Man, you have really been flying off the handle today since Brooks' inept play. Everythign alright? This is pretty classless.

TheGambler 09-20-2005 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by mjf150
Actually, it's pretty low that you would insult some one who bought tickets to your son's game.
I mean I'm not as big a slacker as you, to where I can waste my days putting up a whopping 140 posts.
Congrats, you're much better at wasting your time, and ours for that matter.

Wrong again.

I joined on July 22. You joined on Sept. 1.

You've been here 3 weeks. I've been here 2 months (8 weeks).

My post total per week (141 counting this post) / 8 = 17.6

You post total per week (Thirty-eight) / 3 = 12.7

I make a whopping 5 most posts A WEEK than you do. And unlike yours, mine actually have a shred of common sense and intelligence attached with them. Learn from me.

TheGambler 09-20-2005 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi

Originally Posted by TheGambler

Originally Posted by saintswhodi
Don't worry mjf, the Gambler is just upset cause his hero Brooks looked like every other clown QB he tried to ridicule to prove Brooks' greatness.


Who are clown QBs in question?

Edit: it's pretty hilarious that you've sunk so low as to agreeing with a mouthy newbie with less than 50 posts. I expected better.

Wait, cause this guy disagrees with you he is a newbie who shouldn't have his opinion respected? You onyl have 140 posts yourself. Man, you have really been flying off the handle today since Brooks' inept play. Everythign alright? This is pretty classless.

Didn't WhoDat already make you look like an idiot the last time you insulted Brooks's current performance? I think so, so I won't need to elaborate any further on that.

And you didn't answer the question.....who are the "clown QBs" I ridiculed?

mjf150 09-20-2005 01:41 PM

"I post total per week (141 counting this post) / 8 = 17.6

You post total per week (Thirty-eight) / 3 = 12.7"

I know that this is two grades above your level, but here we go: 17.6>12.7. So, you are a bigger slacker than I. Thanks for proving my point, though.
Great English, by the way.

iceshack149 09-20-2005 01:44 PM

Worst argument ever.[/i]

iceshack149 09-20-2005 01:45 PM

:*****: :flush:

TheGambler 09-20-2005 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by mjf150
"I post total per week (141 counting this post) / 8 = 17.6

You post total per week (Thirty-eight) / 3 = 12.7"

I know that this is two grades above your level, but here we go: 17.6>12.7. So, you are a bigger slacker than I. Thanks for proving my point, though.
Great English, by the way.

I'll repeat it since you didn't catch it the first time.

That's 5 more posts from me......A WEEK. Conclusion: My post total per week is not leaps and bounds more than yours.

WhoDat 09-20-2005 01:49 PM

And the winner is?

Iceshack!!! Ding ding ding ding ding ding!!!

Where ya been Shack?

saintswhodi 09-20-2005 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by TheGambler

Originally Posted by saintswhodi

Originally Posted by TheGambler

Originally Posted by saintswhodi
Don't worry mjf, the Gambler is just upset cause his hero Brooks looked like every other clown QB he tried to ridicule to prove Brooks' greatness.


Who are clown QBs in question?

Edit: it's pretty hilarious that you've sunk so low as to agreeing with a mouthy newbie with less than 50 posts. I expected better.

Wait, cause this guy disagrees with you he is a newbie who shouldn't have his opinion respected? You onyl have 140 posts yourself. Man, you have really been flying off the handle today since Brooks' inept play. Everythign alright? This is pretty classless.

Didn't WhoDat already make you look like an idiot the last time you insulted Brooks's current performance? I think so, so I won't need to elaborate any further on that.

And you didn't answer the question.....who are the "clown QBs" I ridiculed?

WhoDat did what? When and where? Typical of a Brooks lover to latch onto any positive spin Brooks gets during his mediocre times as "making someone look like a fool." LMAO. Gambler, you are giving me quite the laugh today. And didn;t you ridicule Culepepper, and Delhomme, and Pennington, and McNabb? As a matter of fact, didn't you say you'd take AB over all of them? Wasn't that you?

mjf150 09-20-2005 01:52 PM

Rainman, taking Aaron Brooks over Delhomme is insane.

iceshack149 09-20-2005 01:54 PM

Freezing. Thought I'd warm up by my computer monitor.
How 'bout dem Saints? :computer:

TheGambler 09-20-2005 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
And didn;t you ridicule Culepepper, and Delhomme, and Pennington, and McNabb? As a matter of fact, didn't you say you'd take AB over all of them? Wasn't that you?

So are they all "clown" QBs?

BlackandBlue 09-20-2005 02:04 PM


And the winner is?

Iceshack!!! Ding ding ding ding ding ding!!!

Where ya been Shack?
No kidding. Where the hell have you been???

saintswhodi 09-20-2005 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by TheGambler

Originally Posted by saintswhodi
And didn;t you ridicule Culepepper, and Delhomme, and Pennington, and McNabb? As a matter of fact, didn't you say you'd take AB over all of them? Wasn't that you?

So are they all "clown" QBs?

Figure of speech. Paraphrasing. I mean, you must see them as clowns if you would take the one we have over all of them. Myself, i'd take each and every one of them over AB. But not you. Stick by your man Gambler. Admirable. AB is the only Fumbles the Clown.

