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spkb25 09-20-2005 08:58 AM

we can not win with brooks as our qb.
it is not a debate anymore. the giants said to us last night let your qb beat us. we tryed and we got 4 turn overs from the guy. he has a great arm. he is athletic. he is not all there mentally and we will never win with him. saintswhodi you were RIGHT. you have said it and said it, preached it to no end. argued with a lot of us. in the end you are right. he is our best option right now. we basically have no choice but to start the guy. as far as winning though we won't. i could't put my finger on why this offense could't do nothing the last few years. now i know. he threw for 375 yards. only 1 td. we outgained the giants who didn't have 300 total yards. we didn't let up 100 yards rushing. our d did not play great all game but they played well enough for us to win. we should have won. the penalties are not brook's fault. the break down of protection i saw is not his fault. but he had time to throw at different times. we could have won the game. we should have won the game. the only thing i am absolutely sure of is we can't win with brooks. he is inconsistent and so is our team. no wonder in the past when you shut down deuce you beat the saints. because if you shut down deuce brooks has to beat you. you have a 50/50 chance then.

WhoDat 09-20-2005 11:20 AM

RE: we can not win with brooks as our qb.
I think you're wrong.

I don't particularly like AB and I've done my fair share of criticising - he'll get it done this year. Watch.

xan 09-20-2005 11:33 AM

I think you've said "Just wait, you'll see AB deliver" each of the last 3 years.

AB is really Stevie Wonder without his sunglasses on in the Saints' offense. Wide eyed, head bobbing, goofy, toothy grin - oblivious to the world around him.

But, AB does not design the running schemes. How can a bigger, faster, younger, smarter O-Line get beat up EVERY weekend? Who's in charge of THAT mess?

xan 09-20-2005 11:33 AM

I think you've said "Just wait, you'll see AB deliver" each of the last 3 years.

AB is really Stevie Wonder without his sunglasses on in the Saints' offense. Wide eyed, head bobbing, goofy, toothy grin - oblivious to the world around him.

But, AB does not design the running schemes. How can a bigger, faster, younger, smarter O-Line get beat up EVERY weekend? Who's in charge of THAT mess?

WhoDat 09-20-2005 11:36 AM

I've said just wait the last 3 seasons? Was that a "you" meaning WhoDat or a "you" meaning people in general?

TheGambler 09-20-2005 12:03 PM

Re: RE: we can not win with brooks as our qb.

Originally Posted by WhoDat
I think you're wrong.

I don't particularly like AB and I've done my fair share of criticising - he'll get it done this year. Watch.

This means more, hearing this from WhoDat (a known Brooks Basher, but someone who at least isn't completely blind to obvious reality), than from others who seemingly hold Aaron Brooks to a higher standard than Favre, Culpepper, Pennington, etc..

This is not the "same old Aaron".

CHACHING 09-20-2005 12:17 PM

RE: Re: RE: we can not win with brooks as our qb.
I too believe we can win with Brooks....but I don't think I've ever seen a QB in the history of me watching this game that makes me laugh and cry in every single game...
Brooks is Brooks and you have to take him in small doses..
I think he'll shake of the loss and have a good year.(maybe great)

iceshack149 09-20-2005 12:52 PM

AB is really Stevie Wonder without his sunglasses on in the Saints' offense. Wide eyed, head bobbing, goofy, toothy grin - oblivious to the world around him. [/quote]


TheGambler 09-20-2005 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by iceshack149
AB is really Stevie Wonder without his sunglasses on in the Saints' offense. Wide eyed, head bobbing, goofy, toothy grin - oblivious to the world around him.


Did you guys actually watch the game? Or did you put in a tape from 2001? Sounds like you're repeating everything you've ever heard about Brooks, and simply trying to sound funny in the process.

You don't. It would only be funny if it were true.

saintswhodi 09-20-2005 01:12 PM

Man, the Brooks pr machine is in full spin. I love it. Keep it up Gambler. :D

spkb25 09-20-2005 01:39 PM

i love how i am now a brooks basher. i never was until this past game but now i am narrow minded and do this all the time. lovely guys. well we will see if we win or not.

