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The Dude 07-10-2022 08:51 PM

South Texas people
I may be moving near Catoula, Tx. Just in time for the start of the season. Not real excited about it but the economy sucks and Nola is a ****ing cesspool. What is the best way to watch games without having to pay an arm and a leg. I’ll get NFL network if I have to but would rather not. I’m fine with just Saints and whatever else is in my viewing area. I really don’t want to have to watch on my computer either. Suggestions?

iceshack149 07-11-2022 12:18 PM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 954624)
I may be moving near Catoula, Tx. Just in time for the start of the season. Not real excited about it but the economy sucks and Nola is a ****ing cesspool. What is the best way to watch games without having to pay an arm and a leg. I’ll get NFL network if I have to but would rather not. I’m fine with just Saints and whatever else is in my viewing area. I really don’t want to have to watch on my computer either. Suggestions?

Don't you own a restaurant? I hope that you didn't lose your business due to "the current thing".

edit: Fairbanks, Alaska could use a new restaurant...:bng:

Boston Saint 07-11-2022 12:40 PM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 954624)
I may be moving near Catoula, Tx. Just in time for the start of the season. Not real excited about it but the economy sucks and Nola is a ****ing cesspool. What is the best way to watch games without having to pay an arm and a leg. I’ll get NFL network if I have to but would rather not. I’m fine with just Saints and whatever else is in my viewing area. I really don’t want to have to watch on my computer either. Suggestions?


Boston Saint 07-11-2022 12:43 PM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by Boston Saint (Post 954643)

You poor Bastard! Here is my suggestion. In that area there will be lots of Saints fans. Some bar close by will show all the game and go there. Turn it into a Saints Bar.

gumbeau 07-11-2022 01:27 PM

Re: South Texas people
Assuming you mean Cotulla, you will most likely be driving to San Antone or Corpus Christi.

Texas is great.

K Major 07-11-2022 01:35 PM

Re: South Texas people
Fast internet ...

Good Streaming service ...

Nvidia Shield (gaming device) or Firestick, a good router ...

And a solid VPN.

Who Dat :bng:

The Dude 07-11-2022 05:01 PM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by Boston Saint (Post 954644)
You poor Bastard! Here is my suggestion. In that area there will be lots of Saints fans. Some bar close by will show all the game and go there. Turn it into a Saints Bar.

Hell, I’m going to be in the middle of nowhere. The nearest bar will be almost an hour away.
When I lived in Charlotte I did exactly what you said. Found a sports bar that had 4-5 rooms with different games on. Charlotte is a transient city so they had a room dedicated to Pittsburg another to NY etc. One room was empty so I asked if they would put on the Saints game. It was just me at first and it was in 06. Every week more and more Saints fans started showing up. It’s where I saw the reopening of the dome, U2/Green Day and the blocked punt. I had just gotten back from Louisiana helping my family rebuild and it was emotional as hell. Everyone in the bar was a Saints fan that night. As the season went on Saints fans filled the place and by the next season Saints games were on the big screen in the main bar area. Man, good memories.

The Dude 07-11-2022 05:10 PM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by iceshack149 (Post 954642)
Don't you own a restaurant? I hope that you didn't lose your business due to "the current thing".

edit: Fairbanks, Alaska could use a new restaurant...:bng:

Yea, the current thing is definitely playing it’s part in the decision. We are also getting too old for it. My wife and I have a few food trucks and this summer is kicking our ass. All kitchens are hot but mobile kitchens are a thing from hell. No A/C and very close quarters so you feel every BTU your equipment puts out it seems like. Getting hit with rising food costs, propane, gas, and diesel all at once is a perfect storm of ****. When we opened our plan was to be out this year anyway but we were hoping to go the brick and mortar route again. It’s just not the time for it. The Texas job is an amazing opportunity but the availability of Saints games is pretty high up on our cons list.

AsylumGuido 07-11-2022 06:07 PM

Re: South Texas people
Good luck with your new venture, Dude!

