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APSaintsfan 09-26-2005 06:48 PM

Todd Bouman----- QB?
I think we should try Bouman for a game or two. Make Brooks think about what needs to be done this season. We should think this through. I mean what exactly has Bouman done that would make you think he is stupid or don't know what he is doing? In preseason the reps he got seemed good.
What do you guys think?

jrmllb 09-26-2005 07:52 PM

RE: Todd Bouman----- QB?
Hey with AB in at least we have a chance...bouman is not the answer to anyone's problem...Is it just me or does the nfc look alot better this year?

Euphoria 09-26-2005 10:18 PM

RE: Todd Bouman----- QB?
did ya see bouman in preseason... I think NOT

papz 09-27-2005 09:16 AM

RE: Todd Bouman----- QB?
I'm happy to see BlackonBlack that you finally see that AB is definately apart of the problem... usually you're the main one sticking up for the guy. My have the tides turned. I'll even have to agree with that order... defense (get a mother f'ing stud tackle during the offseason please... this Sullivan crap is over and done with... yes even I have lost patience for the guy), coaching (get a motivator... someone with a good rep who will push our players), and AB... I'm sorry it's time for you to get the F out of town. I can't believe I predicted ProBowl for this guy during the offseason. I rather have Trent Dilfer starting for our team right now.

Saint_LB 09-27-2005 10:58 AM

People are continuously making the statement that AB is a problem, but he is not the main problem, so let's address those issues first, and then when the time comes, after all other problems are addressed and there is none left but AB, then address AB and his problems. I have a problem with that. First of all, if you know someone is a problem, why are you going to wait to correct even if you know there are other problems. Why not address all of the problems ASAP.

Another thing is that people keep saying that there is more to it than just AB, but do we really know that for certain? I mean, have we ever put the guy on the bench and let someone else lead the team for awhile just to see what might happen? If not, why? I know a lot of people don't lend much credence to this theory, but I know firsthand from playing this game that one person can come into the game and make a difference...and it is not always in the talent that he brings to the game. Sometimes it is just a spirit, or a spark, that he brings that causes people on both sides of the ball to step up their game a notch. Don't tell me that it doesn't happen, because I have been watching this game for a long time now and have seen it happen time and time again. How do we know these players haven't subconciously given up on AB and his attitude, and are not playing to the very best of their ability because of some hidden dislike for him or his attitude. I'm not saying that this is definitely the case, I'm just saying that anything is possible, but as long as he continues to stay in there and nobody else gets a chance, we will never know.

saintswhodi 09-27-2005 01:06 PM

Good post LB, and so true. I always wonder myself when AB plays his normal sub-par game, why people rush to point out all the other problems, as if there is a framework as to what problem has to be addressed when. If AB is A PROBLEM, and all will admit at least that, he needs to be addressed. Period. We have been waiting for it to be addressed, or at least some competition brought in for years now, when is the right time to address it? This dude holds us back, plain and simple. If he needs it to be a perfect day by everyone else on the team for him to be competent, see ya. I want a QB who LIFTS the play of the team, not one who needs everyone else to make things as easy as possible for him EVERY game for him to succeed. Just said all that to say, you are exactly right LB. When is a good time to address a problem?

BrooksMustGo 09-27-2005 01:42 PM

Starting Bouman is a bad idea. He's been awful for the past several pre-seasons. For those of you who buy into conspiracy, keeping Bouman protects ab since he is such an awful option.

By choosing not to deal with the brooks problem in the offseason, the coaching staff chooses to play him for 16 games.

The best option now is to let brooks play out the season and increase his trade value. Deal him in the offseason, play him now.

saintz08 09-27-2005 02:11 PM

Bouman is a BUST .

McPherson would be interesting to see , especially with the new scaled down Brooks offense .....

dbonlilv 09-27-2005 05:15 PM

Who cares if its Brooks or Bouman, they cant make the recievers get open and most important, CATCH THE BALL!! We need to look at this team as a whole, the offence has been stinking up the place and the defence isnt playing well either. Blown coverages for huge gains, mis-tackles IN THE BACKFIELD, cant stop the run, and the list goes on and on. I dont think a change in QB is going to affect this team in a postive way. The whole team needs to step it up and play better as a whole.

Tobias-Reiper 09-27-2005 06:23 PM

... there really isn't a point in yanking Brooks out and putting Boumann in at this stage... sometimes a coach would do such a move to show the team that no one's job is safe and give players a sense of job insecurity, but after all this time, and all the stuff that has transpired, I don't think any players would believe it, or care.., Adrian, that's another story...young kid that has nothing but arm, legs, and instinct... that'd be interrresting, to say the least...

.. but is not gonna happen either... Haslett is afraid of change. Yeah he'll change a play here and a coach there in the offseason, but he's afraid of changes once the season starts, let alone overhauls.

DJLengai 09-27-2005 06:54 PM

I still don't understand why we let go of Glover, Hand, and Jackson. Glover and one of the other 2 with Grant and Howard would have helped the D huge the past 2 years. We have no push in the middle. Sammy Knight is another one that makes no sense. I don't think with everything going on that putting in Bouman will help. Hopefully A. Mac grows into the role fast.

jrmllb 09-27-2005 07:02 PM

I want AB to win it for us, I just dont think he can...He is not the kind of Qb that puts a team on his back and says "come on, I'm gonna take us there"...He just does not have the talent that the rest of our stellar offense does. I don't pretend to have a solution to the problem...I really want AB to be the man because the alternative if just unthinkable, Bouman.