WhoDat 09-20-2005 01:50 PM

Who here thinks AB was at fault for that loss?

saintswhodi 09-20-2005 01:51 PM

Who here think AB is ONE of the reasons we lost?

TheGambler 09-20-2005 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
Who here think AB is ONE of the reasons we lost?

Earlier he was "one of the main" reasons we he's just "one".........then while ago, you said something about the running game being to blame..

It was a team loss. Period. Get over it.

saintswhodi 09-20-2005 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by TheGambler

Originally Posted by saintswhodi
Who here think AB is ONE of the reasons we lost?

Earlier he was "one of the main" reasons we he's just "one".........then while ago, you said something about the running game being to blame..

It was a team loss. Period. Get over it.

I'm sorry, I didn't say main this time? Oh you got me Gambler. And I also said I blamed the lack of a running game from planning to execution more than him? More meaning he still got assigned blame? Ooh you got me again Gambler. Let me lay it out for you:

Lack of a running game forcing us to go to AB
6 turnovers, 4 by AB(only 3 legit though, should make Brooks lovers feel good)
Lack of a pass rush

Is that main enough for you? We got all the bases covered. AB is a, let me make sure I put it, main reason IMO we lost. That makes him ONE of the reasons we lost. Does AB spin school stay in session year round?

biloxi-indian 09-20-2005 01:59 PM

I too believe we can win with years #1 pick in the draft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TheGambler 09-20-2005 02:01 PM

Forcing us to go to AB...

If it weren't for Horn, STallworth, and yes, AB, then the game would have been over by Halftime.

saintswhodi 09-20-2005 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by biloxi-indian
I too believe we can win with years #1 pick in the draft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully he'll be here all week folks. lol

saintswhodi 09-20-2005 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by TheGambler
Forcing us to go to AB...

If it weren't for Horn, STallworth, and yes, AB, then the game would have been over by Halftime.

So to you it is coincidence last week AB had half the pass attempts and we won? Interesting.

mjf150 09-20-2005 02:04 PM

Excellent point.

TheGambler 09-20-2005 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by biloxi-indian
I too believe we can win with years #1 pick in the draft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only on a Saints message board would we see someone joke around about getting the first pick in the draft, while their team has a 1-1 record and their QB just threw for 345 yards.

CHACHING 09-20-2005 02:05 PM

You funny Biloxi....hahahaha...
So would you guys be happy with Matt Leinart?

saintswhodi 09-20-2005 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by TheGambler

Originally Posted by biloxi-indian
I too believe we can win with years #1 pick in the draft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only on a Saints message board would we see someone joke around about getting the first pick in the draft, while their team has a 1-1 record and their QB just threw for 345 yards.

And 1 TD to 4 turnovers, making the total 1 TD and 5 turnover son the year. You should see those Vikes fans getting on Tice and culpepper, it's brutal. So sounds about right.

TheGambler 09-20-2005 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi

Originally Posted by TheGambler
Forcing us to go to AB...

If it weren't for Horn, STallworth, and yes, AB, then the game would have been over by Halftime.

So to you it is coincidence last week AB had half the pass attempts and we won? Interesting.

Is it coincidence that we didn't fumble the opening kickoff last week, and get called for holding and false starts on seemingly every other play, and thus we managed to win?

iceshack149 09-20-2005 02:09 PM

The whole team stunk, guys. I wanted to believe that at least Horn and Stallworth did great but they both turned the ball over. (You can blame Stallworth for that interception.)
To put so much blame on Brooks is plain silly. The team looked bad.

Some talking heads last night gave the Saints a pass because of their situation at home and to a degree you have to agree. But this team looks just the same as last year and the year before and the year before. INCONSISTENT. Penalties, fumbles, a reverse on the kickoff return that set the tone for the rest of the game. Great one week, crap the next.

Damn that Aaron Brooks.