Rugby Saint II 07-12-2022 08:21 AM

Re: South Texas people
You absolutely have to have a pair of cowboy boots!

SmashMouth 07-12-2022 09:23 AM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 954662)
Hell, I’m going to be in the middle of nowhere. The nearest bar will be almost an hour away.
When I lived in Charlotte I did exactly what you said. Found a sports bar that had 4-5 rooms with different games on. Charlotte is a transient city so they had a room dedicated to Pittsburg another to NY etc. One room was empty so I asked if they would put on the Saints game. It was just me at first and it was in 06. Every week more and more Saints fans started showing up. It’s where I saw the reopening of the dome, U2/Green Day and the blocked punt. I had just gotten back from Louisiana helping my family rebuild and it was emotional as hell. Everyone in the bar was a Saints fan that night. As the season went on Saints fans filled the place and by the next season Saints games were on the big screen in the main bar area. Man, good memories.


Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 954663)
Yea, the current thing is definitely playing it’s part in the decision. We are also getting too old for it. My wife and I have a few food trucks and this summer is kicking our ass. All kitchens are hot but mobile kitchens are a thing from hell. No A/C and very close quarters so you feel every BTU your equipment puts out it seems like. Getting hit with rising food costs, propane, gas, and diesel all at once is a perfect storm of ****. When we opened our plan was to be out this year anyway but we were hoping to go the brick and mortar route again. It’s just not the time for it. The Texas job is an amazing opportunity but the availability of Saints games is pretty high up on our cons list.

Austin and San Antonio area are food truck heaven. Torchy's began as a food truck in Austin... now with over fifty locations in Texas and some of the surrounding states. My stepson is doing fine at Bears, the one at the corner of Metairie Rd and Causeway. Don't blame you for looking for greener pastures. If the concept is real good, and the food is especially outstanding, like Torchy's Tacos, you should be successful just about anywhere where it makes sense.

As far as streaming Saints games when in Texas, having recently moved back about three years ago, I can attest that it's much easier now than ever before. The ticket is fixing to be released on streaming platforms. So no dish and its useless cable tv model subscription. One can "find" streams right before games. You may have to switch between them during the game. When I did it, it was maybe twice I had to switch, but it was free.

Good luck. Just get a good internet feed, maybe 400 mbs down. Gig service is nice but unnecessary. :bng:

The Dude 07-12-2022 10:50 AM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 954673)
Austin and San Antonio area are food truck heaven. Torchy's began as a food truck in Austin... now with over fifty locations in Texas and some of the surrounding states. My stepson is doing fine at Bears, the one at the corner of Metairie Rd and Causeway. Don't blame you for looking for greener pastures. If the concept is real good, and the food is especially outstanding, like Torchy's Tacos, you should be successful just about anywhere where it makes sense.

As far as streaming Saints games when in Texas, having recently moved back about three years ago, I can attest that it's much easier now than ever before. The ticket is fixing to be released on streaming platforms. So no dish and its useless cable tv model subscription. One can "find" streams right before games. You may have to switch between them during the game. When I did it, it was maybe twice I had to switch, but it was free.

Good luck. Just get a good internet feed, maybe 400 mbs down. Gig service is nice but unnecessary. :bng:

We are going to keep our biggest contract at NASA going, it’s a sure thing but the festivals and street parking is too much of a gamble. Especially the festivals when we pay a $500-$3500 entrance fee and are at the mercy of the weather and crowd. We have good branding, won a ton of competitions, and we are always busy but the cost is killing us. We’re getting out early before we have to dip into our padding, I don’t see prices coming down any time soon. It helps being told how great our economy is right now by the guy in Washington…

They recently had fiber optics run out to the ranch so I’m assuming I’ll have decent speed? Might just buy Sunday ticket anyway. Sometimes they have sign up bonuses. Appreciate the info.

