12-14-2005, 06:56 PM
Merces Letifer
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 4,161
Originally Posted by BlackandBlue
Damn cutthroats :P
All I can say is I've seen what stress can do to you, firsthand. I've nearly wrecked my car before, because I lost control of almost all of my body. So, maybe I take it a bit more serious than you.
I asked that his performance not be taken into account, because it has no relevance to what I was trying to relay. But, I guess that's like asking the IRS to put me into a lower tax bracket...not going to happen.
..it's not that, BnB... I too know firsthand what stress does to a body... I just got off medication myself for stress.. as good as the money was, I had to resign...actually what happened to you sounds familiar.. I had tremendous muscular pain in my traps and shoulders, and my fingers would go numb... there was no depression, no mood swings, etc... just excruciating physical pain, and I wasn't making anything close to 2,000,000  had I been making that kind of cash, I'd still be in pain