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TheGambler 09-20-2005 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi

Originally Posted by TheGambler

Originally Posted by saintswhodi
So WhoDat makes up a few? you have as high an opinion of his as you do of Brooks, and that's saying something. Youreally are smitten over WhoDat aren't you?

How old are you? Be honest.

Apparently old enough to slap you down in every thread on this forum. As did that "newbie" mjf. Just move on. We know you love Brooks and don't want him to get any blame, we get it. Jeez.

Slap me down? For the love of Christ, I guess I should tell you why i asked your age. Because every one of your arguments (once you've maxed out) normally turn into some type of homosexual inuendo directed towards the other person. That, and the fact that you view this as some kind of actual online battle (I SLAPPPEED YOU DOOOWWWN), show a complete lack of mental maturity, which is normally caused by (a) being very young or (b) slow development.

saintswhodi 09-20-2005 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by TheGambler
Notice the term "acting" like a moron or nutjob....

As for Brooks raping a goldfish...........I think that's a lot less vulgar than saying "Brooks raping your grandmother"

The fact you would think of Brooks "raping" anything shows where you're at with your thinking. Have fun with that.

TheGambler 09-20-2005 03:30 PM

Well he obviously did something to draw your ire........far beyond throwing interceptions or fumbling inside the 20.

SaintStoneyMount 09-20-2005 04:10 PM

Well well...once again Brooks and the Saints have drivin everyone crazy. Now we are raping godfish and smacking folks down. I still blame the team as a whole and put special emphasis on the coaching staff and Mcafee for putting us in a whole we did't need to be in. Of course Brooks is a focal point because he touches the ball on just about every offensive down. Yesterday he threw 45 passes... 27 were complete, 15 hit the ground and 3 were intercepted. Still he has to share in the blame. He can not be held blameless, he is the QB. What about Hazlett..Nobody seems to be talking about Haz. He gets the goat award too. Jason Craft gets the goat. Wait theres lots of goat to go around ...Conwell etc.

spkb25 09-20-2005 06:16 PM

so are you accusing me of being one of his girlfreinds black. because if you read since i have been a member my posts they have always supported brooks or said it isn't his fault. so i hope you aren't talking about me. i made one post for the first time ever saying hey i don't think we can win with the guy. i also said he is our best option at winning right now.

now don't you ever accuse me of being someone's girlfriend just because you get tea bagged by AB and you especially enjoy it after a game when he is all sweaty and you smeeeeellll that sweat. ummm thats what black likey. taste it black taste it. i hope you know i am 100% joking with you. sometimes i kid on here and people take me serious. so i make sure i tell when i am joking.

if you actually think i am one of stewies girlfriends it makes me laugh. it doesn't upset me. so i am just playing bro.

spkb25 09-20-2005 06:59 PM

hey kenny main had something on espn this week about this kicker who is like 70 but automatic within 40 yards. what ya think? did you see it? i say sign him. probably get him cheap

TheGambler 09-20-2005 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by BlackonBlack
This team needs to look at a new kicker in the offseason,as we all know this isn't the first time he's cost games by missing "a drunk man can't miss kick".

How soon we forget...

Carney is one of the reasons we beat Carolina last week.....2 field goals from beyond 45 yards...

As I said in a previous post.......Carney's missed 29 yarder last night was simply indicative of an off-night for the Saints organization as a whole. Cut Carney tomorrow, and I guarantee you it would come back to bite us in the ass.

CHACHING 09-20-2005 07:02 PM

Yeah...Carney has pulled us out of some pretty harsh games....
Last night was over before it began...move on...

BoudinSandwich 09-20-2005 08:53 PM

The score may have been 21-10, but the fact that we had to settle for a field goal during that drive pretty much indicated that we had no chance. We knocked on the door for 4 plays (one resulted in a pre-snap penalty.) One yard run, Incomplete, Penalty, and Incomplete sums them up. That is a sign that our team isn't getting it done.

The red zone is our worst enemy. The goal line through the 35 yard line (on both ends of the field) is the equivalent of the Bermuda Triangle for Aaron Brooks. He's great in between the 36s.

biloxi-indian 09-20-2005 08:57 PM

Gambler, you need to develop a sense of humor. Throwing for 345 yards with the turnovers, makes one think what LEADERSHIP skills Brooks really has. Horn displayed them, I did not see HORN smiling after his stretching out for a TD with a fumble. I believe Brooks did!