Boston Saint 07-12-2022 11:44 AM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 954686)
We are going to keep our biggest contract at NASA going, it’s a sure thing but the festivals and street parking is too much of a gamble. Especially the festivals when we pay a $500-$3500 entrance fee and are at the mercy of the weather and crowd. We have good branding, won a ton of competitions, and we are always busy but the cost is killing us. We’re getting out early before we have to dip into our padding, I don’t see prices coming down any time soon. It helps being told how great our economy is right now by the guy in Washington…

They recently had fiber optics run out to the ranch so I’m assuming I’ll have decent speed? Might just buy Sunday ticket anyway. Sometimes they have sign up bonuses. Appreciate the info.

Good Luck Dude.

SmashMouth 07-15-2022 08:25 AM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 954686)
We are going to keep our biggest contract at NASA going, it’s a sure thing but the festivals and street parking is too much of a gamble. Especially the festivals when we pay a $500-$3500 entrance fee and are at the mercy of the weather and crowd. We have good branding, won a ton of competitions, and we are always busy but the cost is killing us. We’re getting out early before we have to dip into our padding, I don’t see prices coming down any time soon. It helps being told how great our economy is right now by the guy in Washington…

They recently had fiber optics run out to the ranch so I’m assuming I’ll have decent speed? Might just buy Sunday ticket anyway. Sometimes they have sign up bonuses. Appreciate the info.

K Major 07-15-2022 01:56 PM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 954775)

The NFL Sunday ticket @ $300 bucks a season is ridiculous.

Is GREED the right word here?

The Dude 07-15-2022 02:06 PM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by K Major (Post 954800)
The NFL Sunday ticket @ $300 bucks a season is ridiculous.

Is GREED the right word here?

I know right! I had it a few years ago when we switched service providers. They included Sunday Ticket for $50 as an introductory price. I dumped it after the season because I didn’t want to pay full price. Especially since I could watch Saints games free on network TV anyway.

SmashMouth 07-15-2022 10:45 PM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by K Major (Post 954800)
The NFL Sunday ticket @ $300 bucks a season is ridiculous.

Is GREED the right word here?


Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 954801)
I know right! I had it a few years ago when we switched service providers. They included Sunday Ticket for $50 as an introductory price. I dumped it after the season because I didn’t want to pay full price. Especially since I could watch Saints games free on network TV anyway.

Hence why I found reddit streams... :bng:

Boston Saint 07-15-2022 11:01 PM

Re: South Texas people
Heck, I go to the local sports bar and watch for about 20 dollars worth of beer.

SaintFanInATLHELL 07-16-2022 08:27 AM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 954814)
Hence why I found reddit streams... :bng:

This is where I gravitated to also. Had Sunday Ticket a la carte for years. Then DirectTV forced bundling with a package to upgrade to HD. Fought with them year after year to keep the price down. Would cut off DirectTV for 6 months out the year.

In the Atlanta market there are a minimum of 10 Saints games per year between national broadcasts, FailClown games with the Saints, and games of the week. So, paying and all that hassle for 5 or 6 games each season.

Final straw was trying to go all in so as not to have cable and DirectTV. DTV quoted me a price of $700 to upgrade to boxes in the house. That's the day I kicked them to the curb.

I thien switched to NFL Game Pass. Decent price and had a loophole where it is possible to watch games live in international markets using a VPN. Did that a couple of years until the NFL closed the loophole.

NFL makes the mistake of thinking that all NFL fans are willing to spend hella dollars to see all of their products when the truth is most fans are willing to invest dollars into their specific teams. I don't know why they don't understand that any fan within driving distance of the home stadium, which of course is sold out and has a waiting list, and has access to games on broadcast TV, are not going to switch to streaming if a team package is offered. But those out of market fans craving access to their specific team will sign up in droves.

This is why the streaming black market exists. There is literally no reasonable, cost effective, legal way to get access to Saints games out of market. Especially when more than half the games are shown in those out of market places anyway.

But looking at the schedule for the first time in a very, very, very long time, the Saints have 12 early window Sunday games this season. So, there's going to be a lot of firing up the VPN this fall since the FailClowns will likely have 16 early Sunday window games.


