TheGambler |
11-21-2005 05:25 PM |
Originally Posted by BlackonBlack
The QB of a 7-3 team, right that's the point. This guy plays horrible weekend and week-out and his team still wins. Now you want to acknowledge the 7-3 as if he contributed to each victory, as if he gave the franchise those.
When in fact those 7 wins were achieved despite him, and the point i've always made is if that team can win despite what their QB does why can't ours? Like every other normal NFL Team does, win even when their QB stinks up the joint...
So the finger point of the Cajun God was made because of what a certain individual did this entire offseason on this forum day in day out 24/7...The fluke, was shown as a fluke a long time ago, and is being proven with every passing sunday, no more talk did the Saints make the right call anymore...
You're actually reinforcing a point that I made in an another thread. Put Aaron Brooks in the right situation, and he will flourish just as much as Delhomme did in 2003, and just as much as Jake Plummer is doing this year in Denver. When they aren't in the right situation, well, we've seen what Plummer can do, we've seen Brooks throw a pass backwards, and we've seen Delhomme start overcompensating and committing turnovers also.
Delhomme has played quite well in several games this year, but he has also struggled in others. The beauty of it for the Panthers, however, is that the team is solid enough to overcome his "off-days". Unfortunately, if Brooks is playing shaky, there's hardly ever any complete confidence that the defense can force a turnover or keep the team from scoring (yesterday was an exception to this.....the D actually responded in the 4th qtr and helped us stay in the game till the end). That leaves Brooks more wide-open to criticism, beacuse if he throws 0 TDs and 2 Interceptions, and the Saints win 24-3, then people aren't gonna say much. However, if Brooks throws 3 TDs and 2 interceptions, and the Saints lose 30-21, then all of a sudden Brooks "turns the ball over too much" and "doesn't possess the skillls to take us to the next step".