CHACHING 09-20-2005 02:08 PM

That Fumbles the Clown thing just Cracks me up......
Didn't Culpepper lead the league in fumbles last year?

saintswhodi 09-20-2005 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by CHACHING
That Fumbles the Clown thing just Cracks me up......
Didn't Culpepper lead the league in fumbles last year?

Maybe, but our guy led in lost fumbles the year before. Also, big Pep had 39 TDs lastyear and was runner up for MVP. Sound like nay of Brooksies seasons? He did lead in red zone turonvers last year though. mean THAT should count for something. I think he and Per are going for the overall turnover record this season. We'll see how wins.

CHACHING 09-20-2005 02:12 PM

I'm sorry, but I think Brooks is a better QB than Pep....
Let's see how he does without a matter of fact I think Brooks would probably have the same season if he QB'd in MINNY....IMO.

saintswhodi 09-20-2005 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by CHACHING
I'm sorry, but I think Brooks is a better QB than Pep....
Let's see how he does without a matter of fact I think Brooks would probably have the same season if he QB'd in MINNY....IMO.

LMAO. Besides the fact Pep has about 1000 more rushing yards and several more rushing TDs, I guess we'll see.

TheGambler 09-20-2005 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
I mean, you must see them as clowns if you would take the one we have over all of them.

You have some really weird logic. And you assume too much. I "must" do this and i "must" do that. So if I wouldn't take T.O. or Randy Moss over Joe Horn, does that mean I think T.O. and Randy Moss are "clowns"?

What are the first 3 letters of "assumption"? That's what you're making of yourself.

saintswhodi 09-20-2005 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by TheGambler

Originally Posted by saintswhodi
I mean, you must see them as clowns if you would take the one we have over all of them.

You have some really weird logic. And you assume too much. I "must" do this and i "must" do that. So if I wouldn't take T.O. or Randy Moss over Joe Horn, does that mean I think T.O. and Randy Moss are "clowns"?

What are the first 3 letters of "assumption"? That's what you're making of yourself.

Well if Joe Horn's nickname was a well coined Fumbles the Clown, yes you woudl think they were "clowns." And there's no need to assume with you, Brooks is God, everyone else is beneath his feet. I got it. I think we all do.

TheGambler 09-20-2005 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
Well if Joe Horn's nickname was a well coined Fumbles the Clown, yes you woudl think they were "clowns." And there's no need to assume with you, Brooks is God, everyone else is beneath his feet. I got it. I think we all do.

Nobody ever said anything about him being God. It's called rooting for our Quarterback, and defending him when the situation calls for it, rather than behaving like a nutjob who acts like Brooks raped his pet goldfish or something.

saintswhodi 09-20-2005 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by TheGambler

Originally Posted by saintswhodi
Well if Joe Horn's nickname was a well coined Fumbles the Clown, yes you woudl think they were "clowns." And there's no need to assume with you, Brooks is God, everyone else is beneath his feet. I got it. I think we all do.

Nobody ever said anything about him being God. It's called rooting for our Quarterback, and defending him when the situation calls for it, rather than behaving like a moronic nutjob who acts like Brooks raped his pet goldfish or something.

I thought you were my pet goldfish. Did Brooks get you pregnant? I know that's what you were hoping for.

TheGambler 09-20-2005 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
I thought you were my pet goldfish. Did Brooks get you pregnant? I know that's what you were hoping for.

Was there a point you were actually trying to make in posting this garbage?

saintswhodi 09-20-2005 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by TheGambler

Originally Posted by saintswhodi
I thought you were my pet goldfish. Did Brooks get you pregnant? I know that's what you were hoping for.

Was there a point you were actually trying to make in posting this garbage?

Same point you were making when you said:


rather than behaving like a nutjob who acts like Brooks raped his pet goldfish or something.
If you wanna break down into name calling and insults, we can. But I think you should talk to Dr. Phil and re-direct your anger where it belongs, onto Aaron Brooks. The guy who didn't hold up to your perfect dream of him. We're all human, and we make mistakes, so does Aaron, although I know you don't believe it.

TheGambler 09-20-2005 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi

Originally Posted by TheGambler

Originally Posted by saintswhodi
I thought you were my pet goldfish. Did Brooks get you pregnant? I know that's what you were hoping for.

Was there a point you were actually trying to make in posting this garbage?

Same point you were making when you said:


rather than behaving like a nutjob who acts like Brooks raped his pet goldfish or something.
If you wanna break down into name calling and insults, we can. But I think you should talk to Dr. Phil and re-direct your anger where it belongs, onto Aaron Brooks. The guy who didn't hold up to your perfect dream of him. We're all human, and we make mistakes, so does Aaron, although I know you don't believe it.

Because you ARE acting like a nutjob. You, on the other hand, asked me if Brooks got me pregnant. Given that (a) I've never met Aaron in person, and (b) I'm a is a physical impossibility for me to get pregnant from Aaron Brooks. So which is more likely to be an accurate argument? You behaving like a nutjob? Or me getting pregnant?

Move along. You're regressing.

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