Boston Saint 07-16-2022 08:47 AM

Re: South Texas people
I’ve set up zoom meetings with family members during some games where they just point their laptops at their TV screens and I just watch on my computer. It ain’t quite HD but I drink enough during Saints games that I don’t notice anymore ! 😝

Rugby Saint II 07-16-2022 11:50 AM

Re: South Texas people
In Alabama we're considered to be regional to the Saints and get regional coverage. If for some reason I don't get it, then like Boston, I'm headed to the bar. We are fortunate enough to have a Saints bar right around the corner and it's a fairly classy place. They have drink specials during Saints games. When I am out of town I find the game if possible on a on a 📺 somewhere. I'll be looking for the 1st game of the season while I'm in Europe. Wish me luck.

TheOak 07-18-2022 06:46 AM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 954672)
You absolutely have to have a pair of cowboy boots!

Sheeeeeit, at roughly 50 miles from the border he should opt for a sombrero, that's closer to North Mexico than South Texas. :)

Definitely a swing in cuisine. :bng:

gumbeau 07-18-2022 07:39 AM

Re: South Texas people
I haven't seen anybody wearing cowboy boots in years, outside of State Troopers.

The image people have of Texas is quite hilarious.

I dread trips back to Louisiana, especially now that NOLA is collapsing in on itself. It was extremely depressing when we were there for Christmas.

AsylumGuido 07-18-2022 11:18 AM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by gumbeau (Post 954865)
I haven't seen anybody wearing cowboy boots in years, outside of State Troopers.

The image people have of Texas is quite hilarious.

I dread trips back to Louisiana, especially now that NOLA is collapsing in on itself. It was extremely depressing when we were there for Christmas.

I still wear cowboy boots on occasion. I have two pair. A pair of Tony Lamas from the '70's and a black alligator pair from Cowtown Boots. Then again, where I'm from originally (South Dakota) boots and western hats are extremely common still today. Two branches of my mother's family are still heavy into rodeo. The Dakotas, Wyoming, and Montana have never become as urbanized as Texas.

Rugby Saint II 07-18-2022 01:20 PM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 954868)
I still wear cowboy boots on occasion. I have two pair. A pair of Tony Lamas from the '70's and a black alligator pair from Cowtown Boots. Then again, where I'm from originally (South Dakota) boots and western hats are extremely common still today. Two branches of my mother's family are still heavy into rodeo. The Dakotas, Wyoming, and Montana have never become as urbanized as Texas.

We grew up on the family cattle ranch in Texas. Everybody wore cowboy boots and cowboy hat. It's hard to ride bulls in tennis shoes.

I still have a pair of cowboy boots and just gave away a nice pair of ostrich skins to a friend. It's getting tough to wear cowboy boots on my worn out feet.

AsylumGuido 07-18-2022 01:52 PM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 954874)
We grew up on the family cattle ranch in Texas. Everybody wore cowboy boots and cowboy hat. It's hard to ride bulls in tennis shoes.

I still have a pair of cowboy boots and just gave away a nice pair of ostrich skins to a friend. It's getting tough to wear cowboy boots on my worn out feet.

My Tony Lama's were actually my dad's. We wore the same size. I just had the full soles and heels replaced. I wore them out. I also have his 30X beaver Resistol hat. He paid $30 for it in the early '70's and now one like it goes for around $600. I've got a couple of others that I wear when honky tonkin' and going to country concerts. I wear boots to church every Sunday, but my wife won't let me wear the hats. My grandpa wore boots and his hats every day of his life. They lived in Quinn, South Dakota, population of about 60 people. It is right near the Badlands.

Where was the family ranch?

Rugby Saint II 07-18-2022 03:00 PM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 954879)
My Tony Lama's were actually my dad's. We wore the same size. I just had the full soles and heels replaced. I wore them out. I also have his 30X beaver Resistol hat. He paid $30 for it in the early '70's and now one like it goes for around $600. I've got a couple of others that I wear when honky tonkin' and going to country concerts. I wear boots to church every Sunday, but my wife won't let me wear the hats. My grandpa wore boots and his hats every day of his life. They lived in Quinn, South Dakota, population of about 60 people. It is right near the Badlands.