TheDeuce 09-20-2005 02:11 PM

AB made two mistakes last night: an interception and not falling on the ball after the fumbled snap. Two mistakes is manageable, especially considering the talent on the rest of the team. The fact is, Aaron played brilliantly besides those two mistakes. 375 yards? Should have had 2 touchdowns if Joe hadn't fumbled it in the endzone. YOu also have to consider that two of his interceptions weren't really his fault (a WR miscommunication, and a hail mary that didn't even matter). Also, when taking into consideration how "dreadful" Brooks was on Monday, I think you should first look at our offensive line. They couldn't move the Giants front four, and thus resulted in the total collapse of our running game. A result of this was a reverting back to the offense of last year: "O crap, we can't move the ball on the ground, we better throw the ball 60 times." As a result, they were looking for the pass every single play. Still, despite all of this, Aaron Brooks threaded countless passes between waiting defenders, tried his very best to avoid a dangerous pass rush, and made very few mental mistakes. This game was not his fault. Yes, he did throw an interception, and he fumbled one snap, but the point is, Aaron Brooks has been playing smarter this year, and he's been making some pretty amazing throws. He just needs the rest of the team to step it up and stop getting 8+ penalties every game.

saintswhodi 09-20-2005 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by TheGambler

Originally Posted by saintswhodi

Originally Posted by TheGambler
Forcing us to go to AB...

If it weren't for Horn, STallworth, and yes, AB, then the game would have been over by Halftime.

So to you it is coincidence last week AB had half the pass attempts and we won? Interesting.

Is it coincidence that we didn't fumble the opening kickoff last week, and get called for holding and false starts on seemingly every other play, and thus we managed to win?

So what you are getting it is AB played no role in the loss? Is that what I am hearing? You really are gone man.

iceshack149 09-20-2005 02:14 PM

[/quote]So to you it is coincidence last week AB had half the pass attempts and we won? Interesting.[/quote]

Brooks had half the attempts last week because the Saints were in it from the beginning. On their first drive they were able to get a td and they ate up almost 10 minutes doing it.

TheGambler 09-20-2005 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
So what you are getting it is AB played no role in the loss? Is that what I am hearing? You really are gone man.

I never said he played NO ROLE in the loss. I want you to show me anywhere I said that. If you'd quit assuming so much, then you wouldn't have to look like such a blithering HEADCASE most of the time.

I simply said he isn't playing nearly as large a role as most people here are trying to imply. I'm not the only one saying this, either. Look around. Even a few usual Brooks bashers are conceding this fact.

saintswhodi 09-20-2005 02:19 PM

So to you it is coincidence last week AB had half the pass attempts and we won? Interesting.[/quote]

Brooks had half the attempts last week because the Saints were in it from the beginning. On their first drive they were able to get a td and they ate up almost 10 minutes doing it.[/quote]

And in this game we didn't. So? If so much is gonna be made of that opening drive fumble, then the same amount of noise needs to be made on Brooks' THREE turnovers, not the last one which would be 4 but meant nothing. Fact is, the Giants said you are not gonna run on us, Brooks needs to beat us, and he responded with three crucial turnovers and some bogus yards. Sorry, not sold. And do they rinse that stats argument for Brooks every year and repeat? Hey Brooks doesn't suck, look at his stats. But he led the league in lost fumbles. Look at his stats I said. But he led the league in red zone turnovers. STATS!!!! That argument is about 3 years too old.

CHACHING 09-20-2005 02:20 PM

WEll said Deuce....

saintswhodi 09-20-2005 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by TheGambler

Originally Posted by saintswhodi
So what you are getting it is AB played no role in the loss? Is that what I am hearing? You really are gone man.

I never said he played NO ROLE in the loss. I want you to show me anywhere I said that. If you'd quit assuming so much, then you wouldn't have to look like such a blithering HEADCASE most of the time.

I simply said he isn't playing nearly as large a role as most people here are trying to imply. I'm not the only one saying this, either. Look around. Even a few usual Brooks bashers are conceding this fact.