...If by the 10th week we are out of the playoff picture, which I pray is not the case...I wanna see
A-Mac in there getting snaps and taking the reins so that he will be ready for next season...Anybody know why A-Mac was listed as Inactive for the Vikes game?

...Hey, how about we sandbag the season and draft Leinart and one more first round quality O-Lineman that will surely fall to the second round?

spkb25 09-27-2005 07:13 PM

shiiit give the kid the reins instead. bouman is a poor mans brooks. maybe not even that. at least the kid will be a rookie and we can always hang our hat on that. start the kid if we don't improve this week. also if after the first half we look as well as we have the last two games start him then.

any wonders on the latest letter from the mayor of new orleans to the saints (not like i care for the guy either way). lol. hum that first week i heard how we were america's team. **** i haven't heard a word on espn as of late. i thought they all loved us. oh wait that is only as a winner. america loves a winner anything else put to the back pages. we suck. want the problem solved get a new coach and a real coach. i think has try's. no doubt i think he cares too. i think he wants to win but so did ray rhodes. but ray sucked as a head coach. great d coord. bad head coach. and he had two try's. let's get a winner in here already. my god has should have been gone last year and we should have thrown the farm at weis. we suck. season over. hey it will be nice if has wins like 3 or 4 of his last 4 games this way he can come back again next year. we suck

saintz08 09-27-2005 09:50 PM


bouman is a poor mans brooks.
And Brooks is a poor mans Michael Vick ????

CheramieIII 09-27-2005 10:02 PM

Haz, Venturi, Brooks, Carney, and a few others have already sealed there fate. Bouman isn't even a good 2nd and Brooks is damn sure not a 1st. I say trade them both for an average QB right now and get it over with or trade them for draft picks now before someone really figures out that they are worthless. The entire coaching staff needs to be changed and Carney needs to go because you just don't miss extra points period. Stallworth is not a bust but nothing more than a 4th or 5th receiver. I think we have settled for average players over the last 4 or 5 years that have given us nothing more than average play and records. Time to blow it up and I mean all of it.

SapperSaint 09-28-2005 05:17 AM

Give the ball to A-mac! Look what happened to Pittsburg when they started their rookie. I'm not saying the same will happen to us but we need to know where he is in ability. He will win some games. The defense sucking I feel is greatly apart of Venturi's leadership. If we had a better coach those guys would be playing better.

SapperSaint 09-28-2005 05:24 AM

Brooks is not a poor mans nothing! He is a bad hit of acid, a dad-gum nightmare! We (The Fans) were led to believe that he was this "Greatest Secret known to football", and we took it hook line and sinker. Now we know the truth, he is just an average QB, nothing more. I have done some thinking on this (Yes, I know that is a scary concept) but any way, we were told how great, how much potential he has, how he was going to be one of the "Great's". This is the reason I think we are soooo down on him. If I am wrong I feel pretty sure I'll hear about it.

4saintspirit 09-28-2005 06:37 AM

Our team is in disarray -- AB is part of a larger problem which starts with discipline. The amount of stupid penalties and plain mental mistakes this team has gone through the last 2 games is embarrassing. Against Carolina we had few penalties and only 1 AB blooper highlight plays. The result -- we won a close game. Turnovers and mistakes are contagious -- it makes players think they always need to make a big play -- make something happen and that always turns out badly.

maximkat 09-28-2005 06:44 AM

Brooks a poor man's vick lol....

at least brooks can be accurate with the deep ball, past crumpler i rarely see vick on target with anything deep.

should be interesting to see what the offense does without spikes in for the bills.

AllSaints 09-28-2005 11:56 AM

Bouman hahhahahah starting omg we wouldnt win a game. Brooks will have to get it together I thoguth we were gunna run deuce....??????????

APSaintsfan 09-28-2005 06:39 PM

OK I hear everybody!!!! Boumann only has started 3 games in his whole career and that was at Minnesota when Daunte Culpepper was injured in 2001. He had great stats for those 3 games and he came in for 2 other games. In 2003 when he got with the Saints he came into the game only 4 times and one of those was when ol Peyton Manning was demolishing us 55-21 and he had 1 td pass late in the game. 1997 to 2000 he didn't even come into the game for Minnesota when he was there. So I am asking why can't he get a chance of more than 1 or 2 games to prove himself. You guys are saying put McPherson in because he is a rookie. Remember Kurt Warner when he was functional?? Try Boumann for a couple of games. Give him some confidence. Their is a big what-if there. He could be really good. I know, I know. Everybody is going to kill this post. I am like everybody lets try something to get back to the playoffs and maybe past the first game. :lolup:

papz 09-28-2005 06:51 PM

By starting Bouman would mean we are getting desperate. Come on, it's only been 3 games into the season... at least give him one more start.

Just joking, if we are going to bench AB you might as well cut him now. Let's be realistic here, he gives us our best chance of winning. After 12 or 13 games into the season and we are mathematically eliminated from the playoffs, then we should consider starting A-Mac to see what he has to offer for us next season. It's WAY to early into the season fellas.

CHACHING 09-29-2005 07:48 AM

Now that was funny........

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