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BlackandBlue 10-03-2005 04:45 PM about that kicker?
and ONLY the kicker :wink:

TheGambler 10-03-2005 04:50 PM

I still think he's good.

saintswhodi 10-03-2005 04:52 PM

I will admit, I was hoping we got Edinger in the off-season, or drafted Nugent. But he's fine. It's not like he is losing games with the field goals he misses. He's 9/11. Sue the guy. But we definitely should get someone else next year. :D

BoudinSandwich 10-03-2005 05:42 PM

Carney scored more times than anyone on the team. I don't think he's a major concern. "He should have made that field goal." No, our offense should have scored a touchdown.

BoudinSandwich 10-03-2005 06:32 PM

On one drive, the Saints' offense had first and goal from the Bills' 2 yard line and could not put the ball in the endzone. In my opinion, no touchdown there is harder to forgive than Carney missing a field goal. The Saints had 6 trips to/around the redzone and scored 1 touchdown. Thats horrible.

BoudinSandwich 10-03-2005 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by BlackonBlack

On one drive, the Saints' offense had first and goal from the Bills' 2 yard line and could not put the ball in the endzone. In my opinion, no touchdown there is harder to forgive than Carney missing a field goal. The Saints had 6 trips to/around the redzone and scored 1 touchdown. Thats horrible.

So the Saints offense is the only one in the NFL to do that?? You have never ever before seen the Saints have problems getting the ball in the endzone in their existence?

I was just listening to 1310 here in Arlington, and they were saying how the Cowboys have yet to score in the first quarter of any game? WTF! I thought our offense is the only one with these kinds of problems.

Peyton Manning has only thrown 3 TD'S this season, I wonder how they have been scoring offensively. I watched a Pat's team go to the Superbowl without scoring a offensive TD throughout the playoffs.

Nothing you have said changes the fact that our offense is playing badly. No, they're not the only team in the NFL who's offense stinks. No, this is not the first Saints team to have a disfunctional offense.

All I'm saying was Carney had 5 chances to score and he scored 4 times. Our offense had 6 times to score and they scored 1 time.

Also, don't kid yourself. If we hadn't received the ball in such good field position for most of our drives, we would not have even had that many chances for Carney to kick. Credit goes to the defense for giving us good field position.

BoudinSandwich 10-03-2005 07:35 PM

I admit, Carney missed an easy one, but the offense should have had atleast 3 touchdowns. I agree with the phiolosophy that says the offense should not rely on the kicker to score points. To me, if you had 1st and goal on the 2 yard line and failed to get it in the endzone for first, second, and third down, you don't diserve the 3 point field goal. I would go for it on 4th. If you can't move 2 yards on 4 tries, then you don't diserve any points.

Indeed, lets agree to disagree. I guess we'll just have to wait and see which element is worst.

Savant 10-04-2005 03:02 AM

Maybe we should put horse blinders on him. The field goals he's missed might be a result of eye candy.

TheGambler 10-04-2005 08:34 AM

So far he's missed 2 FGs all season.......Yes, both were chip shots. But let's let the season play out a bit more before we start thinking about cutting him, or who we're gonna bring in next year.

9 for 11 ain't bad at all. I'll still take my chances on him.

Saint_LB 10-04-2005 10:11 AM

Missing two chip-shots in four games is unusual but not unheard of. The fact that he made the nine other ones is a positive. I am willing to see how the season unfolds before I am ready to ship Carney out. He would have to miss a few more easy ones before I became overly concerned. Don't forget there is a long-snapper and a holder involved in every kick. Who's to say that something didn't go wrong with that during one or both of the misses. I am not making excuses, I am just looking at the overall picture and so far he has done OK in my eyes.

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