Who is a few, WhoDat? Please. No need to overexaggerate. But I raise you a WhoDat and see you an spk. There, who else you got? Even some normal Brooks lovers are blaming Brooks as part of the reason. Try again. And I am the headcase? How many different people are youdefending Brooks too? Does Brooks pay you?

TheGambler 09-20-2005 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
Who is a few, WhoDat? Please. No need to overexaggerate. But I raise you a WhoDat and see you an spk. There, who else you got? Even some normal Brooks lovers are blaming Brooks as part of the reason. Try again. And I am the headcase? How many different people are youdefending Brooks too? Does Brooks pay you?

A "few" is an overexhaggeration!!? HAHAHAH ..Look up the definition of "few", and "overexhaggeration", and then get back to me.

Why should I NOT defend Brooks when he's being unjustly criticized? You really don't get it, do you? It's one thing to do like some are saying (team loss, turnovers killed us) it's another to take the route of OUR QB IS INEPT and BROOKS COST US THIS GAME! and WE CAN NEVER WIN WITH BROOKS.

saintswhodi 09-20-2005 02:35 PM

So WhoDat makes up a few? you have as high an opinion of his as you do of Brooks, and that's saying something. Youreally are smitten over WhoDat aren't you?

Two, our QB is inept, he is one of the reasons we lost, and I haven't seen much winning since he has been here. Next.

spkb25 09-20-2005 02:44 PM

well i have been waiting some years now for us to go better then 8-8. so winning with him hasn't happened yet.

whodat did you not use to tell me that it all comes down to wins and losses. i am not positive that was you but pretty sure that you use to tell me that when i would say that vick is over rated. you would point out how atlanta won with him and loss when he wasn't in. well ....

iceshack149 09-20-2005 02:48 PM

You're kind of angry Whoodi. I'm not looking for a fight. However, my point about last weeks game is that Brooks didn't have to throw the ball because Deuce had so many rush attempts thus eating up the clock. And the only time that Brooks was really forced to throw was on that last drive. Last night he was basically forced to throw at the beginning of the second half.

The TEAM stunk. And that screwed up kickoff return to start the game really set the tone.

saintswhodi 09-20-2005 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by iceshack149
You're kind of angry Whoodi. I'm not looking for a fight. However, my point about last weeks game is that Brooks didn't have to throw the ball because Deuce had so many rush attempts thus eating up the clock. And the only time that Brooks was really forced to throw was on that last drive. Last night he was basically forced to throw at the beginning of the second half.

The TEAM stunk. And that screwed up kickoff return to start the game really set the tone.

I'm not looking to fight either. You seem pretty level headed. My point is, the Giants came up with the perfect gameplan to beat us. Take away Deuce, and make Brooks beat you, and he couldn't do it. Cause he had a lot of yards means nothing, they gave him those yards. They were focusing on limiting the run. But he made the critical mistakes they were betting on, and they won. So yes it is a team loss, but that doesn't mean you can't do a blame assessment, and Brooks gets a healthy dose of my blame. If it's not the same for you, kudos. We had 6 turnovers, he had 4(or 3 if you wanna take away the last one) that's better than 50% of the turnovers that led to a loss anyway you slice it. That's unacceptable to me, and has been for years. It's all good man.

TheGambler 09-20-2005 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
So WhoDat makes up a few? you have as high an opinion of his as you do of Brooks, and that's saying something. Youreally are smitten over WhoDat aren't you?

How old are you? Be honest.

saintswhodi 09-20-2005 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by TheGambler

Originally Posted by saintswhodi
So WhoDat makes up a few? you have as high an opinion of his as you do of Brooks, and that's saying something. Youreally are smitten over WhoDat aren't you?

How old are you? Be honest.

Apparently old enough to slap you down in every thread on this forum. As did that "newbie" mjf. Just move on. We know you love Brooks and don't want him to get any blame, we get it. Jeez.

CHACHING 09-20-2005 03:00 PM

"Slap you down in every thread on this forum"... are slowly becoming my hero...........
To quote Fred Sanford.:"Gee Mo Netty"

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