Where was the family ranch?

We had two sections of land just outside of San Angelo in a little town called Mertzon. The home of the Purple Hornets! We had such a small school we had to play 6 man football. Although, back then I was still too uncoordinated to play.

The Dude 07-20-2022 12:25 PM

Re: South Texas people
So it’s official. Just signed a contract to be the personal chef for two high profile business partners in Texas. I’ll be on their private ranch year round. During the hunting season I’ll be their personal chef and in the off-season when they aren’t there I’ll be doing wildlife management and help maintain the ranch. It’s perfect because when I was young all I wanted was to either work in the kitchen or pursue a career in wildlife management. This is the best of both worlds.
I really couldn’t ask for a better scenario. I have zero budget when it comes to food, rarely over 10 people at a time and complete creative freedom. Salary and benefits are excellent and I’ll be insulated from any economic downturn for the next five years. No gas or living expenses either and all the free ammo I can shoot. I’ll also get to play around in a helicopter and use tranquilizer darts.
Seriously tough choice but in the end I would be an absolute dumb ass to turn it down. All my coworkers are Houston fans with the exception of on Dallas fan. I can deal with one.

K Major 07-20-2022 12:34 PM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 955009)
So it’s official. Just signed a contract to be the personal chef for two high profile business partners in Texas. I’ll be on their private ranch year round. During the hunting season I’ll be their personal chef and in the off-season when they aren’t there I’ll be doing wildlife management and help maintain the ranch. It’s perfect because when I was young all I wanted was to either work in the kitchen or pursue a career in wildlife management. This is the best of both worlds.
I really couldn’t ask for a better scenario. I have zero budget when it comes to food, rarely over 10 people at a time and complete creative freedom. Salary and benefits are excellent and I’ll be insulated from any economic downturn for the next five years. No gas or living expenses either and all the free ammo I can shoot. I’ll also get to play around in a helicopter and use tranquilizer darts.
Seriously tough choice but in the end I would be an absolute dumb ass to turn it down. All my coworkers are Houston fans with the exception of on Dallas fan. I can deal with one.

stickman 07-20-2022 12:52 PM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 955009)
So it’s official. Just signed a contract to be the personal chef for two high profile business partners in Texas. I’ll be on their private ranch year round. During the hunting season I’ll be their personal chef and in the off-season when they aren’t there I’ll be doing wildlife management and help maintain the ranch. It’s perfect because when I was young all I wanted was to either work in the kitchen or pursue a career in wildlife management. This is the best of both worlds.
I really couldn’t ask for a better scenario. I have zero budget when it comes to food, rarely over 10 people at a time and complete creative freedom. Salary and benefits are excellent and I’ll be insulated from any economic downturn for the next five years. No gas or living expenses either and all the free ammo I can shoot. I’ll also get to play around in a helicopter and use tranquilizer darts.
Seriously tough choice but in the end I would be an absolute dumb ass to turn it down. All my coworkers are Houston fans with the exception of on Dallas fan. I can deal with one.

Congrats Dude! I know you said you'll be in the middle of nowhere, but since you're in Texas, hopefully there is a Buc-ees not to far away. And a Whataburger!

SmashMouth 07-20-2022 12:52 PM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 955009)
So it’s official. Just signed a contract to be the personal chef for two high profile business partners in Texas. I’ll be on their private ranch year round. During the hunting season I’ll be their personal chef and in the off-season when they aren’t there I’ll be doing wildlife management and help maintain the ranch. It’s perfect because when I was young all I wanted was to either work in the kitchen or pursue a career in wildlife management. This is the best of both worlds.
I really couldn’t ask for a better scenario. I have zero budget when it comes to food, rarely over 10 people at a time and complete creative freedom. Salary and benefits are excellent and I’ll be insulated from any economic downturn for the next five years. No gas or living expenses either and all the free ammo I can shoot. I’ll also get to play around in a helicopter and use tranquilizer darts.
Seriously tough choice but in the end I would be an absolute dumb ass to turn it down. All my coworkers are Houston fans with the exception of on Dallas fan. I can deal with one.


