07-12-2022, 09:23 AM
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Mandeville, LA
Posts: 38,479
Re: South Texas people
Originally Posted by The Dude
Hell, I’m going to be in the middle of nowhere. The nearest bar will be almost an hour away.
When I lived in Charlotte I did exactly what you said. Found a sports bar that had 4-5 rooms with different games on. Charlotte is a transient city so they had a room dedicated to Pittsburg another to NY etc. One room was empty so I asked if they would put on the Saints game. It was just me at first and it was in 06. Every week more and more Saints fans started showing up. It’s where I saw the reopening of the dome, U2/Green Day and the blocked punt. I had just gotten back from Louisiana helping my family rebuild and it was emotional as hell. Everyone in the bar was a Saints fan that night. As the season went on Saints fans filled the place and by the next season Saints games were on the big screen in the main bar area. Man, good memories.
Originally Posted by The Dude
Yea, the current thing is definitely playing it’s part in the decision. We are also getting too old for it. My wife and I have a few food trucks and this summer is kicking our ass. All kitchens are hot but mobile kitchens are a thing from hell. No A/C and very close quarters so you feel every BTU your equipment puts out it seems like. Getting hit with rising food costs, propane, gas, and diesel all at once is a perfect storm of ****. When we opened our plan was to be out this year anyway but we were hoping to go the brick and mortar route again. It’s just not the time for it. The Texas job is an amazing opportunity but the availability of Saints games is pretty high up on our cons list.
Austin and San Antonio area are food truck heaven. Torchy's began as a food truck in Austin... now with over fifty locations in Texas and some of the surrounding states. My stepson is doing fine at Bears, the one at the corner of Metairie Rd and Causeway. Don't blame you for looking for greener pastures. If the concept is real good, and the food is especially outstanding, like Torchy's Tacos, you should be successful just about anywhere where it makes sense.
As far as streaming Saints games when in Texas, having recently moved back about three years ago, I can attest that it's much easier now than ever before. The ticket is fixing to be released on streaming platforms. So no dish and its useless cable tv model subscription. One can "find" streams right before games. You may have to switch between them during the game. When I did it, it was maybe twice I had to switch, but it was free.
Good luck. Just get a good internet feed, maybe 400 mbs down. Gig service is nice but unnecessary.