Should have, would have, and could have won't cut it. The Saints are not 2-0 we are 1-1!

Horn's TD was a real REACH. If you know what that means!

SapperSaint 09-21-2005 05:50 AM


Why should I NOT defend Brooks when he's being unjustly criticized?
WHY? WHY? UNJUSTLY CRITICIZED? AB has had one, ONE good year. We should be asking why anyone would defend this "Hasbeen". How many times do you see Tom Brady, McNabb, Peyton, or any other QB, F*#KING SMILE when HE F*#KED UP???? AB is not a leader, never has been never will be. Why does the QB get blamed?????? BECAUSE HE IS THE LEADER OF THE DAMN TEAM! When any other team gets the crap beat out them, the QB is there talking to the media. I am sick and tired of "It's not Brooks' fault", B.S.! Here are the people we can blame...HAZ, Venturi, and BROOKS! I don't care if the guy does give us a winning season. He needs to be kicked to the curb. We have wasted far too much time in him and he won't be worth anything in a trade. We got rid of J.T. and that was a mistake, and if we keep on with AB we will, "MARK MY WORDS", we will get rid of A MAC before his time. Bump the bum and lets start over. No one here wants to wear a hat with SB Champ hat with our Saints on it more than anyone else. Hell, I've been waiting 33 years! I do think we need some kind of rebuilding year. The city will get rebuild, how about the team? Come on guys we have got to quit wishing about a SB. Buddy D., God Bless Him, I'm not too sure he ever thought they would make it to the SB. We need to start over.

4saintspirit 09-21-2005 07:20 AM

I would be known in these circles as a Brooks Basher (although I rather believe I am more like an unbiased critic). In standing with my beliefs I must say I though AB played a decent game. Sure he had his once a game blooper highlight play -- but for the most part I liked the way he played. His passes were sharp (sometimes too sharp because Conwell would have caught that TD in the endzone prior to the missed FG had the ball not been a rocket).

I guess I finally saw the improvement in his game that I have been waiting for the last 4 years. The Giants D stuffed the run and it was all on AB's shoulders -- I think he was up to the challenge. We consistently started deep in our own territory and he consistently moved the ball across mid field. If he play like Monday night the rest of the season we will be okay.

BrooksMustGo 09-21-2005 10:08 AM


I would be known in these circles as a Brooks Basher (although I rather believe I am more like an unbiased critic). In standing with my beliefs I must say I though AB played a decent game. Sure he had his once a game blooper highlight play -- but for the most part I liked the way he played. His passes were sharp (sometimes too sharp because Conwell would have caught that TD in the endzone prior to the missed FG had the ball not been a rocket).
4saint has a very good point here. I'm probably the furthest thing from a "basher" on this board. Seemed to me that Brooks wasn't dreadful in this game, just in over his head. The giants took away the run and Brooks couldn't beat them with his arm. This isn't news, we've seen it for several seasons now.


The red zone is our worst enemy. The goal line through the 35 yard line (on both ends of the field) is the equivalent of the Bermuda Triangle for Aaron Brooks. He's great in between the 36s.
Oldies is totally right here too. The more compressed the field is, the less effective brooks becomes. The short field is kryptonite with this guy.

The truth is that we can't do anything about it now. Dealing with brooks is an off-season project. Until then, it makes more sense to work at improving the running game and let him continue padding his stats so that we get better value in a trade for him. His cap number will become intolerable for no more than he gives us next season.

All in all, not his worst outing, but far from his best either.

Rsanders24 09-21-2005 10:32 AM

This loss was a team effort. Maybe Brooks should have told Conwell to turn around a look for the ball and stop playing scared or if he knew that he was going to drop passes sprayed some stick-um on his hands. If he catches either one of those passes just maybe the game would be different. Is it just me or does A. Smith run way better between the tackles than Duece (Overpaid!) He just doesn't seem to have good vision. When Ricky was here and he would plow right into the back of his linemen everyone said he must run with his eyes closed. Maybe Duece does too! Craft showed in the preseason that he is very inconsistent. He should have been released after preseason. One semi-bright spot this season has been the play of Sullivan. He has played pretty decently so far.

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