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BlackandBlue 11-04-2005 05:00 PM

RE: Why can
Anytime your QB needs to be replaced, that automatically becomes a top priority, due to the nature of the position.

Tobias-Reiper 11-04-2005 05:07 PM

RE: Why can
..well, if you must know, most everyone here agrees that Brooks needs to go, so there isn't really and argument among mostly everyone...

... it is YOU who perpetuates the argument not only with your condescending attitude, but with name calling (which BTW, I don't know how you get away with it) as well...

...and you still don't admit that you didn't know how to spell clique...

BlackandBlue 11-04-2005 05:19 PM

RE: Why can

Chicks Dig Unix
Yes, I remember all those computer science parties in college.

The women would show up in droves....


lynwood 11-04-2005 05:42 PM

Re: RE: Why can

Originally Posted by BlackonBlack

well, if you must know, most everyone here agrees that Brooks needs to go, so there isn't really and argument among mostly everyone...

... it is YOU who perpetuates the argument not only with your condescending attitude, but with name calling (which BTW, I don't know how you get away with it) as well...

...and you still don't admit that you didn't know how to spell clique...


Again, my post reflected that everyone wants Brooks gone for different reasons by some. I didn't participate in a tread that was locked yet again because of the same individual are individuals that come into this forum everyday, with the agenda to wreak havoc to Brooks both professionally and personally. And it offends people Gambler myself Euph and others...We want the crap stopped!

And I spell click how I want to, not something you agree with? tuff... Next time you fly Delta, I hope the repair I did to the aircraft doesn't require spelling, for your safety.

Hey no one says you have to put your input into any thread about brooks. Start a thread on praising brooks if you want. If you get offended by most of the posters here wanting to get rid of brooks and listing why they feel that way then use your own advice...Tuff. And by the way the only person wreaking Havoc to Brooks Professionally is Brooks. His play on the field is his resume'. I can care less about his personal life. Why don't you find me a article or a sports columnist praising brooks lately.

Hell, no one flys Delta.

Tobias-Reiper 11-04-2005 06:23 PM

Re: RE: Why can

Originally Posted by BlackonBlack

well, if you must know, most everyone here agrees that Brooks needs to go, so there isn't really and argument among mostly everyone...

... it is YOU who perpetuates the argument not only with your condescending attitude, but with name calling (which BTW, I don't know how you get away with it) as well...

...and you still don't admit that you didn't know how to spell clique...


Again, my post reflected that everyone wants Brooks gone for different reasons by some. I didn't participate in a tread that was locked yet again because of the same individual are individuals that come into this forum everyday, with the agenda to wreak havoc to Brooks both professionally and personally. And it offends people Gambler myself Euph and others...We want the crap stopped!

And I spell click how I want to, not something you agree with? tuff... Next time you fly Delta, I hope the repair I did to the aircraft doesn't require spelling, for your safety.

... stop embarassing yourself...

Euphoria 11-04-2005 06:50 PM

RE: Re: RE: Why can
I don't see the purpose of replacing Brooks, it won't solve the Kicker, Special Teams, Defensive line, Defensive back Field, Line Backers, Offensive line, Wide Recievers, Kick-off Return, Kick-off unit, Running Back, Referee, Coaching, Front office, and Owner, problems.

papz 11-04-2005 07:53 PM

RE: Re: RE: Why can
This can't really be BlackonBlack.

saintswhodi 11-04-2005 08:08 PM

papzy, when the defenses run out for Brooks, then comes the contrition. "I want him gone so he can do better somewhere else?" Who's buying that? He wants him gone cause he sucks, like we all know. He just can't say it now, so now he's humble. I will agree with one thing though, there's no sense in arguing it too much any more. We all know, well except maybe Euph, Brooks needs to go. Almost EVERY writer on ESPN has pretty much said something about it now.

xan 11-04-2005 10:27 PM

There isn't an analyst ANYWHERE who is paid money for their opinions who thinks that AB should be a Saint after this season. However, there doesn't seem to be a consensus among them as to what to do this year. One has to believe that if AB's not the QB of the future, then we should be grooming that fellow now given that this new fellow is in a no lose situation.

CheramieIII 11-05-2005 04:58 PM

All I know now is that I will never fly Delta again and BROOKS STILL SUCKS AND IT'S ALL HIS FAULT!!!!! Hey BOB, no one believes your reason for wanting him to leave either, "you want him gone so he can do better somewhere".

Brook's sucked in Green Bay, New Orleans and hell for all we know he's probably sucking somewhere else. Hint, Hint.

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