So you're saying you'll also be the BnG party chef for our annual draft party? :bng:

AsylumGuido 07-20-2022 12:54 PM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 955009)
So it’s official. Just signed a contract to be the personal chef for two high profile business partners in Texas. I’ll be on their private ranch year round. During the hunting season I’ll be their personal chef and in the off-season when they aren’t there I’ll be doing wildlife management and help maintain the ranch. It’s perfect because when I was young all I wanted was to either work in the kitchen or pursue a career in wildlife management. This is the best of both worlds.
I really couldn’t ask for a better scenario. I have zero budget when it comes to food, rarely over 10 people at a time and complete creative freedom. Salary and benefits are excellent and I’ll be insulated from any economic downturn for the next five years. No gas or living expenses either and all the free ammo I can shoot. I’ll also get to play around in a helicopter and use tranquilizer darts.
Seriously tough choice but in the end I would be an absolute dumb ass to turn it down. All my coworkers are Houston fans with the exception of on Dallas fan. I can deal with one.

Sounds like a dream job. Congrats, Dude.

The Dude 07-20-2022 07:49 PM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by stickman (Post 955012)
Congrats Dude! I know you said you'll be in the middle of nowhere, but since you're in Texas, hopefully there is a Buc-ees not to far away. And a Whataburger!

Funny you mention it…

SmashMouth 07-22-2022 06:09 AM

Re: South Texas people
Are NFL’s Sunday Ticket talks not going well?

SmashMouth 07-22-2022 06:11 AM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by stickman (Post 955012)
Congrats Dude! I know you said you'll be in the middle of nowhere, but since you're in Texas, hopefully there is a Buc-ees not to far away. And a Whataburger!


Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 955034)
Funny you mention it…

What's the deal and the lack of Whataburgers in Louisiana? :confused:

Crusader 07-22-2022 06:39 AM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 955009)
So it’s official. Just signed a contract to be the personal chef for two high profile business partners in Texas. I’ll be on their private ranch year round. During the hunting season I’ll be their personal chef and in the off-season when they aren’t there I’ll be doing wildlife management and help maintain the ranch. It’s perfect because when I was young all I wanted was to either work in the kitchen or pursue a career in wildlife management. This is the best of both worlds.
I really couldn’t ask for a better scenario. I have zero budget when it comes to food, rarely over 10 people at a time and complete creative freedom. Salary and benefits are excellent and I’ll be insulated from any economic downturn for the next five years. No gas or living expenses either and all the free ammo I can shoot. I’ll also get to play around in a helicopter and use tranquilizer darts.
Seriously tough choice but in the end I would be an absolute dumb ass to turn it down. All my coworkers are Houston fans with the exception of on Dallas fan. I can deal with one.

Congratulations! Sounds like a dream!

stickman 07-22-2022 08:02 AM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 955108)
What's the deal and the lack of Whataburgers in Louisiana? :confused:

According to their website, there are 20 here in Louisiana. There is one here in Gonzales. It's one of the reasons my wife convinced me to move here. :)

Boston Saint 07-22-2022 08:52 AM

Re: South Texas people
Sick of them popeye sammiches smash?

papz 07-22-2022 11:06 AM

Re: South Texas people
Look into IPTV.

SmashMouth 07-22-2022 11:19 AM

Re: South Texas people

Originally Posted by stickman (Post 955111)
According to their website, there are 20 here in Louisiana. There is one here in Gonzales. It's one of the reasons my wife convinced me to move here. :)


Originally Posted by Boston Saint (Post 955113)
Sick of them popeye sammiches smash?

When I lived in TX, it was one of my go to's when traveling for work. I know there are some in Louisiana, just not many. Must be a reason why there aren't more , like on the Northshore for instance.

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