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jrmllb 11-03-2005 10:15 AM

One bump and a snap, snap snap

TallySaint 11-03-2005 10:17 AM

.... in Z formation.


saintswhodi 11-03-2005 10:58 AM

87% so far Brooks should be gone after this season. I wonder who the two keep him votes were? :roll:

ScottyRo 11-03-2005 11:08 AM

I voted for starting AMac. My problem with him is that he looks to be of the same mold as AB. Maybe his personality and game management will be different.

When looking at it from the "we're going to be looking for a new QB this offseason" perspective, it just makes sense to go ahead and find out what kind of player AMac might be. Even if he is completely horrible, I wouldn't cut him. I just want to see what he might do. Putting Bouman in makes no sense at all. AMac is the only one of our 3 QBs that should be on the roster by next training camp.

TallySaint 11-03-2005 11:16 AM


87% so far Brooks should be gone after this season. I wonder who the two keep him votes were?
I was one. If you draft a rookie or develop A-Mac, you keep him. If you trade for a veteran, he may be expendable.

There ya' go. Thanks for askin'.


saintswhodi 11-03-2005 11:35 AM

Thanks for answering Tally. If AB were a QB I wanted mentoring my rookie, i'd keep him. But I don't think he would be. I think he'd be a poison. This is Mr. Great QB struggling and inconsistent team remember? I don;t want him anywhere near any rookie we draft if we got Leinart or a Marcus Vick or vince young, and I am sorry A-Mac has to see this. Maybe he can make a video of just what not to do at QB. We could call it the AB career highlight package. Watch this, and do the opposite. :D

xan 11-03-2005 11:52 AM

I agree with Whodi, AB can barely articulate a play in the huddle in less than 36 seconds much less advise a young QB how to read defenses. What specific value would he create by keeping him?

TallySaint 11-03-2005 12:03 PM

Interesting. Thanks, whodi. Thanks, xan.

I wasn't considering AB so much as a mentor for a rookie or A-Mac, but as a veteran QB with game experience. I know many here think his experience hasn't been the greatest. But, to me anyway, you gotta have a veteran while you develop a youngster. Rookies have been thrown to the wolves and been successful. But they are few and far between...

Some folks are quick to write off A-Mac..... or so it seems. He may very well be the answer with Haz or his replacement. Maybe not. I'm certainly not opposed to seeing him this season. If he does play, we must be careful not to jump on him because of his "rookieness", for lack of a better word. I suspect, even if he was polished at this point, he'd probably be faced with some of the same negatives AB is dealing with. O-line, scheme, Haz....

Bouman? He's probably a great guy, knows the system and carries a mean clip-board. Had to keep him.

I have no idea what the Saint's QB future is. I suspect AB won't be a big part of it. But unless we sign a veteran with game experience, I think he'll be around next year.


saintswhodi 11-03-2005 12:21 PM

I see what you are driving at Tally, and there is certainly nothing wrong with that line of thinking, but if we started A-Mac or some other rookie next year, I would agree we need a veteran back-up, just not AB. For one, his salary would be so far out of line with back-ups it's obscene. He is already rated one of the most overrated starters. Second, does it seem like this team believes in AB? Like they are selling out at all costs to protect him? Doesn't seem that way to me. But if there is even a chance they aren't, then they would have even less faith in him as a back-up should he be called on to go out and play.

Another thing is, I am not writing off A-Mac, but there are QBs in the draft who are much further along than he is, Leinart definitely. Young and Vick seems like it. I agree we should see A-Mac this year just to see where he is. Hell, we may not even have to draft a QB if he does better than what we currently are seeing. You would have to assume natural progression, but we already assumed that far too long already with AB. I say if we have a shot at Leinart, we have to do it. Young or Vick, depends on how A-Mac looks should he get to play. If he doesn't, their college experience over A-Mac's can't be ignored.

xan 11-03-2005 01:00 PM

Tally, you made me think for a moment about what I would want to see vs. what would be best for the team. What would keeping an over-paid, under-performing, petulant, short attention spanned, low-wattage guy like AB on the bench tell the up and comer - if we have to replace you, your replacement is Bozo the Clown? Save the cap room, pick up Kurt Warner to teach the guy to read D's (at $1 million, a pretty cheap backup) and buy a LB or two with the extra cheese.

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