12-04-2005, 05:11 PM
Part Time Pimp
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 1,967
Re: The reason
Originally Posted by BlackonBlack
the click
First of all, the word is spelled "clique" not click. Secondly, I don't believe it's a click. From all the forums I've read, the people you are referring to as "the click" are the real Saints fans (not Aaron Brooks fans). They simply see what every other real Saints fan sees: Aaron Brooks is killing this team. Yes, the defense has not played well in some games, but Brooks has played horrible in every game but one (against the 2-8 Jets). When your QB consistently turns the ball over & makes poor decisions, it demoralizes the whole team. This includes the defense, who has to go right back on the field after Brooks' turnover (which is usually on our side of the field). By the way, did you watch his performance against the Bucs today? You can't blame the defense on that game.