12-14-2023, 06:25 AM
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Mandeville, LA
Posts: 38,479
If the Saints lose, don’t blame the Girod Street Cemetery
Every Who Dat has heard the folklore: that the travails of the New Orleans Saints can be traced to the Superdome having been built over a cemetery. In fact, the story of that not-so-final resting place, the Girod Street Cemetery, suggests that street improvements pose more risks to cemeteries than cemeteries do to football teams.
Origins of that now-gone graveyard date to 200 years ago, when Anglo-Americans began to migrate into what had previously been an overwhelmingly Catholic city with a Francophone Creole population. The newcomers, like all migrants, brought with them all their cultural traits, chief among them religion. Within two years of the Louisiana Purchase, transplanted Episcopalians founded Christ Church.
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